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Blanchard Cemetery, Falmouth, Maine

On July 26, 1912, the following people signed a petition addressed to A.S. Noyes, a Justice of the Peace in the County of Cumberland and the State of Maine, for him to issue a warrant to S.G. Huston to call a meeting of the applicants for the purpose of organizing a corporation for the purpose of purchasing land for a burying ground: Charles P. Huston, Everett L. Huston, Hans Peterson, Charles G. Purrington, Levi W. Hadlock, Soloman M. Blanchard, Stephen G. Huston, Milton B. Field, Fred O. Waterhouse, William H. Field, Ella M. Leighton, Mary E. Huston, Ada A. Asquith, Mary Watts, and Lizzie E. Blanchard.

Arthur S. Noyes authorized S.G. Huston to call a meeting at Schoolhouse #8, the tenth of August 1912 at 2:30 in the afternoon for the first meeting for the organization of the corporation.

At the meeting of August 10, 1912, the following officers were duly elected: President, Charles P. Huston; Vice President, Mary E. Huston; Treasurer, Charles G. Purrington; Clerk, Stephen G. Huston; Trustees: William H. Field, Lizzie E. Blanchard, Milton B. Field, Morris Blanchard, Charles G. Purrington, Ella Leighton, and Everett L. Huston. The meeting was adjourned to August 24, 1912.

At the meeting of August 24th, the Code of By-Laws was presented by the Trustees and discussed article by article and then were adopted as a whole and were declared the By-Laws of said corporation.

Although the burying ground was incorporated in 1912, there are several stones found in the oldest part of the cemetery that date previous to that time because when Mountain Road was being built, there were some small family cemeteries in the path. These caskets were disinterred and moved to Blanchard Cemetery about 1915 or so.

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