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Brandywine Cemetery, Fairland, Indiana

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  • Rev. Matthew Sedgwick (1820 - 1895)
    The Shelby Democrat of Thurs., Sep. 5, 1895, p. 3, col. 3, reported,"Rev. Matthew Sedgwick died at his residence in Brandywine township, at three o'clock p.m., Saturday August 31, 1895. Deceased was bo...
  • Anna Sedgwick (1781 - 1843)

The Brandywine Cemetery was founded in 1874 In Brandywine Town, near Fairland, Shelby County, Indiana. It is a lovely cemetery and most of the people buried there are related directly or indirectly to the Harrell family. The first Harrell settler to the area was the Rev. Byrum Harrell and his first wife, Sally Oldham Pertle. They are buried there, as well as his second wife, Sally Hubble or Hubbell.

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