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Archduke of Doggerland

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The projects goal is to advance the knowledge of the Monarchy of Doggerland and also issue titles where applicable, beginning with knighthoods. I have claimed the incorporeal hereditament title to the Chiefdom of the ancient now submerged territory known as Doggerland. I claimed it by bloodline right and under the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act (1995). I changed the title from a Chiefship to a Grand Princedom and Grand Archduchy; (magnus Princ eps) & (magnus Archidux). As a very experienced amateur genealogist, who is also experienced with DNA, I know there is not one person of European heritage who is not a descendant of the inhabitants of Doggerland. It is well known that every person of European heritage is a descendant of the Holy Roman Emperor Charlemagne. He was crowned on December 25, in the year 800. Thus in as little as 1200 years all European peoples were bloodline related. For we persons of European descent to be related to Doggerlanders who lived approximately 7,200 years ago, when Doggerland was finally submerged, should be obvious to anyone of sound mind. History is filled with those who sat on thrones that should not have. And those who were denied their rightful title to a throne that they should have, by all rights, ruled. Dr. Michael Jones was researching documents in Rouen Cathedral when he came across a notation that stated Richard, Duke of York, was on campaign some 100 miles (160 km) away during the five week period when his wife Cecily (Neville), Duchess of York, became pregnant with the future Edward IV, of England. Cecily herself is said to have signed a document declaring her son Edward to be illegitimate. Never the less Edward becomes King of England in 1461. Lady Cecily was said to have been spending a great deal of time with a English archer named Blaybourne during the time she became pregnant. Even King Louis XI of France when he received a communication from King Edward IV is said the have stated: "His name is not King Edward - everybody know his name is Blaybourne." King Henry VII was well know to have been illegitimate. He was the son of Edward Tudor, Earl of Richmond and his mistress Margaret, daughter of John Beaufort, Duke of Somerset and Margaret, daughter of John Beauchamp of Bletso. Henry VII sought to strengthen his claim to the throne by marrying Elizabeth, daughter of Edward IV and Elizabeth Widville. Henrey VII's birth was illegitimate, and hoping to bolster his claim by marrying Elizabeth, a (supposed) descendant King Edward III. Since both his and her claims were illegitimate this would make the present monarch Elizabeth II an illegitimate heir to the throne and thus not the true Monarch of England. One might ask what this has to do with anything. It means all titles and land grants issued from any British Monarch since 1461 (the date Edward IV came to the throne) to the present is invalid, spurious and illegal. In many cases the British monarch has made a choice between competing distant relatives for titles and property. Thus many true heirs may not have inherited due to any number of political or religious reasons. History thus may have been a lot different then that which has occured. A documentary movie was made about the true heir and line of the British throne in 2004. It was titled: "Britain's Real Monarch" hosted by Tony Robinson. It reveals the true line of title should have went to Edwards IV's half brother, George, Duke of Clarence. The true monarch at the time of the airing of the film was Michael Abney-Hastings, 14th Earl of Loudoun. Since his death the present true monarch at this time is Simon Abney-Hastings, 15th Earl of Loudoun. By England's own laws one needs to be both of Royal blood and legitimate in order to be the Monarch. This law was put in place by William the Conqueror, a.k.a. William the Bastard (1027-1087), himself the illegitimate son of Robert I, (The Devil) died 1035, Duke of Normandy. One can view this documentary, "Britain's Real Monarch," for free on YOUTUBE. It is also available for viewing on Blogger. Archduke of Doggerland. Sincerely, Sir Michael D. Barnes, Grand Prince and Grand Archduke of Doggerland.

"One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we've been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We're no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It's simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we've been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back." - Carl Sagan