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Clan Colquhoun

The Clan Colquhoun International Society, the official organization representing the clan considers the following names as septs of clan Colquhoun. However several of the names are claimed by other clans, including clan Gregor – traditional enemy of clan Colquhoun.[10]

Calhoun, Cahoon, Cahoone, Cohoon, Colhoun, Cowan, Cowen, Cowing, Ingram (or Ingraham), Kilpatrick, King, Kirkpatrick, Laing, McCowan, McMains (or McMain), McManus, McClintock and McOwan.[10]

Colquhoun variations

Calhoun, Calhoon, Colhoon, Cohoon, Colhoun, Hoon, Cahoun, and Cahoon are variants of the surname Colquhoun. They are generally found only in the United States of America, where conversely the original spelling Colquhoun is rare.

Printed Evidence

  1. Calendar of the Laing charters, A.D.854-1837, belonging to the University of Edinburgh. Edited by The Rev. John Anderson (James Thin, Edinburgh, 1899), 1050 pp.
  2. Liber Protocollorum M. Cuthberti Simonis Notarii Publici et Scribæ Capituli Glasguensis, A. D. 1499-1513. Also Rental Book of the Diocese of Glasgow, A.D. 1509-1570. Edited by Joseph Bain, FSA. Scot, and Rev. Charles Rogers, LL.D. Vol. I. (Grampian Club, London, 1875), 563 pp. including index
  3. Liber Protocollorum M. Cuthberti Simonis Notarii Publici et Scribæ Capituli Glasguensis, A. D. 1499-1513. Also Rental Book of the Diocese of Glasgow, A.D. 1509-1570. Edited by Joseph Bain, FSA. Scot, and Rev. Charles Rogers, LL.D. Vol. II. (Grampian Club, London, 1875), 537 pp. including indexes
  4. The Burgesses & Guild Brethren of Glasgow, 1573-1750. Edited by James R. Anderson (J. Skinner & Company Ltd., Edinburgh, 1925), 571 pp. including indexes
  5. The Burgesses & Guild Brethren of Glasgow, 1751-1846. Edited by James R. Anderson (J. Skinner & Company Ltd., Edinburgh, 1935), 566 pp. including indexes