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  • Bernice Jeanne Dunn (1925 - 1993)
    Daughter of Paul Spitler and Coral Frederick. Married John Dunn February 8, 1947 in Lucas County, Ohio. There is another marriage record December 7, 1947 in Angola, Steuben County, Indiana. Mrs. Dunn ...
  • Herbert Deighton Dunn (1924 - 2001)
  • Alice Dunn, ♊ (1890 - 1961)
  • Samuel Benjamin Dunn (1888 - 1983)
    Son of William H. and Elizabeth Weatherly Dunn. Husband of Alice Deighton Sam Dunn was employed many years as a telegraph operator and station agent for the Union Pacific Railroad in Morgan, Utah.
  • Blanche Ivy Dunn (1884 - d.)

Irish: shortened Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Duinn Ó Doinn ‘descendant of Donn’ a byname meaning ‘brown-haired’ or ‘chieftain’. Compare Dunne . This name has sometimes been Anglicized as Brown . English: nickname for a dark complexioned or swarthy man from Middle English dun ‘dun dark’ (Old English dunn ‘dull brown’). Scottish: habitational name from Dun in Angus named with Gaelic dùn ‘fort’. Compare Dun . German (Dünn): nickname for a thin slender person from Middle High German dünne ‘thin small slight weak’. Chinese: variant Romanization of the surname 鄧 see Deng .

Source: Dictionary of American Family Names 2nd edition, 2022