Listado de Cónsules de Inglaterra en Chile durante el Siglo XIX Proyecto creado por Jaime Ross(c) , 10/01/2015
The function of the consuls was fulfilling a function of assisting the British commercial expansion and in its fundamental connection with the Foreign Office, had the duty to compile detailed reports on navigation and trade in their distritos.En theory, such reports should contain complete data on ships on arrival and departure, loaded and unloaded tonnage production in the consular juridisccion and countless other details, so many that a consul lamented in 1876 to compile all the data required, a consul must possess "the head of Medusa first (for absorcer all instructions) and secondly to impose a reign of terror against the captains of the boats to induce implicit obedience"
- Alexander Gollan(c.1840-1902)
- Anthony H. Cornish
- Charles Chamberlain
- Charles N. Clarke(1864-)
- Christopher R. Nugent(1788-1851)
- Colin Campbell Mac-Pherson
- David Ross Gillespie(1801-1868)
- Edward Harris
- Frederick Field(1826-1885)
- George Seymour
- George A. Tait( 1830-)
- George L. Ansted
- George H.Nugent
- Henry L.Reynard( 1845-)
- Henry W. Rouse( c.1798-1871)
- Herbert Ross Lowe
- Herbert A. Hervey
- James de Vismes Drummond Hay(1834-1886)
- John Walpole(1787-1859)
- John White
- Jno B. Murray
- Jorge Smith
- Lewis Joel
- Matthew Carter(1789-)
- Mauricio Jewell(1847-1895)
- Richard Aylwin Juelmes(1787-1877)
- Robert Cunningham
- Roberto E.Alison
- Stephen H. Sulivan
- William H.Newman
- William T. Thomson