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Claimed As An Illegitimate Child of Henry VIII

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  • Captain Thomas Stucley (c.1520 - 1578)
    Thomas Stukley== Thomas Stukley (c. 1520 – 4 August 1578) (alias Stukeley, Stuckley, etc.) was an English mercenary who fought in France, Ireland, and at the Battle of Lepanto (1571) and was killed at ...
  • Sir John Perrot (1528 - 1592)
    See Peter Bartrum, (August 18, 2017; Anne Brannen, curator) Please see Peter Bartrum: Perrot 2; (Steven Ferry, August 8, 2024.) --------------------------------- John PERROT (Capt. Sir Knight) Born...
    Awdrey Harington (c.1532 - c.1559)
    from "ETHELREDA, AUDREY or ESTHER MALTE (c.1526-c.1555) Ethelreda Malte, also called Audrey and Esther, was the daughter of John Malte (d.1547), Henry VIII 's tailor, and Joanna Dyngley, although so...
  • Reverend Richard Edwardes, I (1525 - 1566)
    Chaplain of the expodition that founded Jamestown (Reverend) Richard Edwardes (1523 - 1566) was an English poet and playwright whom was made a 'Gentleman of the Chapel Royal,' and was master of the sin...
  • Henry Carey, 1st Baron Hunsdon (1525 - 1596)
    Said to be the Son of Henry VIII Offspring of King Henry VIII? differ as to whether he was the biological child of Henry VIII, or of Boleyn's husband, Sir William Carey, Gentleman of the Privy Chamber ...

Henry VIII of England had one acknowledged bastard and several suspected bastards by his mistresses.

Acknowledged Children

The Geni profile for this son is linked to Henry VIII. His mother is linked as a mistress.

Claimed But Not Proven

The Geni profiles for these children are not not linked to Henry VIII. Only Mary Boleyn is proven to have been a mistress of Henry VIII, therefore she is the only one of these children's mothers who is linked as a mistress.

  • Catherine Carey, Lady Knollys (15 August 1524 – 15 January 1568), daughter of Henry's mistress Mary Boleyn, the sister of his second wife, Anne Boleyn, and wife of William Carey.
  • Henry Carey, Lord Hunsdon (4 March 1526 – 23 July 1596), brother of Catherine.
  • Rev. Richard Edwardes (1523? - 1566), son of Mrs. Agnes Edwardes, née Blewitt.
  • Ethelreda Malte (c. 1527 – bef. 1559), daughter of Joan Dobson, née Dingley. Paternity was claimed by John Malte.
  • Sir John Perrot (November 1528 – 3 November 1592), son of Mary Berkeley, the wife of Sir Thomas Perrot.
  • Capt. Thomas Stucley (c. 1520 – 4 August 1578), son of Jane Pollard, the wife of Sir Hugh Stukeley.

If You Disagree

The evidence about the six children who are claimed to be Henry's is not good enough to accept them as his children. However, new evidence could be discovered at any time.

If you think you have good academic evidence in the form of new primary sources, please start a public discussion from the profile. Be sure to give full details. If the new evidence persuades the historians working in the field, the change will be reflected on Geni.

If you don't have new evidence but you want to advocate for the existing evidence, you should not expect to change our shared information. However, the Geni community would still be interested in hearing your point of view.
