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  1. Johann Goethe, (1749-1832)
  2. Albert Einstein, (1879-1955),
  3. Leonardo da Vinci, (1452-1519)
  4. Isaac Newton, (1643-1727)
  5. James Maxwell, (1831-1879)
  6. Rudolf Clausius, (1822-1888)
  7. Nicolaus Copernicus, (1473-1543)
  8. Gottfried Leibniz, (1646-1716)
  9. William Sidis, (1898-1944)
  10. Thomas Young, (1773-1829)
  11. Carl Gauss, (1777-1855)
  12. Galileo Galilei, (1564-1642)
  13. Leonhard Euler, (1707-1783)
  14. Nikola Tesla, (1856-1943)
  15. William Shakespeare, (1564-1616)
  16. Voltaire, (1694-1778)
  17. Ettore Majorana, (1906-1938)
  18. Emanuel Swedenborg, (1688-1772)
  19. Christopher Hirata, (1983-)
  20. John Stuart Mill, (1806-1873)
  21. Terence Tao, (1975-)
  22. Hypatia, (360-415)
  23. Hugo Grotius, (1583-1645)
  24. Thomas Wolsey, (1472-1530)
  25. Marie Curie, (1867-1934)
  26. Francis Galton, (1822-1911)
  27. Kim Ung-Yong, (1963-)
  28. Edith Stern, (1952-)
  29. Dylan Jones, (1992-)
  30. Sho Yano, (1990-)
  31. Michael Grost, (1954-)
  32. Naida Camukova, (c. 1976-)
  33. Michael Kearney, (1982-)
  34. Adragon De Mello, (1976-)
  35. Ainan Cawley, (1999-)
  36. Mearnen Laibow-Koser, (1975-)
  37. Nathan Leopold, (1904-1971)
  38. Christopher Langan, (1952-)
  39. Marilyn vos Savant, (1946-)
  40. Rick Rosner, (1960-)
  41. YoungHoon Kim
  42. Iakovos Koukas