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Child Emigration from Britain to Canada (Middlemore Homes)

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  • Lionel Percy Love (1897 - 1978)
  • Ernest Ford (1889 - 1933)
    Son of Sydney Ford and Letita Smart. Married to Celia McNichol(1975)Came to Canada as a Home Child on the Siberia, Stearage class. Served in WW1 and got a few medals. Had 9 children. 4 boys and 5 girls...
  • Sir John Throgmorton Middlemore (1844 - 1924)
    Births Jun 1844 *Middlemore John Throgmorton Kings Norton 18 399 Marriages Sep 1878 * MIDDLEMORE John Throgmorton Upton 6c 407 * BAGNALL Marian Upton 6c 407 Marriages Dec 1881 * MIDDLEM...
  • Seleny Barlow (1873 - d.)
  • E. Barlow (1873 - d.)

This is a sub-project of the Child Emigration - Britain to Canada.

This one is for the Middlemore Homes children from the Children's Emigration Homes, St. Luke's Road, Birmingham, England.

Here is a link to the profile of the founder, Sir John T. Middlemore.

On the whole the profiles linked to this project do not have any information about the parents, what they did in Canada or exact dates of birth. What they do have is a source document showing their immigration to Canada. Because of the numbers involved the names are not listed in the body of the project - please refer to the profiles added listed (right) for links.

Some profiles may be linked to their families as someone from the family has contacted us with information.