List of businesspeople in Sleepy Hollow and Tarrytown, New York in 1891
Sleepy Hollow
- Brombacker's Sons was a tool factory located near the Old Dutch Church. On September 16, 1892, it was destroyed by a fire.
- W. T. Lockwood, sec. Sleepy Hollow Cemetery, office, Bird Building.
- JOHN MANNING, prop, of Pocantico House, Pocantico st, near Sleepy Hollow Cemetery.
- HUESTED BROTHERS, established 1850. Dealers in lumber, coal, wood, lime, lath, hair, brick, cement, Office, 58 Main §t, yard foot of Beek-
- IRVING INSTITUTE, a classical and commercial school for boys, 1891-92; John H. Furman, A.B., principal.
- George A. Cunley (b. 1843) was and American marble and granite works owner, which was located on the corner of Broadway and Pocantico Street.
Lower Main Street
- Henry W. Leggett (1841 – 1908) was an American draughtsman and architect located in the Vierkant Building on Main Street.
- Morgan Purdy (1836 – 1903) was an American sawmill owner. His two-story sawmill, which specialized in sashes, blinds and doors, was located on Cortlandt Avenue near Depot Square.
- OSCAR PURDY, livery, sale, exchange and boarding stables, Depot Square.
- THOMAS H. PURDY & CO., real estate brokers, Hudson River property a specialty, Vierkant BuildBuilding.
- WM. J. REED, real estate, fire, life and accident ance: also renting and collecting agency, Vierkant Building, Main at.
- C. VIERKANT, dealer in sporting goods and musical merchandise, Main st., bet. Courtlandt and Orchard | sts. -¦ .-/wr
- A. ARMAGNAC, resident W. H. BARNHART, real estate and insurance. Loans negotiated. Hudson River property a specialty. Office, Lower Main st., cor. Depot sq.
- Joseph Blouin (b. 1847) was a French Canadian carpenter and builder located at 175 Wildey Street.
- L. T. YALE, attorney and counselor-at-law, Main Water st.
- Fredrick Boock (b. 1840) was a German hotelier, owner of Hudson House which was located at the foot of Main Street.
- A. LAWRENCE, prop, of Phenix,Hotel, first-class accommodations, cor. Lower Main and Courtiandt sts.
Upper Main Street
Orchard Street
- Daniel Shanahan (b. abt. 1842) was a Canadian American carriage and wagon manufacturer and repair shop owner located on Orchard Street near Main Street.
- JOHN H. BRIGGS & SONS, established 1882. Dealers in meats, poultry, game, fish, oysters, fruit and vege- tables, Masonic Bldg., cor. Central and Orchard sts.
- Cornelius J. Drislane (1869 – 1933) was an American produce dealer located on Orchard Street.
- Huested Brothers was a coal and lumber yard located on River Street.
- WILLIAM LISHOCK, supt Excelsior Electric Co., office. Josephine st.
- E. S. MILLS, JR., real estate and insurance, Hudson River property a specialty, 17 &.
- H. A. NICHOLS, pres. Hudson River Improvement Company. Properties bought, sold and exchanged, 20 W. 14th st., New York City.
- F. R. Pierson (abt. 1855 – 1935) was and American florist, owner of the F. R. Pierson Company, a wholesale floral company and retail flower shop located on the corner of North Broadway and McKeel Avenue. During the 1880s, Pierson was the second largest importer of bulbs in the United States.
- Herbert A. Reynolds was a dealer in hardware, house furnishing goods, and agricultural implements, located on 145 Main Street.
- MATTHEW ROCK, merchant tailor for the "swell 400," 318 5th ave„ N. Y. city.
- J. B. Sackett (b. abt. 1851) was a American pharmacist, owner of Sackett's Milk of Roses, established in 1869 and located at 49 Main Street.
- CHAS. A. SEYMOUR & CO., real estate and ' Money to loan on bond and mortgage, Park ave. and 42d st, N. Y. city.
- JOHN C. SHOTTS, general agent for Armour Beef Company, Tarrytown and Yonkers.
- G. & D. SILVER, shoe factory, office 146 Duane st, N. Y. city; factory, Tarrytown.
- SMITH & CO., coal, wood, builders materials, blue stone gravel, &c, Telephone call, 14 Tarrytown.
- THE SUNNYSIDE PRESS, Rowe Purdy & Co., publish- ers. Fine printing and engraving, Tarrytown: Hudson.
- Dowah D. Tallman (1835 – 1907) was a American carpenter and stair builder.
- E. T. LOVETT, attorney and counselor-at-law, Bird ave., opp. depot.
- H. R. VAUGHAN, proprietor Mott House. Superior accommodations for guests, Main st. fi.
- Daniel D. Wilsea (b. 1836) was an American real estate and insurance agent located on the corner Main Street and Courtlandt Avenue.
- SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE, (i: porated). Suburban property for sale, rent and ex- change in all desirable localities. Samuel Lee, pres.; Chas;T *—- — '—««—
,J S.W. - ADAMS BROTHERS, real estate and insurance, GenGeneral real estate dealers, 432 5th ave., N. Y. city
- GEO. C. ANDREWS, attorney and counsellor* also Corporation Attorney, office, Bird Building
- AXELL BERGH, Vienna bakery and confectionery — 73 Cortlandt st.
- JAMES BIRD, resident.
- E. H. BIRDSALL, furniture dealer and funeral dccora-
- C. A. BISHOP, sanitary plumbing, gas fitting, roofing, etc. Heater work a specialty — 145 Main st.
- BLISS BROTHERS, meats, game, poultry, fish, oysters, clams, fruit and vegetables. A. E. Bliss, Depot sq., Tarrytown; markets, 394 1st ave., N. Y. city; H. E. Bliss, Main St„ Dobbs Ferry.
- CHRISTIE'S Central Livery and Boarding Stables, Telephone No. 9, Tarrytown.
- COUPER, ZIMMERMANN & CO., millers of Alpha Flour, New York office, 405-9 W. 24th st.
- C. H. CURTISS, hardware and general merchandise. Boynton's furnaces and ranges. Plumbing and gas fitting in all its branches, cor. Main and Orchard sts.
- S. EMBERSON, real estate and insurance. Money to loan on bond and mortgage, 42d St., N. Y. City.
- T. C. FANNING, real estate and insurance, 310 Madison ave., cor. 42d st., N. Y. city.
- FAIRCHILD & YORAN, real estate and insurance. Hudson River properties bought, sold and ex- changed, 171 Broadway, N. Y. city.
- BENSON FERRIS, pres. Westchester County Savings Bank, Broadway and Main st.
- HENRY C. GRIFFIN, attorney and counsellor-at-law, 64 Main st
- JOHN HERGUTH, fine groceries, feed, hay, etc., cor. Wildey and Valley sts.
- HOLT & BUTLER, Hudson River properties a specialty. Attorneys for Hudson River estates, 111 Broadway, N.Y. city.
- W. H. HOYT & CO., real estate and insurance. Hudson River property bought, sold or exchanged. Choice properties on L. I. Sound for sale or to rent- Vanderbilt ave. and 42d St., opposite Grand Central Depot, N. Y. city.
- JERE JOHNSON, Jr., general auctioneer, 60 Liberty St., New York city.
- CHAS. KINGSLAND, livery, sale, transient and boarding stables, Courtlandt, near Main st.
- JERE JOHNSON, Jr., general auctioneer, 60 Liberty St., New York city.
- CHAS. KINGSLAND, livery, sale, transient and boarding stables, Courtlandt, near Main st.