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Aldredge Cemetery, Minor Hill, Giles County, Tennessee, USA

Aldredge Cemetery, Minor Hill, Giles County, Tennessee, USA:

Find a Grave

There was an Aldredge family living near here and the woman of the house was of American Indian descent. The family wouldn't let her be buried with the white people across the street in the Legg-Coffman Cemetery so this cemetery was created for her.

The Aldredge Cemetery is straight back upon the hill side 350 yards from where Smith Howard was raised and in my estimation the Aldredge family could have lived in that old house before the Howards did assuming they were substantial enough to afford it. This is Smith Howard's parent's house and it is still standing today, no one is living in it as it has been long since abandoned.

This is the only marked grave in this cemetery that I could find. If you can identify the unmarked graves please list them.

This cemetery was about 50 feet by 40 feet and the whole site was covered in full blooming spring time Buttercups with also about 5 Texas Bear Grass plants that can live hundreds of years. All these plants were lovingly planted by someone in the past with great respect for the interred here.

I could not survey the unmarked graves because of the flowers, but did notice two fieldstones still standing.
Also the five Texas Bear Grass Plants may mark graves as they were scattered as if they did.

We are indebted to Smitty Townsend for taking me to this site; to Sue Davis for her knowledge of this place and also the book Giles County Cemeteries by the Historical Society, 1985. C. Wayne Austin 11 Feb 2012

1St Surname Index 3/26/2022