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Andre Ronald van Amstel

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Telling stories at the dining table is a good way to bring history alive to our children

Even better when looking into what Geni can offer. I was interested in history, but this really took off when I started this in 2010. The profiles of people really came alive in the descriptions of their personal history. Guess what? It is often easier to find stories of historical figures than of more recently passed away grandpa's and grandma's.

I discovered PROJECTS as the way to connect people to common stories (like migration, living in a city, being part of nobility, arts and crafts, trade and engineering). So I created and collaborated on many projects about the Dutch history of the oldest known families in Holland (like van Amstel, van Amstel van Mijnden, Ploos van Amstel, van Egmond, van Velzen, ....) and where they lived.

Family name projects

Van Amstel is one of the oldest surnames in the Netherlands and connects to the family that was at the origin of the development of the city Amsterdam (meaning dam in the river Amstel). The famous poet Joost van de Vondel in the Golden Age of the Netherlands contributed to the legendary history of Gijsbrecht van Amstel by writing a play on his sorrow fate after he complotted against Floris V from Holland. This play is performed on stage annually to this date in Amsterdam in January. It used to arouse the people of Amsterdam into riots against the rulers in The Hague.

My progenitor is Wolfger van Amstel from Nederhorst den Berg. Much is known of the history of all the Heeren van Aemstel, and the history has been described in many books, the latest of which is by Th.A.A.M. van Amstel in 1999. The history is coupled with other families like van Cuijk, Van Velzen and Van Egmond. Hence these family name projects. Jan Van Cuijk is related to nobility and the Nassau family. Hence these projects.

Notable family members by profession



Castles and estates and their owners in the Netherlands

Cities where did they live?

Art and genealogy of Dutch Golden Age painters

Geography and exploration



Start GENI discussions in these projects if you want to discuss the history of your family with me.