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Abravanel Family Newsletter 1992 - 1998 (Allan Abravanel)

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  • Libby Abarbanel (1872 - 1941)
  • Dr. Eduard Abarbanell, M.D. (1818 - 1865)
    Graduation at Royal Comenius High School at Lissa at Michaelis 1840 Graduation at Gymnasium to Bromberg at Michaelis 1841 with profession Medizin according to [ ]
  • Don Isaac Abarbanel (1437 - 1508)
    The Jewish philosopher and statesman Isaac ben Judah Abravanel (1437-1508), or Abarbanel, is noted for his biblical commentaries and for his attempt to prevent the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in...

The objective of the Geni project is to record the genealogical information compiled and published by Allan Abravanel during the years 1989-1998.

130 Abravanels Celebrate a Different Hero of 1492

Resolución de Conflictos Genealógicos de la Ascendencia - Abravanel/Abrabanel Discussions