IVAR “Hvide/the White”, son of --- (-[1027]). Snorre names "Ivar the White…a daughter's son of Earl Hakon the Great"[206]. Morkinskinna names “Ívarr hvíti…one of Saint Óláfr´s district chieftains”[207].
m ---. The name of Ivar´s wife is not known.
Ivar & his wife had one child:
1. HAAKON Ivarsson (-after 1065). Snorre names Hakon as son of "Ivar the White"[208]. Morkinskinna names “Hákon” as son of “Ívarr hvíti…one of Saint Óláfr´s district chieftains”[209]. Jarl in Norway. Captain of the Coast Defence in Denmark under King Svend II Estridsen [1048-1050]. Jarl of the Uplands in Norway under Harald Hardrada King of Norway [1054-1064]. Orkneyinga Saga records that “Hakon Ivarsson” had been exiled by King Harald and was “granted power in Sweden by King Steinkel”[210]. m ([1062]%29 RAGNHILD Magnusdatter, illegitimate daughter of MAGNUS I "Godi/the Good" King of Norway & his mistress ---. Snorre records the marriage of "Hakon Ivarson" and "Ragnhild [daughter of] King Magnus"[211]. Morkinskinna records that “Hákon” as son of “Ívarr hvíti” married “King Magnus´s daughter Ragnhildr”, dated to [1062] from the context[212]. Haakon & his wife had two children:
a) SUNNIVA Haakonsdotter . Morkinskinna names “Sunnifa” as daughter of “Jarl Hákon”[213]. m ---. One child:
i) HAAKON . Orkneyinga Saga names “Hakon…the Norseman” as “another grandson” of “Hakon Ivarsson”, adding that he was father of “Eirik the Wise,King of Denmark after Eirik Eymuni”[214]. Morkinskinna, on the other hand, names “Hákon” as son of “Jarl Hákon”[215]. It is seems chronologically more probable that the father of King Erik Lam was the grandson rather than the son of Jarl Haakon Ivarsson. m RAGNHILD Eriksdatter, illegitimate daughter of ERIK "Ejegod/the Good" King of Denmark & his mistress ---. Morkinskinna records that “Hákon”, son of “Jarl Hákon”, married “the daughter of King Sveinn Úlfsson”[216]. It seems chronologically improbable for the mother of King Erik Lam to have been the daughter of King Svend II. Haakon & his wife had one child:
(a) ERIK (-Odense, St Knuds Abbey 27 Aug 1146, bur Odense, St Knuds Abbey). Orkneyinga Saga names “Hakon…the Norseman” as “another grandson” of “Hakon Ivarsson”, adding that he was father of “Eirik the Wise,King of Denmark after Eirik Eymuni”[217]. Morkinskinna names “Eiríkr Lam, the king of the Danes” as the son of “Hákon”, son of “Jarl Hákon”, and his wife “the daughter of King Sveinn Úlfsson”[218]. He succeeded in 1137 as ERIK III "Lam" King of Denmark. The Chronicon Roskildense records that "Hericum tertium filium sororis…Herici" succeeded on the death of King Erik II[219]. The Chronicon Roskildense records that "rex…Hericus" became a monk in the tenth year of his reign[220]. - KINGS of DENMARK.
b) daughter. Orkneyinga Saga records that “Earl Paul Thorfinnson” married “a daughter of Earl Hakon Ivarsson”[221]. m PAUL Thorfinsson Joint Jarl of Orkney, son of THORFINN "the Black" Jarl of Orkney & his wife Ingibjörg Finnsdatter (-in prison Bergen 1098).
- - about NN Hákonardóttir 's birth date possibilities.
- Charles Cawley's Medieval Lands: NORWAY, NOBILITY accessed 26/4/2022.
Cawley says: The main primary sources which have been used in the preparation of the present document are English translations of Snorre´s Heimkringsla series of Sagas[1] which is generally dated to [1230], Morkinskinna[2] dated to ten years or so earlier[3], Orkneyinga Saga[4] which was probably written not long after 1200, and the Historia Norwegie, of uncertain date in the late 12th century, which was written in Latin in Norway[5].
- Finnur Jonsson (ed.). Morkinskinna . Copenhagen: Samfund til udgivelse af gammel nordisk litteratur, 1932.
- Sturluson, Snorri . Heimskringla: History of the Kings of Norway , trans. Lee M. Hollander. Reprinted. University of Texas Press, Austin, 1992. ISBN 0-292-73061-6