Most of this information comes from the wonderful, witty and well-detailed notes made by Jilean Raynor. I source each quote in anticipation of more collaboration in the future and proper attribution. To avoid repetitive use of 'source' I've simply named the source in brackets at the end of a sentence.
BRAMLEYS Jonathan Bramley of Wakefield, West Yorkshire (source?).
He married Elizabeth Wainwright in 1822 and they arrived in 'what is now Nanaimo' in 1880. (Bernice Ramkeesoon had the marriage certificate according to Jilean Raynor's notes.) They begat Sarah Ellen Bramley in Rothwell, West Yorkshire (source?) on 26 July, 1868 (Jilean Raynor's notes).
"Sarah Ellen Bramley came to Canada from England in 1880 at the age of 12 years. In 1887 Sarah married Thomas Brown. (Jilean Raynor's notes).
BROWNS Margaret Manson of the Shetland Islands was born February 21, 1840 possibly Lerwick based on a found photograph with the inscription "House ada Rocks from West, Lewick, Sheltand". (Jilean Raynor's notes).
"We know that my Great-Grandma Brown whose maiden name was Manson, came from the Shetlands. The Shetland Isles is a group of small islands off the northeast tip of Scotland. I guess it is part of Scotland. It is just north of the 60th paralell, about the same spot as Carcoss Y.T. but the Shetland Islands is set out in the North Sea, and must be pretty damn cold and windy. On the map there is a place called Lerwick, so that must be the name. This is even farther north than the Orckney Islands. I think only brave souls live there." (Jilean Raynor's notes).
Margaret married William Brown and they came to Nanaimo in 1876 where William "injured his finger while splicing wire rope together and contracted blood poisoning. He died from this injury at age 37. (Jilean Raynor's notes).
Margaret and William begat Thomas Brown who, as mentioned above, married Sarah Ellen Bramley in 1887.
Jilean remembers tales of the gold rush: "Grandpa (Thomas) Brown went to the Klondike during the gold rush of '98. He stayed for about a year. I know of none of the tales of his journey. My mother (Sadie Ovington) did tell me that before he left he did promise my Grandma that he wouldn't ride through the infamous "Miles Canyon" where so many boats were smashed. He said he would portage it, however when he returned he did confess that he rode the rapids and survived to tell the tale." (Jilean Raynor's notes).
Thomas and Sarah begat, among others, Sarah (Sadie) Brown (who would later marry John Ovington), 'Nell', Vera, 'Jack' and Jean.
Thomas Brown (and presumably his family) is reported to have lived at 220 Halliburton Street, Nanaimo. (Jilean Raynor).
"In 1909 when Jean was 6 months old the family moved from Nanaimo to Boat Harbour, where they lived for about 8 years. "My Grandpa (Thomas) Brown worked for Pacific Coast Coal. He was in charge of shipping coal from teh Morden mine. From 1909-1917 and again in 1920-1921." (Jilean Raynor).
While there Jean started school. The school was so far away that she only attended 3 days a week." (Jilean Raynor).
JR's notes suggest Nell married a Garf Weeks around 1911 and lived in the family home on Haliburton Street (which city?) while Thomas and family were in Boat Harbour. (Jilean Raynor's notes).
BENTONS (what's the connection?) In her notes, Jilean makes reference to a fire which nearly killed five children. It's unclear whether those were Thomas Brown and Sarah Bramley's children or if Jilean was referring to her siblings - the children of John Ovington and Sarah Brown (Sarah Bramley's daughter).
Jilean referenced Sarah Ellen Bramley's sister Ann Benton and Sarah Ellen's nephew Bramley Benton but I can find no record of those two names. (Tamara Shand). Jilean wrote: "Ann's son Bramley Benton was the fire chief in Nanaimo for years. We believe his opinion was sought regarding the fire which nearly burned the first five children in our family. the question of arsen still remains. Bramley never married." (Jilean Raynor). She also references a 'George Benton' also Ann's son who is featured in photographs with a 'Vera' aged 3-7 dated from 1912-19-17. The age / dates don't correspond to Jean Brown Bowater (born 1904) who would have been 8-13 years old during this time period. More, since Jean Bowater was the youngest of Thomas and Sarah Ellen's children why are the other children not pictured? (Jilean's albums).