Several Corbitts are confused in a tangled mess on Geni. This project aims to sort the confusion out systematically.
Read this for excellent research for this project
Unclear how any Corbitt's here are connected to the rest of the clan. Different parent, or tied in somehow?
Pike / Montgomery County: James Jehovah Corbitt (1779 NC - 1867 AL)
Wife: Priscilla
Father of Peter Corbitt (next entry)
- Census: NC 1820, Montgomery, 1830, 1850, 1855
- Land Records: 1836 patent
Pike County: Peter Corbitt (1809 NC - ?)
Wife: Nancy Jones, marriage 1830 in Montgomery, whole lotta kids too
Father: James Jehovah Corbitt ?
James Corbitt: 1806
Isham and John were cousins: Isham's father, Brinkley Corbitt, I (1745 NC - 1816 GA), and John's father, Daniel Corbitt (1752 SC - 1800 SC), were brothers, the children of James Joseph Corbitt, Jr.
Ware County: Isham Corbitt (1779 SC - 1861 GA)
Isham, who was born at Barnwell in 1777, married Amelia Stokes, who was born in 1779. About 1825, Isham “had domestic difficulties” and left his wife, Amelia. He went west and was away for many years. His remaining family took part in the 1827 land lottery under the listing of “Isham Corbitt's orphans” at Bulloch County and lived for two decades in Ware. Isham returned, reunited, and died in Clinch.
- Celia Fussell (1798 SC - ?)
- Wealthy Curry (1801 SC - 1880 Clinch, GA)
- Harbid Corbitt (1802 SC - 1859 GA)
- Marshall Corbitt (1804 GA- 1874 Clinch, GA)
- Newsom Corbitt (1806 TN - 1886 Clinch, GA) -- Tennessee? How odd
- Martin Corbitt (1810 - 1895 Clinch, GA)
- Hillman Corbitt (1813 - ?)
- Ameila Corbitt (1815 GA - 1852 GA)
- William Corbitt (1817 GA - 1890, Clinch, GA)
Ware County: John Corbitt (1780 SC -1854 GA)
- Amelia Pierce, (1803 SC - 1875 GA).
- Aurelia Corbitt, (1803 SC -?)
- Daniel Corbitt, (1808 SC - 1889 GA).
- Nancy Bennett (1815 SC 1885 GA). Nearby in Georgia in 1840, clearly a child of his.
- Elijah Corbitt, (1819 SC - 1820 SC)
- James A. Corbitt (1822 SC - 1874 GA) -- Must be John Corbitt's child. John is age 70 and living with James in 1850 Census.
- William Corbitt (1822 SC - 1870 GA)
- Martha Corbitt, (1824 GA - 1840 GA)
- Edmond Corbitt (1830 GA - 1862 GA). Youngest son of John Corbitt, profile had been connected to his sister, but she would have been 14 at time of birth.
South Carolina
Notes: There are two John Corbitts in the SC census in 1800, one in Barnwell (who died in Ware, GA), one in Orangeburg (who died there). Hence two different Corbitt families. Barnwell was formed from Orangeburg.
An Edward Corbet arrived from Edinburgh, Scotland, Oct. 1774.
Sumter District: James Corbitt
Census: 1810
Will: 1827
Barnwell County: Brinkley Corbitt (1745 NC - 1816 SC)
- Census:
- Children:
- Brinkley Corbitt Jr (1771 SC - 1820 LA)
- Isham Corbitt (1779 SC - 1861 Clinch, GA)
- Elisha Corbitt (1795 NC - 1850 TN)
- Walter Corbitt
Barnwell County: Daniel Corbitt (1752 SC - 1800 SC)
- Census: 1790 - Beaufort (?)
- Children:
- Rebecca Baxter (1775 SC - ?)
- Ann Baxter (1776 SC - ?)
- John Corbitt (1780 SC -1854 GA)
- Sarah Corbitt (1783 SC - ?)
- Susannah Corbitt (1785 - ?)
- Mary Corbitt (1787 SC - ?)
- Thomas Corbitt (1789 - )
- Samuel Corbitt (1791 - ?)
- Siblings:
- Brinkley Corbitt (1745-1816). Is in the 1810 census and died in 1817. His wife Margaret died the following year. Detailed extensively here
- Benjamin Corbet (1745 NC - 1823 LA) isted in the 1800 census
Beaufort County: Edward Corbitt (1763 SC? - 1844 TN)
See main entry under Tennessee
- Census: 1800
Daniel Corbit (1755SC-1800 SC??) ??
Orangeburg County: John Corbett II (1750 SC? - 1820 SC)
- Elizabeth Ann Fanning (1774 NC - 1830 SC)
- Lydia Hall (1776 NC - 1830 SC)
- Anne Fanning (1778 SC - ?)
- Sarah Brewer (1780 SC - 1859 GA) Georgia seems odd here ....
- John Corbitt III (1784 NC - 1848 SC)
- Benjamin Camilican Corbitt, Sr. (1789 NC - 1860 SC)
- Christian Fanning (1789 SC - 1864 SC)
- William Corbitt (1791 SC - 1851? SC)
- Charity Jones (1794 SC - 1847 SC)
- Dempsey Corbitt (1796 SC - 1853 SC)
Orangeburg County: Benjamin Corbett (1745 NC - 1823 LA)
this Benjamin Corbett is the key to the puzzle I think
North Carolina
Pitt County: Meredith Corbitt (1755 NC - 1836 TN)
Moved from North Carolina to Humprheys County, Tennessee, around 1815. The area was named Benton, Tennessee, in 1835.
- Census: 1790: Pitt, NC, 1810: Richmond, NC, 1820: Nashville, TN, 1830: Humphreys, TN
- Children:
With Barbary Bartholomew
- Dempsey Corbitt (1779 NC - 1841 NC)
- John Corbitt (1780 NC - 1851 Benton, TN)
- Amos Corbitt (1790 - ?)
With Elizabeth Smith
- Bryant Corbitt (1792 NC - 1834 NC)
- William Corbitt (1794 NC - 1884 TN)
- James Corbitt (1803 NC - 1872 Nashville, TN)
- Nancy Corbitt (1802 NC - ?)
- Martha Corbitt (1805 - ?)
- Hardee Corbitt (1806 - ?)
- Meredith Corbitt Jr. (1814 NC - 1880 Benton, TN)
- Allen Corbitt (1817 Benton, TN - Humphreys TN)
Note: Facts in this profile don't seen to add up.... Research needed
Note: Lots and lots of Corbitts and Corbetts in Tennessee. Genealogy is hampered by the lack of records from the early 1800s.
Arrivals: John Corbitt (1745-1798) arrived from Ireland and lived in. Jefferson County.
Shelby County: Edward Corbitt (1763 SC? -1844 TN)
There are copious probate records from Shelby that spell out the end of many of the Corbitts, but the family's origins are hard to parse. SC, most likely. He turns up in Tipton records in 1820-30, and then Shelby in the 40s. An 1845 deed from Marshall County, MS, spells out his heirs.
- Children:
- James Corbitt (1795? - ?)
- Daniel Corbitt (1795 AL? - 1869 TN)
- William K. Corbitt (1799 SC - 1875 TN)
- Redding Corbitt (1811 TN - 1858 MS) death in Mississippi most likely is accurate but hard to fully substantiate.
- Zany Downey (1814 TN - 1854 TN)
- Ruthy Corbitt (1821? - 1846 TN) declared insane in 1840 census and again in court in Tennessee. Probate paperwork clearly states "daughter of Edward Corbitt."
- Rowena McCarver (1825? - ?) mentioned as an heir in the Mississippi deed. Linked profile is the ONLY possible candidate, due to unusual name and locations.
- Elizabeth Laughlin (1827 AL? - ?) mentioned as an heir in the Mississippi deed. Other researchers cite Alexander McLaughlin's wife's maiden name as McCarver solely because of a death certificate from one of her children, in mid 1900s (easily an error)
- Edwin Corbitt (? - 1849) named in much of the probate paperwork and few other places. Apparently married in 1849 and promptly died
NOT cited in Mississippi deeds:
- Edmund Corbitt (1821? - ?) In 1840, Edward is living in MS with his wife and an Edmund, who can be found in state census records for the next 5 years.
Henderson County: William K. Corbitt (1799 SC -1875 TN)
Claims he was born in SC. Lived most of his life in Henderson County, Tenn.
With Rutha Corbitt:
- John Corbitt (1822 AL/TN - c 1900)
- William Corbitt (1824 TN - 1877 AR)
- Willis Corbitt (1827 AL - 1878 AR)
- Isaiah Corbitt (1828 TN - 1862 GA)
- Jane Elizabeth (1829 TN - ?).
- Mary Holmes (1830 TN - 1909 TN)
- Rebecca Anderson (1832 TN - ?)
- Redding Corbitt 1835 TN - 1926 AR)
- Florence Corbitt'. (???)' is this even a real person?
With Sarah Jane Corbitt:
- Joseph Corbitt (1865 TN - 1941 TN)
- Lavina Corbitt (1873 TN - 1878 TN)
Benton County: William Corbett (1794 NC - 1884 TN)
born NC, son of Meredith Corbitt, Sr., husband of Ruth Tanksley (note: William's middle name is most likely not a K, given that the other William Corbitt definitely is). Brother Meredith also in Benton ... see next entry.
- Amos Corbett (1824 TN - 1897 TN)
- William Corbett (1829 TN - 1902 TN) - twin brother of Elizabeth
- Elizabeth Evans (1829 TN - 1910 TN) - twin sister of William
- Nancy Corbett (1833 TN - 1877 ?)
- Mary Evans (1835 TN - ?)
- Allen Corbett (1838 TN - 1911 MO)
- Eliza Bell (1840 TN - 1910 Clark County, AR)
- James Corbett (1844 TN - ?)
- Samuel Corbett (1849 TN - 1880 TN)
- William Corbett (1858 TN -1924 TN)
Currently cleaning this family line up.
Benton County: Meredith Corbett, Jr. (1796 ? - 1880 ?)
Born NC, most likely, son of Meredith Corbitt, Sr., husband of Juliana Corbitt Note brother William also in Benton, previous entry.
- Census: 1850
- Children
More work needed here, clearly.
Jefferson County: John Corbitt, (1745 Ireland -1797 TN)
- Census:
- Children:
- James Corbitt (1786 - 1855TN) in the 1850 Jefferson county census
Family may not be in Geni
Jackson County: Benjamin F. Corbitt, (1785-?)
- Thomas Corbitt (1807-1874) -- NOTE: Had been connected to John Corbit of South Carolina
- Benjamin Franklin Corbitt, Jr. (1813-1854)
Notes: tk tk tk
Montgomery County: James Corbitt 1795ish-?)
Census: 1830, 1855 state census , 1860
Daniel Corbit, (1742-1788)
John Corbitt seems very unlikely to be related to Daniel Ervin Corbitt III, who lived in Delaware his entire life. Daniel had a son named Joseph in 1776 in Delaware and a daughter named Mary Ann in 1780 in Delaware. But somehow, he spent a year or two in South Carolina? Unlikely.
Black Hawk, Iowa
Benjamin F Corbitt (?-1865)
Will from Black Hawk, dated 1865 - mentions father, Patrick Corbitt, and brothers John, Charles, Patrick, William,
Avenues of Attack
- The profile for John Corbitt clearly contains sources and family for multiple people. These need to be separated out.
- If note, who was Thomas Corbitt? One died in Charleston, SC, one lived in Alabama & Arkansas, one in Decatur. Three? And we're any a son of John Corbet, as currently described on Geni?
- It's never been clear who Zany Downey (Corbett) is related to. She mentions her brother Daniel at one point, but ... who was she? How does she fit into the puzzle?
- https://www.ancestry.com/family-tree/person/tree/27445148/person/12...
- Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy: Dec 30 2016, 11:18:20 UTC
- Reference: FamilySearch Genealogy - SmartCopy: May 13 2021, 14:06:26 UTC