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Akron IOOF Cemetery, Akron, Indiana

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The cemetery is located in Henry Township (W half of the SE quadrant of the NW quadrant of Section 23 Township 30N Range 4E) on the east side of S County Road 1075 E about 0.2 miles south of its intersection with Indiana State Highway 14 in Akron, Fulton County, Indiana.

Indiana Cemetery Locations, Volume 2, published by the Indiana Genealogical Society (01 April 2006), gives the primary cemetery name as Akron Cemetery with an alternate name of IOOF Cemetery.

The cemetery is listed in the Cemetery and Burial Grounds Registry of the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and in the State Historical Architectural and Archaeological Research Database (SHAARD) with Cemetery Record Number CR-25-7 (Akron Independent Order of Odd Fellows / IOOF / I.O.O.F.).

The Indiana Historic Sites and Structures Inventory (IHSSI) survey number for Akron Independent Order of Odd Fellows Cemetery / Akron IOOF Cemetery / Akron I.O.O.F. Cemetery is 049-004-25022 with the dataset compiled in 1986.

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) feature ID for the cemetery is 436695 (Independent Order of Odd Fellows Cemetery).

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