Stress can come from many reasons (tight deadlines, work overload ...) and manifest in many different ways (fatigue, difficulties in concentration ...).
Brian Zucker Today nearly one in two employees to be a victim of stress at work. You are part of? Here are 6 tips to fight effectively against this unnecessary stress:
Tip # 1: I stop procrastination
Many of us are tempted to procrastinate, that is to say always postpone any more.
This mode of operation is totally inadvisable: not only will you lose in quality of work (writing a large file in one evening while you had a week to do so will not allow you to spend as much time tweaking your plan or to find many interesting sources: the quality of your work will suffer so), but you will also gain stress: Brian Zucker Ouch! I must have a meeting in two hours and I still have not started!.
Make a habit of getting ahead on your soon as you can and push nothing overnight.
Tip # 2: I think tomorrow
This complete the previous tip: make it a habit to split your tasks and schedule them in time.
In the above example, you can think about a plan and seek sources earlier this week, start writing your application on Wednesday and Friday to keep you quietly read your file, correct and put in page.
Not only will you have more time to complete your mission, but in addition it will seem much easier since it has been divided into several small spots.
Tip # 3: I breaks
Some employees, for fear of what other people or simply because they are overwhelmed, do not dare to take a break. Yet they are essential!
Take five minutes to take a walk or a coffee with colleagues within a few moments you will forget your worries. When you return to work, you will be more productive.
In addition, during your break, you may go to find new ideas to improve your work! Or you just a fresh look at what you had done a few minutes earlier.
Tip # 4: I relax
When we are stressed, we tend to be tense and ill at ease. A small relaxation session is very beneficial!
It is difficult to combine relaxation time each day with your work schedule, however it is quite possible to practice some exercises directly to your workplace.
Tip # 5: I'm learning to breathe
Among the relaxation exercises, breathing could be cited: in fact, under pressure we tend to breathe faster or, conversely, to stop breathing without us being aware of it.
Take time to breathe deeply and slowly will help you reduce your stress.
Tip # 6: I po-si-ti-ve!
Do not be overwhelmed by negative thoughts, they will contribute to stress.
If part of your work has not been validated by your supervisor, do not say that you are no one but simply that this is a way to improve yourself. And do not forget the rest of the work has been validated him, proof that you're not so bad!
Approximately 50% of employees feel stressed, and perhaps you part. Stop procrastinating, plan, take breaks, relax, learn to breathe and think positively can fight effectively against stress at work. Try it!
And you, what do you think?