"One-quarter mile Northwest of here in a grove of oak trees on the South bank of
Dog Creek was established "THE ACADEMY" in 1871. It was the first secondary
school in Fresno County. J.D. Collins, later sheriff, was the first teacher.
Just Easterly of the Academy stood the small Methodist-Episcopal South Church,
built in 1869 and still in use. The stage route from Visalia to Millerton
passed nearby and soon a small village spring up including a hotel, store,
stables and a post office to which the name "ACADEMY" was attached. Later it was
a stopping place for the Tollhouse Teamsters. Many of the County's earliest
families settled hereabout engaging first in sheep and later in cattle business.
Many of them and their descendants now rest in the nearby pioneer cemetery."
(From USGW Archives)
Clovis Roundup Article - July 27, 2016
The Fresno Bee Article & Video] - July 15, 2016