Researching the Russian ancestry of James Atkinson (Dmitry Antoshkin) [James Дмитрий Dmitry Ernest Ильичу Ilych Atkinson Антошкину Antoshkin] and Peter Artemieff (Peter Antoshkin) Peter Artemieff (Antoshkin)
Building family connections.
Does anyone have details on the life of their father, Ilya Dorofeevich Antoshkin, b. 1880? If you do, could you add photos, events, and so forth to his profile? Here is the link. [Илья Ilya Дорофеевич Dorofeevich Антошкин Antoshkin]
Does anyone have details on the life of their mother, Maria Dimitievna Antoshkin, b. 1881? If you do, could you add photos, events, and so forth to her profile? Here is the link. [Mariya Dimitrievna Antoshkin (Beliyakova) (Grushko or Goroshko)]
Just for fun: Does anyone else see an uncanny family resemblance looking at Ivan Diomidovich Antoshkin? He looks so much like James! Here is a link to his profile. [Ivan Diomidovich Antoshkin] I came across him while doing an online image search of the surname Antoshkin. What do you think? Maybe he is a cousin or something.