Raised in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania in the 18th century after the Revolution. They disbanded in 1861 at the outset of the Civil War.
~• read primary sources for details
- To better understand the nature of the men who were in the 1st Montgomery and to trace their military careers
- To catalog a chronology of events during the activity of the Troop
The troop was called upon in several conflicts
- Fries Rebellion
- War of 1812
- Nativist Riots in Philadelphia (1844) > list of men of the 1st Montgomery . These are compiled in "Bean's List" below.
- Note: The 1st Montgomery were not alone: Other militias from Montgomery County also responded (see Bean, T.W. History of Montgomery County) All told with the following some 380 men went to Philadelphia to put down rioting. One of the rallying places where the Troop assembled was the Jeffersonville Inn in Norriton which at that time was run by the Beard/Hallman couple. A <Hallman> was a Troop member (see list), but not a close cousin Mrs. Sarah Beard (Hallman), wife of he inn-keeper
Similar Units of the same era:
- The Second Montgomery ( approx 51 men)
- The Union Grey Artillerists ( approx 34 men)
- The First National Dragoons ( approx 23 men)
- The New Hanover Artillerists ( approx 21 men)
- The Goshenhopper Greys ( approx 25 men)
- The Washington Greys ( approx 36 men) < note Bean and Davis among them
- The Montgomery Guards ( approx 30 men)
- The Sumneytown Artillerists ( approx 16 men)
- The Lafayette Blues (approx 38 men)
- The Pennsylvania Defenders ( approx 27 men)
- The Union Rifle Company (approx 27 men)
- Mexican War... but not as part of the 1st Montgomery. The offer was to participate as Cavarly but the Was Dept. wanted foot soldiers. Some individual went on their own.
- When the Civil War came about, not all members fought for the Union Army. One who fought for the Confederate States was Jesse Weber Bean.
~• PROPERLY: First known as the First Democratic Troop of Montgomery County (see Bean page 192). In its middle years, under the leadership of future PA. State Senator John Mathey . (about 100 members)
~• as distinguished from a politically different Second Montgomery Troop ( details ) ; under Capt. Richard A. Edey, 1st Lieut. Henry S. Hitner, and 2nd Lieut. John Wentz. Bean states that there was no animosity between the two. This may have been true in the 1840s but it was not so during the Jefferson/Adams controversies in the days of the Liberty Pole incidents which led to a split of a once unified Montgomery Troop into the two troops.
- The Pennsylvania Gazette (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) 09 Jul 1788, Wed., Page 1
- https://www.newspapers.com/image/41022324/?terms=%22Montgomery%20Tr...
- July 4th celebration includes the 1st Montgomery Troop coomanded by James Morris, Esq.
- order of procession includes: XVII. The Montgomery county Troop of Light-Horse, commanded by James Morris, Esquire. c/o https://www.facebook.com/AuthorLindaLeeGraham
- https://www.newspapers.com/image/41022324/?terms=%22Montgomery%20Tr...
- March 30 1799
- https://www.newspapers.com/clip/41060269/col-montgomerys-troops-to-...
- Northampton Insurrection. Troops gather see Fries Rebellion on wikipedia & John Fries {source #4, (Davis)
- https://www.newspapers.com/clip/41060269/col-montgomerys-troops-to-...
- The Philadelphia Inquirer (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)11 May 1799, SatPage 3
- https://www.newspapers.com/image/587796408/?terms=%22Montgomery%20T...
- on the way home from the insurrection in Northampton County, PA
- https://www.newspapers.com/image/587796408/?terms=%22Montgomery%20T...
- Aurora General Advertiser (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) 17 May 1799, Fri. Page 2
- The North American; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania · Monday, July 01, 1799 meeting derided led by George Frederick Beitenman
- * resolutions prompted by pulling down of a Liberty Pole
- organized for duty in the War of 1812
- paraded with a host of others at the Philadelphia celebration for the Marquis de Lafayette September 1824
- The Nativist Riots of Philadelphia (source #2) { July 1844}
- list of the many PA units stationed in Philadelphia
- Governmental response led by PA. Gov. Porter {The Porter family was from Norristown} : vis. Public Ledger (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) Jul 1844
- Refusal to organize for the Mexican War
- Incidental participation of former troopers in Civil War (eg. Captain Martin (USA), Sgt. Jesse Bean (CSA), Augustus Shearer (USA)
- disbanded 1861
- [https://books.google.com/books?id=eJE6AQAAIAAJ&pg=PA191&lpg=PA191&d... History of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, Volume 1; Theodore Weber Bean Unigraphic, 1884 - Montgomery County (Pa.) - 1197 pages ~• mentions James Morris, Esq.; see page 191
- surnames mentioned : Matheys, Sheetz, Pollard, Martin, Hurst, Hart, General Patterson, Capt. Archambault (Bucks Co.), Hoover,
- The Olive branch, or, An earnest appeal in behalf of religion, The Supremacy of Law (1844) Philadelphia
- Bean's History of Montgomery County
- Fries Rebellion (Davis) {1799}
- HSMC has a history as noted in The Perkiomen Region Past and Present as reported in its issue Vol 1 No. 8 April 1885 first page
- For lists of soldiers at various times see Detweiler pages around p. 319 Historical Sketches: A Collection of Papers, Volume 2 (1900)
- The Fires of Philadelphia, Citizen-Soldiers, Nativists, and the 1844 Riots over the Soul of a Nation Schrag, Zachary M. (2021) available as an e-book ; Pegasus Books, New York & London
- Detweiler • Historical Sketches: A Collection of Papers, Volume 2
work space
- a long list of other members is at: Detweiler pages around p. 319
- (Davis, page 89): “" Alas ! my heart bleeds for you. You have been told a thousand falsehoods. You have been told that the militia approved of your violence, and would not march against you, but you have been wrongfully deceived.” So wrote the J. HENRY CHARLES HELMUTH in the lead up to action by the Montgomery Troop of Horse at the Fries Rebellion. In fact, there was such a faction and, even though they did not revolt, they did demonstrate in favor of the Francophile Thomas Jefferson on the way home. The Montgomery Troop subsequently had to be divided into the 1st Montgomery and the 2nd Montgomery,
- William Wentz, Innkeeper of Norriton is George Hocker Wentz's second cousin.
- There was also a Wentz' Tavern in Whitpain Twp. See Dunlap and Claypoole's American Daily Advertiser 02 Mar 1786, Thu ·Page 4
- Dettera and Gouldy are in Norriton on Germantown Pike in https://ancestortracks.com/PhiSur_Norriton(Mont)_1857.jpg
The Bean List taken from Detweiler page 319
Those who assembled for the riots July 1844 . A final muster list is on page 320 included those who served between May 3 1858 thorough the disbanding in 1861
- Capt. Dr. John A. Martin, surgeon (USA) (1814-1872) (leader of the 1st Montgomery in July 1844)
- 2nd Lieut. Adam Hurst (see additional; Hurst below)
- WIlliam Bickens farmer of Lower Merion (1850 census) b,c,1810 wife Tacy ~• no profile (died in Philadelphia Death Date: 9 Mar 1880)
- Henry Baker (1821-1905) Henry Baker, carpenter of Norriton
- James Burnsides (no leads found except James Burnsides 1818–1889 BIRTH 11 MAY 1818 • Muddy Creek, Butler County, Pennsylvania; DEATH 22 APR 1889 • Harlansburg, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania) https://www.ancestry.com/family-tree/person/tree/82171810/person/30...
- Samuel Beyer, merchant of Norriton (1823-1867); https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/105504161/samuel-beyer Samuel Boorse Beyer
- Richard Bickens (see #1?) (no profile)
- George Burkheimer, farmer of Whitpain Twp. ; 21 May 1815 -16 Aug 1898 George Berkheimer
- Samual Beideman, farmer of Worcester Twp. (1813-1895) single man Samuel Beideman
- Josepb Bruner, blacksmith of Trappe (1821-1901) Joseph Umstead Brunner
- Jesse Bean †† (CSA) (1817-1905), later a millwright of McDowell County, WV Sgt. Jesse Weber Bean (CSA) > his comrade in arms David Lukens is a distant cousin through the Weber line. The death of his 1st wife, dau, of former 1st Montgomery troop leader John Matheys in 1852 precipitated his relocation in Virginia.
- Joseph Cleaver (1815-1864) findagrave seems to have been debilitated by the Mexican American War Joseph H. Cleaver ; lived on the family farm in Upper Dublin after his military service; no occupation shown in 1860
- Henry Culp : perhaps https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/4711603:8054 of Upper Merion in 1850, a farmer, husband of Hannah and father of 3 young children
- Levi Cope (1816-1870) Levi Cope
- Philip Custer †† (1821-1900) Philip Beyer Custer
- George Cowden †† (1812-1859) , a Lane family descendant like Jesse Bean (CSA) George Cowden
- Lemuel Eastburn (1820-1890) farmer of Merion on the ground that is now the property of the Washington Memorial Chapel, Montgomery County Lemuel Eastburn
- Amos Erb (1813-1899) Amos Erb ; farmer of Upper Dublin Twp.
- Bennet Fulmer (1816-1894) Capt. Bennett Fulmer ; served in Civil War but resigned commission
- Allen Fleck ( c.1819-1889) farmer of Gwynedd Twp. PA Allen Fleck
- Philip S. Gerheard (1811-1868) who married in Eagleville ; Philip Singmaster Gerhart
- Peter Gilbert (1817-1901) Peter Haas Gilbert
- Franklin Gouldy (1819-1869) Franklin Gouldy
- Joseph Hague (1815-1871) Joseph Hague of Whitemarsh, Post Office: Line Lexington (1860); Norristown in 1870
- (my addition) John Hause, Jr. (1762-1835) see profile; tentative identification.
- Daniel S. Heist (1808-1864) hotel keeper, Quakertown P.O. at end of life Daniel S. Heist
- Jacob Highly (b.c.1821 - ?) Jacob Highley
- James (Madison) Highly (1812-1875) https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/69781383/james-m.-highley James Madison Highley
- Jacob Hallman ††(1821-1868) FAG ID 89091081 (Saint James Perkiomen) or Jacob M. Hallman (1811-1872) ~• so no profile keyed ;~• the <Hallman> family was of the Norriton/Eagleville Presbyterian faith, like so many 1st Montgomery troopers.
- Hiram C. Hoover (1822-1911) Hiram Christian Hoover , farmer of Norriton
- Jacob Hoover (c.1818-1894) buried at Boehm cem., like Hiram. Baptism Date: 3 Mar 1819, Baptism Place: Blue Bell, Montgomery ~•little found, no profile keyed
- Andrew Hart (1815-1891) Montgomery cemetery Andrew Hart
- George Hoof ~• nothing found as yet > no profile > perhaps: George Franklin Huff II B:24 August 1812 Hereford, Berks, Pennsylvania; D:19 January 1858 Altoona, Blair County, whose grandfather spelled his name Hoof
- Jacob Hurst ( 1818-1870 ) Cemetery: Old Swedes Christ Church Cemetery at Bridgeport, Upper Merion ; Jacob M. Hurst
- David Lukens (1811 - 1861) David Lukens ; his comrade in arms Jesse Weber Bean is a distant cousin by marriage through the Weber line.
- William Logan (Jr.) †† b.c. 1820; his father Wm. Sr. m. Sarah Pluck at Saint James Perkiomen on April 6, 1809; Sarah is perhaps a niece.of George Pluck of Gwynedd = Tax and Exoneration 1780s; by 1807 George was a well digger in Norriton. William Logan ~• note; it is possible that another William Logan was the trooper: William Britton Logan , a 1st cousin.
- Samuel Lightcap †† (1816-1899 ) Samuel Eckert Lightcap
- David Z. Matheys (1816-1880) David Zell Mathys , son of the State Senator
- William Martin †† (c.1811-1863), William Martin a weaver of Norristown, born in Ireland (probably not closely related to the Troop leader Capt. Dr. John A. Martin, surgeon (USA) . funeral conducted at Norriton Providence Presbyterian Church on 10 SEP 1863; married Sarah Teany (1825-1872) and had offspring
- Charles Newman (not found)
- Elwood Norney (1824-1888) Elwood R. Norney (USA) , gentleman farmer of Odessa, Delaware. His role in the CIvil War may have been limited to a desk job as his health had been poor early in his adiulthood.
- Isiah Richards††, blacksmith (1824-1868) Isaiah Richards, blacksmith of Norriton ; lived and worked with a younger brother of partner in arms Jesse Weber Bean in 1850
- George Sensenderfer, USA (1812-1893); 109 Penn. Vol. Civil War; died in Hampton VA bit buried in Phila.: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/177428537/george-sensenderfer ; George Sensenderfer, (USA)
- Conrad Sh(e)ive (1820-1894) https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/56913699/conrad-sheive ; Conrad S. Sheive
- William Teany (1814-1889) William Teany Teany family is closely related to the (fellow trooper) Highley family
- John Walker John Walker, Jr. ; originally of Norriton Twp.
- George H. Wentz George Hocker Wentz
~• †† in assembling this list it was remarkable just how many surnames are found in the Eagleville, West Norriton, Presbyterian Church records. See, for instance the funeral records of the 1860s at ancestry dot com {William Martin, Richards, Cowden, Custer, Highey, Lightcap, Logan, Bean, Hallman, Teaney} are a few.