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Cumberland Cemetery, Fayetteville, North Carolina

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Located in Cumberland County, North Carolina, this cemetery is located in southwestern Fayetteville very close to the border between Fayettevile and Hope Mills. From Raeford Rd. (US 401 Business) take Hope Mills Rd. (NC 59) down about 5 miles until you come to Cumberland Rd. At the light at Cumberland Rd. take a right and go about 4 miles, the Cemetery will be on your left. (At this point the name of the road has changed to Bingham Drive.)

This is a very old, large cemetery, still in use. There are many hand-made stones that are barely legible and many field stones that are totally illegible.

The cemetery is also known as Cumberland Mills Cemetery.

Find a Grave

This cemetery is located in the town of Fayetteville in Cumberland Co. off Bingham Rd. From Raeford Rd. take Hope Mills Rd. down about 5 miles until you come to Cumberland Rd. At the light at Cumberland Rd. take a right and go about 4 miles, the Cemetery will be on your left. This is a very old {but still in use} large cemetery and requires a lot of walking. There are many feild stones and many hand made stones that are barely readable and some un-readable. Most of these stones are laid off in family sections. If you see names on here that look familiar and wonder why some might be missing they may be there but have an unmarked site. Going into the second entrance {the oldest section} as you pull in you will see a clump of very large and old trees to the left. Under these trees is many readable and un-readable Smith family stones. Some of the trees have grown up through the stones and either
moved or cracked them. Some are laying in peices around the tree roots. A small distance from the Smith family site is a Vaughan family site, many are unreadable and many have just names with no dates. With the eroded conditon of some of these stones there may be a few mistakes. If you have the corrections please let me know.

Mary Lee Boyer. Posted by Myrtle Bridges

NC Gen Web