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Bones Gate ("BG") was founded in 1901 as the Gamma Gamma Chapter of the Delta Tau Delta fraternity.[35] In 1960 the Gamma Gamma chapter dissociated from Delta Tau Delta when the national organization sought to officially bar minorities from membership. The new local fraternity at Dartmouth went unnamed until 1962, when the brothers adopted the name "Bones Gate"[35] after an English tavern well known to the members.[36] In the summer of 2005, the Bones Gate residence underwent significant structural renovations to bring the building up to the college's minimum standards. Improvements included an enclosed fire escape running from the basement to the third floor, a new bathroom on the ground floor, and the rehabilitation of all other bathrooms.[37] The brothers of Bones Gate strive to live by their credo of welcoming friends to their house: "This Gate Hangs High and Hinders None. Refresh, Enjoy and Travel On."[38]