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Bangs Cemetery, Bangs, Texas

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The cemetery was first surveyed by Hazel Wetzel and Adair Cawyer Funderburk August 25, 1972. and is recorded in the book of Brown County Cemeteries. This survey is an update from 1972 through 2000 by Joy Early.

The Bangs cemetery is located south of Bangs, Texas. On Highway 67/84, turn onto Fourth Street and then turn left onto Ray Barnes Drive. The cemetery is located between Fourth and Sixth Streets. People began to settle in this area in 1884, as the railroad came west more people came. A store was established and the railroad built a depot to house their workers. It was decided to apply for a Post Office in 1886. Several names were submitted to the Postmaster General and rejected. They sent in the name of Bangs, after the name of the surveyor Samuel Bangs, and it was accepted.

According to cemetery records, the first tract of land was acquired March 27, 1904. The first grave with a marker is T. J. Backus, April 27, 1905. The second was Homer Schulze, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Schulze 1905. There are some markers made of rock with no identification. The first tract of land was on the south side of the road that is now Ray Barnes Drive. February 19, 1941, six acres of a twenty acre tract across the road from the first tract was purchased from Dorothy Collins for $600. This land was paid for by selling lots of 6 graves for $10 each. The remaining 14 acres was purchased in two tracts, one April 17, 1954, and the other July 24, 1967, from J. H. Pouns. The fifth tract of land acquired by the Association was Lots #10, #11, # 12 in the T.C. Fitzgerald addition to the town of Bangs. Two acres of land south of the first tract of land was conveyed to the Association by Bob Inglet May 19, 1986.

The Association voted to collect $100 per lot for Perpetual Care at the annual meeting May 10, 1960. Until this time, the expenses had been met by passing the hat at the Cemetery Association meetings. The cemetery is divided into Blocks and the Blocks are divided into Lots of 6 spaces in each lot. There are 24 blocks south of the road and 40 blocks north of the road The directors of the Bangs Cemetery Association in 2000 are President. Charles Winfrey, Vice President: Mike Stephens, Charlotte Wortham Buck Means, David Cole, Stephen Young and Clyde Cos.

Brown County History

Find a Grave

Texas Historical Markers