To see what Geni has to offer, check how you are related to everyone else on the committee, or some of the Jews listed in the Celebrity Jewish Birthday Project.
I set up a project to collect all of the people in the new museum exhibit display. BH Exhibit Project number 56250.
Our board can now test a prototype of the new app showing how you are related to the people in the new exhibit. A prerequisite is having a Geni profile that is connected to the Geni World Family Tree. To learn how or to check if you are connected, see the instructions at
Once connected to the World Family Tree, the steps are
1. Go to
2. Authorize the app (click the blue button and log in to Geni)
3. Select the Geni Projects tab (the second tab)
4. Enter the id number of the project 56250.
5. Enter your email.
6. Click submit.
That's it. In several minutes you will get an email with the results. Check your spam folder. Note that Verizon seems to be blocking the e-mails so use a non-Verizon email address.
Here are the profiles of the folks on the Marketing Committee.
- George Blumenthal
- Tzili Charney
- Philip Darivoff
- Sarah Cousins
- Jeffrey Farber
- Mischa Galperin
- Mike Leven
- Rachel Lithgow
- Yuri Radzievsky
- David Roth
- Randy Schoenberg
- Sofia Segal
- Ricky Shechtel
- Dan Tadmor
- Dorothy Tananbaum
- Joelle Yudin