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FORUM ARTICLES SEARCH Home > Forum > Surnames > Ellis Re: Thomas William Ellis/George Ellis... By user December 21, 2001 at 02:12:09 In reply to: Re: Thomas William Ellis/George Ellis... rai england 12/19/01 This collection is all I have on the "burdon" connected Ellis names....

Summary of Ellis history


Davies Kolbe Downing Howard Then many branches


Notices of ti)e €lli*t*
" No man of well-regulated mind can feel an indifference respecting the genealogy
of his family."

Bjchabd Cobden (Letter to the Author, Jan. 3, 1852). "There is a great deal more in Genealogies than is generally believed."

Cablyle (at Edinburgh, April 2, 1866).
pjutc fyabco turn tibt.
" Thy father's father bore it; His father's father wore it." As You Like It.
1857. [Not Published.'] 1866.


Ellis, or Alis, from Alis near Pont de I'Arche. In 978 Hugh d'Ales witnessed a deed of the Abbey of Chartres, and was a favourite of Fulco Niger, Count of Anjou (Des Bois). William Alis is mentioned as a Baron in Normandy by Ord. Vitalis (344). He held lands in barony in England 1086 (Domesd.). He was a feudal tenant of AVilliam de Breteuil in Normaaidy. Philip Alis 1165 held a fief in Hereford no (Lib. Niger). The dau. of Sir Roger Alys or Halys m. Thomas Earl of Norfolk, son of Edward I. From this family descend the Lords Howard de Walden, Seaford, and Dover.


Sir John Ellis1,2,3 M
Sir John Ellis married Eleanor Russell. Family Eleanor Russell Child Jacquette Ellis+1,4,2,3 d. 29 Jun 1496 Citations 1.[S387] Magna Charta Sureties, 1215, 4th Ed., by F. L. Weis., p. 63. 2.[S16] Douglas Richardson, Magna Carta Ancestry, 2nd Edition, Vol. III, p. 86. 3.[S16] Douglas Richardson, Magna Carta Ancestry, 2nd Edition, Vol. III, p. 469. 4.[S5] Douglas Richardson, Plantagenet Ancestry, p. 624. From: ___________ Sir John Ellys1 M, #372570 Last Edited=16 Jul 2009 Sir John Ellys lived at Devon, England.1 Child of Sir John Ellys 1.Jaquetta Ellys+1 Citations 1.[S37] Charles Mosley, editor, Burke's Peerage, Baronetage & Knightage, 107th edition, 3 volumes (Wilmington, Delaware, U.S.A.: Burke's Peerage (Genealogical Books) Ltd, 2003), volume 1, page 1141. Hereinafter cited as Burke's Peerage and Baronetage, 107th edition. From: ______________ 'The Visitation of the county of Rutland in the year 1618-19. Taken by William Camden, Clarenceaux king of arms (1870) CHART - (Digby.) 1. Sir Everard Digby of Tilton in Com' Lester Knt. mar. Jaquet d. of S'r John Ellis of Com' Devon. ch: 1. Sr Everard Digby sonne & heire., 3. Sir John Digby. _________________ Collins's Peerage of England; Genealogical, Biographical, and Historical (1812) In 1434, 12 Henry VI, the King's Commissioners returned the said Everard one of the Gentry of the county of Huntingdon, in which reign he was Sheriff and Member of Parliament for the county of Rutland; but being killed in the said battle of Towton, he left issue by Jaqueta, daughter and coheir to Sir John Ellys, of Devonshire, seven sons and a daughter, Baringold, married to Robert Hunt, of Lynden, in Rutlandshire, living 20 Henry VII. This Jaqueta lies buried in the church of Stoke-Dry, under an alabaster tomb, adjoining to the South wall, with this memorial round the verge : ..... ________________________ The peerage of Ireland: or, A genealogical history of the present ..., Volume 6 By John Lodge, Mervyn Archdall Pg. 163 In 1434, (12 Hen. VI.), the king's commissioners returned the said EVERARD one of the gentry of the county of Huntingdon, in which reign he was sheriff and member of parliament for the county of Rutland; but being killed in the said battle of Towton, he left issue by Jaqueta, daughter of Sir John Ellys of Devonshire, seven sons and a daughter, BARINGOLD, married to Robert Hunt of Lynden in Rutlandshire, living 20 Hen. VII.-- This Jaqueta lies buried in the church of Stoke-Dry, under an alabaster tomb, adjoining to the south wall, with this memorial round the verge; ..... __________________ The Visitation of the county of Warwick in the year 1619. Taken by William Camden, Clarenceaux king of arms (1877) CHART- Fielding. John Elys of Deuonshere. mar. Elianor Da. of S'r William Russell of Herfordsh. ch: Giliane; John; Jaquette. Jaquette ux. EUERARD DIGBYE. __________________


From "Armorial Families (Fox-Davis)"

ELLIS (H. Coll., 4 April 1844) Per pale ermine and or three eels naiant in pale sable on a cheif embattled gules an Eastern crown superscribed with the word "China" or, between on either side a trident also or, surmounting a sword proper. MANTLING sable and argent. CREST - On a naval crown azure, a mermaid proper crined or, between two branches of laurel also proper. MOTTO - "Foremost if we can".

Only surv. son of Col. Arthur Ellis, RMLI (3rd son of Gen. Sir Samuel Burdon Ellis KCB) b. 1828; d. 1885 ; m. 1868 Harriette, d. of Capt. F W Ellis RN of Hill House, Southwold: -

Stewart Marsh Ellis, Gentleman, Author, Special Reviewer for the "Fortnightly Review" b. 1878. Res. - 3 Kent Rd, Kew gardens Surrey.

Only son of Col. Sir Alfred Burdon Ellis KCB (yr. son of Gen Sir Samuel Burdon Ellis KCB) b.1852; d. 1894, m. 1871, Emma, d. of Philip King of Lewisham :-

Col. Alfred Charles Ellis CBE , Indian Army b. 1875; m. Mabel Dwyer; and has issue - Arthur Alfred Burdon Ellis esq B 1910. Clubs ;- Jun. Army and Navy, United Service (Simla)


From the "Burke's General Armory"...

ELLIS (Norfolk; borne by Rev. JOSEPH ELLIS, or Norwich ob. 1712, the late SIR SAMUEL BURDON ELLIS, ELLIS-JERVOISE, and others of Norfolk origin). Ar. three eels naiant in pale sa.


From information recorded in "O'Byrnes Naval Biographical Dictionary", I have established the following relastionships: Consider that this book was published in 1847...

John Ellis Esq. RN. assisted in capture of Quebec in 1759. died after 18yrs in Navy, in 1798.

John Ellis (Ret Cdr) b. 26/6/1775 at Gt Yarmouth. - eldest son of late John Ellis esq RN above. Joined navy in 17/6/1779 (sic) .... placed on Senior list in 1839. (footnote : has 3 brothers in service - Lt Col. Samuel Burdon Ellis, George Archer Ellis , Francis Wilson Ellis) (footnote also explains that George H Ellis and Samuel Burdon Ellis are sons of the above mentioned Lt Col Samuel Burdon Ellis)

Francis Wilson Ellis - youngest brother of Ret. Cdr. John Ellis RN. Entered navy in 1/11/1804


other sources state that Sir Samuel Burdon Ellis dates are b. 1787 d. 1865. State that he's the son on Capt. CHARLES Ellis.


"Who was Who"...

Stewart Marsh ELLIS d. 1933 (28 Aug). s. of Col Arthur Ellis gr. of Gen Sir S.B Ellis and C.M. Meredith

Col Alfred Charles Sam. Burdon Ellis 1876-1955 d. 31 Oct 1955 s. of Sir Alfred Burdon Ellis KCB gs of Sir S B Ellis M. 1898 Mabel d. of Capt J Dwyer Indian Army.


Trafalgar roll :

S.B Ellis one of 4 brothers. s. of Lieut John Ellis (d.1798)


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​ELLIS. (Retired Commander, 1839. f-p., 25; h-p., 43.)

John Ellis,[1] born 26 June, 1775, at Great Yarmouth, is eldest son of the late John Ellis, Esq., R.N., who, after assisting at the capture of Quebec in 1759, and serving throughout the war of independence in America, died, a Lieutenant of 18 years’ standing, in 1798.

This officer entered the Navy 17 June, 1779; served for some time in the Downs on board the Dromedary and Dunkirk; and, on joining Sir Chas. Henry Knowles, in the Daedalus 32, was for six months, during the year 1794, blocked up by a French squadron at Norfolk, in Virginia. The Daedalus had previously been dismasted in a storm, and had put into that port to be repaired. Following Sir C. H. Knowles into the Edgar and Goliath 74’s, Mr. Ellis ultimately proceeded to the Mediterranean, where, in 1796, immediately after passing his examination, he joined the Victory 100, bearing the flag of Sir John Jervis. From that ship he soon removed, as Acting-Lieutenant, to the Virago gun-boat, employed in the protection of Corsica; after the evacuation of which island by the British, he took her to Gibraltar. He then rejoined Sir C. H. Knowles on board the Goliath, in time to act a part in the battle off ​Cape St. Vincent, 14 Feb. 1797. As Lieutenant of the same ship (commission dated 29 April, 1797), we subsequently find him sharing, under Capt. Thos. Foley, in much hard boat-service off Cadiz, and participating with Lord Nelson in the bombardment of that town. Until the peace of Amiens, Mr. Ellis next served in the Namur 98, Capts. Thos. Sotheby and Wm. Luke, and in the Solebay 32. At the recommencement of hostilities, he was employed for about 12 months in the Sea Fencible service at Yarmouth; after which he appears to have successively joined, chiefly on the Home station, and generally as First-Lieutenant, the Constance 24, Capt. Anselm John Griffiths, Monmouth 64, bearing the flag of Vice-Admiral Thos. Macnamara Russell, Elephant 74, Capt. Geo. Dundas, Alert, Capt. Williams, part of the force employed in the attack on Copenhagen in Sept. 1807, and Dauntless 18, Capt. Dan. Barber. He invalided from the latter vessel in 1812; and does not appear to have been further employed. Commander Ellis, who had been on the Junior List of Retired Commanders since 26 Nov. 1830, was placed on the Senior List 20 Nov. 1839.

Commander Ellis, himself the son of a Naval officer, as above stated, has had three brothers in the service of their country: – 1. Samuel Burdon Ellis of the R.M., now a Lieut.Colonel and C.B., who, entering his profession in 1804, served in Sir Robert Calder’s action and in the battle of Trafalgar, was on board the Ajax when she took fire and blew up off the Dardanells, accompanied the expedition to the Walcheren, contributed to the reduction of Guadeloupe, was in the Pomone at the capture of the American ship President and officiated as Senior Marine Officer throughout the whole of the late operations in China; – 2. George Archer Ellis, Purser R.N., who lost the use of his right arm in the Cruizer’s[errata 1] action with the French flotilla, near Ostend, in 1804, was afterwards for six years a prisoner of war in France, and died, 1 Jan. 1843, from paralysis induced by his sufferings; – and 3. Francis Wilson Ellis, Lieut. R.N., whose services we have already recorded. Two of his brothers-in-law, Richard Dalton, Purser R.N., and Robert Johnstone, Surgeon R.N., died, the former Secretary to Admiral Sotheby, the latter Surgeon to the Hospital at Madras. One of his nephews, George H. Ellis, is a passed Clerk, and another, Samuel Burdon Ellis – both sons of Lieut-Colonel Ellis – a First Lieutenant R.M. On 4 April, 1844, in commemoration of the naval services of their family, an honourable augmentation was granted to the arms and crest of the four brothers and their descendants.
Original: Rattler’s was amended to Cruizer’s: detail

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11 May 1848 - Death At his residence, Southtow, near Great Yarmouth, Cdr john ELLIS, Royal Navy, usrviving his beloved wife only 2 days. The deceased son of one of the old war officers, and served as a Lieut. of the "Goliath" in the action with the Spanish fleet off Cape St. Vincent in 1797. He was the elder brother of Lt. Col ELLIS CB Royal Marines and of Liet. F W ELLIS, Royal navy. The deceased was 72, and Mrs Ellis in her 74th year.


That's everything that I have - I hope you can piece any of it together ; they are all related and seem to link into your Alfred...

FORUM ARTICLES SEARCH Home > Forum > Surnames > Ellis Re: Ellis Coat of Arms By Mary Harper September 19, 2000 at 12:38:55 In reply to: Ellis Coat of Arms 5/19/00 Finally found in my files this long-buried description of the/an Ellis Coat of Arms.The words in brackets are my additions.(I also have a colored picture, which I haven't yet located, so I can't share the photo.)

Arms: [On a shield of] Or [gold], on a cross sable [black] five crescents argent [silver] Crest: A female figure naked proper, with hair flowing down to her waist Motto: Non haec sine numine. (These things are not possible without the deity.) Authority: Burke’s General Armory, 1878 Edition, page 322.

The name was originally spelled ELYS.The earliest record of the arms appears in a Roll of Arms made during the reign of Edward II, in 1300 A.D., the arms then being recorded for Sir Henry Elys of Yorkshire, etc.The same arms and crest were recorded in the year 1392 for Sir John Elys, and again recorded in the year 1535 in the official Visitation of Yorkshire, as being the authentic arms for the ELYS or ELLIS family of Kaddal Hall, Yorkshire.Also recorded at various periods for Ellis families of Wiltshire, Essex, Suffolk, Lon Search Family Coat of Arms and Family Crest ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY

Ellis Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History

Ellis Family Coat of Arms

Three prominent heraldic symbols include the crescent, mermaid, and eel.

For easy recognition of the items on a coat of arms, and hence the quick identification of the owner, bold simple shapes are best. Hence, simple geometric shapes are often used for this purpose, and the crescent Is a typical example of this, and can appear in any of the main heraldic tinctures. Some common is this device that there are special names for its appearance in various orientations – whilst it lies normally with points upward, the decrescent points to the sinister side, and the increscent to the dexter. The allusion, obviously is to the shape of the moon in the sky (indeed, the French have a version “figuré” which includes a face!) and has been said to signify both “honour by the sovereign” and “hope of greater glory”.

The mermaid is depicted exactly as we now picture the mythical creature, and is almost always shown with dishevelled hair and looking into a hand mirror. They tend to more frequent as supporters than being illustrated upon the shield itself. Wade cites Sloane Evans in his belief that the mermaid represents the “Eloquence” of the bearer.

Fish in great variety abound in Heraldry, many different species inhabit coats of arms, although truth be told many of the actual images are sometimes indistinguishable, being shown as a stylised, and easily recognised “trout” shape that a child might draw. The actual name used in the coat of arms may be some play-on-words or allusion to the family name, as in the famous arms of the de Lucy family, being “Gules, three lucies or”, this being an ancient name for the fish we call today a “pike”. It is possible that the eel, also known as a grigg has been used in this fashion, or it may simply relate to some fishing activity in the history of the family.

Surname Name Meaning, Origin, and Etymology The Welsh/English last name Ellis has several different origin theories. First, it is a baptismal surname meaning “the son of Ellis”, deriving from the Old English personal (first names) Elis, Elys, or Elias, and the Old French personal (first) name Elie, a given name which was popularized throughout Western Europe by Crusaders during the Middle Ages who picked it up from the Holy Land (an area between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea), as well as various saints, bishops, and soldiers who bore it. The given name Elis is a vernacular form of the biblical name Elijah, which in Hebrew is spelled Eliyahu meaning “My God is Yahu (or Jah” or “Jehovah is God” who was a prophet and miracle worker from the northern kingdom of Israel who lived several centuries before Christ. Second, in Wales, it is derived from the Welsh masculine given name Elisedd, which in turn derives from the word elus, meaning benevolent or kind. It should be noted that Ellis was still used a font (first) name as late as the sixteenth century (ex. Ellis Pigot is recorded in the Wills at Chester in 1697, as is one Ellis Pollard).

In his 1860 book, Patronymica Britannica, Mark Anthony Lower, states the following in regard to the name Ellis: “[it] was in use in France as early as the days of Charlemagne, as a baptismal designation, and afterwards gave to several families”. He also writes “William Alis, mentioned in the Domesday Book as the progenitor of the Ellises of Kiddal, county York, and Stoneacre, county Kent, from whom sprang Sir Archibald Ellys, a crusader who is said to have originated the cross and crescent so common to the Ellis coat-armour”. Further, he writes “Elias, though uncommon now as a Christian name, was not so in the early Norman reigns, and indeed it had become hereditary at the time of the Norman Conquest in the form Alis”.

Spelling Variations Common spelling variants or names with similar etymologies include Ellis, Ellise, Ellias, Elias, Eillson, Heelis, Eles, Elliss, Elix, Ellice, Eles, Ellys, Elliason, Fitz-Ellis, Alison, and Ellison

Popularity & Geographic Distribution The last name Ellis ranks 121st in popularity in terms in the United Status as of the 2000 Census. The name ranks particularly high in the following six states: Oklahoma, Wyoming, Idaho, Mississippi, Tennessee, and North Carolina.

The surname Ellis frequency/commonness ranks as follows in the British Isles: England (75th), Scotland (286th), Wales (45th), Ireland (743rd) and Northern Ireland (394th). In England, it ranks highest in Durham and Yorkshire. In Scotland, it ranks highest in Kinross-shire. In Wales, it ranks highest in Denbighshire. In Ireland, it ranks highest in Wicklow.

The name is also present throughout the remainder English speaking world: Canada (212nd), New Zealand (121st), Australia (101st), and South Africa (282nd).

The 1890 book Homes of Family Names by H.B. Guppy, states the following in regard to this surname: “Fairly well distributed over England and Wales, excepting in the four northern counties, where its place may be taken by Elliott. It is represented in Wilts and Lancashire by Ellison. It is at present most numerous in Devon, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Kent, and the West Riding”.

Early Bearers of the Surname The earliest known bearer of this surname was William Elyas who was documented in Yorkshire in 1200 AD. Next, William Elis who was documented in Lincolnshire in 1202 in documentation related to Danelaw (laws and customs present in England included by Denmark and the Danish people). Robert Elys (or Helys) was recorded in the Calendar of Documents in county Essex in 1250 AD.A one Andrew Elice was documented in the Subsidy Rolls of Bedfordshire in 1309 AD. The Hundred Rolls of 1273 AD, a census of Wales and England, known in Latin as Rotuli Hundredorum lists five bearers of this surname: Henry filius (son of) Elis in county Cambridgeshire, Agnes uxor Elys in county Cambridgeshire, Simon filius Elys in county Bedfordshire, Nicholas filius Elye in county Cambridge, and Roger filius Elye in county Salop. The Poll Tax of Yorkshire in 1379 AD lists two bearers of this last name: Robert Elleson, Adam Elisson, Stephanus Elisson, Alicia Elys, Johannes Elynson, and Johannes Elyson.

History, Genealogy, and Ancestry The famous genealogist Bernard Burke’s book “The Landed Gentry” discusses five branches of this family: 1) Ellis of Wyddial Hall, 2) Ellis of Glasfryn, 3) Ellis of Sea Park, and 4) Ellis-Jervoise of Herriard.

Ellis of Wyddial Hall Charles Henry Brabazon Heaton, Esquire of Wyddial Hall, county Hertsfordshire, was born in 1864 and succeeded his father in 1870. Burke traces the Ellis genealogy back to a family of this name in Alrhey in county Flint, with its branches at the Wern and Pickill, a family of great antiquity in North Wales. The direct ancestor was Tyngad, son of Tudyr Trevor, and Angharad (daughter of Howel Dha), weho seuccedded to part of his father’s son. He had a grandson named Kenrick, son of Rhiwallon, who was a noble in Bromfield and Lord of Whittington, who married Tuda, daughter of Ivor Lord of Rhos, and was killed in battle against the English in 1073 AD. The ninth descendant from him was one Richard Ap Howel, grandson of Morgan, who married Margaret, daughter and heir of Ellis, son of Ellis Ayton, of Ruabon, by Parnel, daughter of Sir William Bulkeley. Thomas Ellis married Jane, daughter of G. Salusbury of Erbystock, and their grandson was John. This John Ellis was of Brasenose College Oxford and he married Katherine, daughter of R. Kingsman, of Overton and they had a son also named John. This John was born in 1688 and he married Margretta, second daughter of Thomas Phipps of Heywood, and he had two sons: William (Governor of Patna) and Brabazon. Brabazon Ellis was born in 1723 and he had two issue: Elizabeth (married Samuel Elias Sawbridge) and John. This John Thomas Ellis, born in 1756, was an Esquire and High Sheriff of county Herts and was a member of Parliament. He married Mary Anne, daughter of John Heaton of Bedfordshire, and he had issue: John Thomas, William Fane, Henry Bennet (midshipman in royal navy), Julia (married Reverend Henry B. Thorold), and Charles Heaton. His only surviving son was Charles Heaton Ellis, an Esquire of Wyddial Hall who was born in 1789. In 1819, he married Louisa, daughter of Sir J.H. Stracey, and had several issue with her including Charles John. Charles John was born in 1830 and was in Her Majesty’s 9th Lancers and later the 6th Dragoon Guards. His other son, Edward Henry Brabazon Ellis, was Esquire of Wyddial Hall and Justice of the Peace who was born in 1834 and was educated at Harrow and Exeter. He succeeded his father in 1865, and in 1863, he married Louisa Hattiott, daughter of Colonel Kingscote. His children were: Charles Henry (mentioned at the beginning of this paragraph), Sydney Thomas Edward (1867), a son born in 1868 who died young, and another son as well. He died in 1870. The Ellis Family Crest was blazoned in heraldry as follows: Ermine, a lion passant guardant gules. Crest: Out of a ducal cornonet or, a lion’s head gules crowned gold.

Ellis of Glasfryn Reverend John Williams Ellis was of Glasfryn in county Carnarvon, who was a Justice of the Peace, for counties Carnarvon and Merioneth, Deputy Lieutenant for the latter, and Rector of Llanaelhaiarn, was born in 1808. In 1831, he married Harriet Ellen, daughter of J.H. Clough, and had four children with her: 1) Thomas Parr Williams (married Cordelia Lloyd), 2) Reverend John Clough Williams (married Ellen Mabel Greaves), 3) Harriet Isabella, and Ellen Augusta. The Ellis genealogy is of Welsh extraction and the ancestry is traced back to one of the oldest Welsh families. Reverend John Ellis was of Prebendary of Llanfair 1713. He married and had a son named John Ellis, Archdeacon of Merioneth, who married Miss Lloyd, heiress of the Pentally and Trallwyn Estates, and had the following children: John, Hugh (married daughter of J. Wright of Thuntsford), Thomas, Griffith, and Richard (Rector of Llanrug, married Susan Meade). His third son, Reverend Thomas Ellis, was Treasurer of Banjor Cathedral, and Rector of Llanfachraeth, county Anglesey, who in 1807, married Jane, heiress of Brondanw and daughter of John Bulgin, and had five children with her: John Williams, Reverend Thomas Roberts, William Hugh, Ellen Frances, Sidney Jane, and Catherine Dorothy Anne. This family was seated at Glasfryn, Pwllheli in county Carnarvon and at Brondanw in Merioneth. The Ellis Coat of Arms or Ellis Family crest is blazoned as follows in heraldry: Sable, a chevron between three fleur-de-lis argent an escutcheon of prestence, in right of wife, of Clough of Plas Clough. Crests: 1st: A mermaid gules; 2nd: An arm embowed in armour holding a broken spear-head proper.

Ellis of Sea Park Robert Francis Ellis Esq. of Sea Park in county Wicklow, was Justice of the Peace and High Sheriff in county Monaghan in 1867 and was born in 1822. He succeeded his father in 1848 and in 1851 he married Elizabeth Mary, daughter of James Hawkins of St. Feton’s in Dublin, Ireland, and he had seven children with her: Henry Leslie (Lieutenant 6th Dragoons), Robert Leslie, Francis Leslie, Alexander Leslie, William Whewell, Isabella Frances Leslie, and Emily Elizabeth Leslie. The Ellis genealogy is traced back to Thomas Ellis of Monaghan, son of John Ellis, settled in Ireland toward the end of the reign of King Charles II (1660-1685). He and his wife Mary had numerous issue including Francis and Richard (grandfather of Thomas Ellis who was Member of Parliament Master in Chancery). Francis was born in 1683 and he married Joan Maxwell and had the following issue with her: Henry (born 1721, Governor of Georgia and Nova Scotia), Robert (of Arduncheon, married Penelope Leslie), Francis (married Mary Kilbee), and others. The family bore an arms blazoned as follows: Gules, on a fess argent three escallops azure between as many crescents or, with a crest: A crescent gules surmounted by an escallop or.

Ellis-Jervoise of Herriard Francis Jervoise Ellis-Jervoise, Esquire of Herriard Park in county Hants, and The Moat, Britford, Wiltshire, was born in 1809 and his second wife was Mary Louisa, daughter of George Marx, and had ten children with her: Francis Michael (married Rachel Mary Eyre), John Purefoy (Captain 3rd Hussars), Arthur Tristram (married Annie, widow of Reverend A. Deck), Robert Purefoy, Edmund Purefor (a midshipman in the Royal Navy who served aboard the Bellerophon), Selina Mary (married G.R. Elwes), Constance Catharine (married G.F. Marx), Edith Purefor, Ethel Madeline, and Agnes Winifred. The lineage is traced backed to Rcihard Jersveys of Northfiled and Weoly Park who was born in 1500.

Baronet Ellis Burke’s other book, Peerage and Baronetage, mentions Sir Robert Geoffrey Ellis, Baronet, who was Member of Parliament for Threshfield in West Riding, county York, who was Justice of the Peace, Deputy Lieutenant, and Member of Parliament for Wakefield in 1922-1923. He was born in 1874 and created a Baronet in June of 1932. He held numerous titles. Burke traces the Ellis genealogy and ancestry back to Thomas Ellis, who was from a family who had been settled in southern county Cambridgeshire for several generations. He had a son named Robert who was born at Newton in 1695. He lived in Meldreth in 1734 and married three times. He had a son named Robert who was born in 1752. In 1779, this Robert married Sarah, daughter of John Hitch, and had a son with her. This son was John Hitch Ellis, who was born in 1780 and was a Captain in the 66th Foot. In 1815, he married Mary Ann, daughter of Reverend Henry Shepherd, and he had a son with her named Robert. Robert Sage Ellis of Willingham in county Cambridge was born in 1816 and he had a son named William Henry. William Henry Ellis was of Shipley Hall in county York who was born in 1844 and was Justice of the Peace. He married Jane, daughter of Henry Martin, of Adelaide, South Australia, and had issue with her, including Sir Robert (mentioned at the beginning of this paragraph. This Ellis Coat of Arms (erroneously called the Ellis Family Crest) is blazoned in heraldry as follows: Or, on a cross sable, five crescents argent, in the first quarter a lozenge of the second charged with a bend vair. Crest: In front of two shepherds’ crooks in saltire sable, a mermaid proper. This family was seated at Moat House, Melbourn in county Cambridgeshire in England.

Early American and New World Settlers The book Genealogical Guide to the Early Settlers, mentions 7 people bearing this surname: 1) Arthur Ellis who came to New England in 1630 2) Christopher Ellis of New London in 1682 3) Constant Ellis of Ipswich, died 1686 4) Edward Ellis of Boston, married Sarah, daughter of Robert Blott, in 1654 and had Edward and Ann 5) Francis Ellis, of Salem, 1691 6) Frederick Ellis, Norwich, 1678 7) Henry Ellis, Boston, a mariner, 1666 8) James Ellis, Stonington, 1653 9) John Ellis of Dedham, freeman 1641, married Susan Lumber and had issue John and Hannah. His second wife was Joan, widow of John Clapp, of Dorchester, had Samuel, 1660, and Joseph 1662. 10) John Ellis of Sandwich, married Elizabeth, daughter of Edmund Freeman, in 1645, had Bennet (1649) Mordecai (1651), Joel (1655), and Matthias (1657). 11) John Ellis of New London, 1664 12) Joseph Ellis of Massachusetts, freeman 1663 13) Richard Ellis of Dedham, by wife Elizabeth (likely the daughter of Lambert Genery) who he married in 1650, had several issue, including Mary 14) Roger Ellis of Yarmouth of John in 1638 15) Thomas Ellis of Medfield, 1649, may have been the same person baptized in Wrentham, England, 1629, and married Mary, daughter of Thomas Wight, and had issue with him: Mary, Abel, Samuel, Thomas, Patience, Ruth, Thomas, Joanna, and Juda. 16) Thomas Ellis of Marblehead 17) William Ellis of Braintree

David Ellis came to Jamestown, VA in 1607. David Ellis came to Virginia aboard the Mary Margrett in before 1623. Richard Ellis, age 29, came to Virginia aboard the Bonaventure in January 1635. Elizabeth Ellis, age 16, came to New England aboard the Abigall in June 1635. Robert Ellis, age 22, came to Virginia aboard the Constance in October 1635.

Later settlers in colonial America bearing this name include Rowland Ellis (New Jersey 1711), Francis Ellis (Virginia 1714), Everard (Pennsylvania 1729), Evered (Pennsylvania 1739), and Margaret (Maryland 1740).

In Canada, some of the earliest bearers of the last name were Thomas and Jacob Ellis who came to Nova Scotia in 1749. In Australia, one of the first bearers, Walter Ellis, a convict from Middlesex, England, came aboard the Agamemnon in 1820, and he settled in New South Wales. In New Zealand one of the first settlers with this name was W (William or Walter?) Ellis who arrived in the city of Auckland in 1836.

The name was also present in the Caribbean. William Ellis, son of Robert and Mary, was baptized in St. Michael’s, Barbados in 1678. Gamaliell Ellis, who owned two slaves was recorded as living in the Towne of St. Michaell’s in Barbados around 1680.

Early Americans Bearing the Ellis Family Crest Charles Bolton’s American Armory, published in 1927, contains one entry for the surname Ellis: Per chevron sable and gules a chevron or bet 3 fleurs-de-lis arg. Embr. by Elizabeth Ellis, b. 1732, daughter of Dr. Edward Ellis of Boston. Owned by Henry W. Montague, 32 W. Cedar St., Boston.

It should also be noted Crozier’s American Armory and Matthew’s American Armoury and Blue Book do not contain any blazons for Ellis.

Ellis Surname in Scotland George Fraser Blacks’s 1946 book The Surnames of Scotland states the following in regard to this last name “From Elias, which see, a favorite personal name in the Middle Ages, through Old English Elis or Elys. The name was wonderfully popularized throughout western Europe by the Crusaders. John Heles was burgess of Dundee in 1482. David Elleis was “keypar of the parroche kirk” of Aberdeen in 1565, and John Elleiss appears there in 1522. Richard Eleis rendered to Exchequer the accounts of the bailies of the burgh of Jedburgh in 1563, and David Elies was appointed “to teche and leir ony barnis abon sax yeris” in Stirling in 1557. Andrew Elleis, notary in Kirkwall, 1634, and Alexander Elleis had a charter of lands in Newington in 1639. Alexander Ealis is recorded in Melrose, 1641, and George Elleis in Darnick, 1662. Patrick AEles was cordiner in Edinburgh, 1648, Magister John Eleis of Eleistoune was heir in lands in the lordship of Kilpount, 1686, Andrew Elliss appears in Regorton, 1719, and Bessie Ellies in Caimwheep, 1738. The wife of James Anderson, author of the Diplomatum Seotiae Thesaurus, was an Ellies of Elieston or Ellistoune, West Lothian, a family said to be of English origin. Aleis, Ales, and Aless are given in index to ROA as forms of Ellis. Eilleis 1677, Eleiss 1685, Eles 1606, Elies 1670”.

Mottoes We have identified 17 Ellis family mottoes: Non modo sed quomodo (Not in a manner but how) Non haec sine numine (These things are not possible without the deity) Wrth ein ffrwythan yn hadnabyddir (Let us be seen by our actions) Decorum pro patria mori (It is sweet and proper to die for one’s country)* Bella dextra (Righful war?) Primus (First) Forte et fidele (By strength and faithfulness) Gweithred a ddengys (The deed supplies the proof) Mors mihi vita fide (Death to me by faith in life) Sub sole patebit (It will expand under the sun) Sperno (Scorn) Pax finis bello (Peace the end of war) Esperance (Hope) Huic habeo non tibi (I hold it for him, not for thee) Spectemur agendo (Let us be viewed by our actions) Vincit qui se vincit (He conquers who conquers himself) Non sine jure (Not without right)

  • A famous line in the poem Odes by the Roman poet Horace

Grantees We have 36 coats of arms for the Ellis surname depicted here. These 36 blazons are from Bernard Burke’s book The General Armory of England, Ireland, and Scotland, which was published in 1848. The bottom of this page contains the blazons, and in many instances contains some historical, geographical, and genealogical about where coat of arms was found and who bore it. People with this last name that bore an Ellis Coat of Arms include: 1) Humphrey Ellis of Flints, February 1587-8, by Cooke 2) John Ellis, St. Paul’s Churchyard, London, Draper, Sheriff of Herts, 1668 by Bysshe 3) John Ellis of Yale, county Denbigh, pensioner to Queen Elizabeth 4) Ellys, Dame Joyce, daughter of John Elys of Devonshire, wife of Everard Feilding of Cold Newman, county Warwickshire 5) Thomas Ellis of Swynshed, county Lincolnshire, coat and crest 6) Thomas Ellis of Doncaster, Yorks, gent, Grant 1 February 3, Edward VI

Notables There are hundreds of notable people with the Ellis surname. This page will mention a handful. Famous people with this last name include: 1) Earl Hancock Ellis (1880-1923) who was a Lieutenant Colonel and a United States Marine Corps Intelligence Officer from Iuka, Kansas whose operations planning played a critical role in America’s successful amphibious assault that defeated Japan during World War II, 2) Powhatan Ellis (1790-1863) who was a United Stated Senator from Mississippi, as well as a federal judge, 3) Rowland Ellis (1650-1731) who was a Welsh Quaker who owned a farm near Dolgellau and emigrated to Pennsylvania due to religious persecution, 4) Alexander John Ellis (1814-1890) who was an English mathematician and philogist (the study of language) from Hoxton, Middlesex, 5) Thomas Edward Ellis (1859-1899) who was a Welsh politician that led Cymru Fydd, which was a movement aimed at giving independence to Wales, 6) Marc H. Ellis (1952) who was an American author from Miami, Florida who was involved with liberation theologian, 7) Katherine Margaret Ellis (1977) who is an Australian politician who is a member of the Australian Parliament for Adelaide in South Australia, 8) Job Bicknell Ellis (1829-1905) who was an American that pioneered mycology (study of fungus), 9) Clairborne Paul Ellis (1927-2005) who was an American segregationist and Ku Klux Klan who later turned into a civil rights activist, and 10) Bret Easton Ellis (1964) who is an American author from Los Angeles, California who is a member of the postmodernism literary movement known for various works including American Psycho.

Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) (Lord Seaford. Charles Rose Ellis, Esq., was so created 1826; his sons to the Barony of Howard de Walden, on the death of his maternal great grandfather, the 4th Earl of Bristol, 1803. Lord Seaford d. 1845, when the Barony of Seaford was inherited by Lord Howard de Walden). Erminois on a cross sa. five crescents ar. Crest—On a mount vert a goat's head erased ar. Supporters— Dexter, a goat ar.; sinister, an eagle reguard. ppr. Motto—Non modo sed quomodo. 2) (Baron Howard de Walden). Quarterly, 1st, Ellis, erminois on a cross aa. five crescents ar.; 2nd, Hervey, gu. on a bend ar. three trefoils vert; 3rd, Felton, gu. two lions pass. ar. ducally crowned or; 4th, Howard, gu. a bend betw. six cross crosslets fitchce ar. on the bend an escutheon or, charged with a demi lion erased and pierced through the mouth with an arrow, within a double tressure flory counter­flory all gu. Crest—A goat’m a mount vert. Supporters—On either side a lion ar. on the neck within a collar gemel gu. three trefoils slipped vert. Motto—Non quo sed quomodo. 3) (Agar-Ellis Viscount Clifden). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, or, on a cross sa. five crescents ar., for Ellis; 2nd and 3rd, az. a lion ramp, or, for Agar. Crest—A female figure naked ppr. with hair flowing down to her waist. Supporters—Two greyhounds sa., the dexter charged on the body with three crescents in pale, and the sinister with as many crosses reccrcelee disjoined ar. Motto—Non haec sine numine. 4) (or Elys) (Sir Henry Elys, Yorkshire). Or, on a cross sa. five crescents. (Roll of Arms, temp. Edward II.; Har. MSS., 4033). And Sir John Elys. Same Arms. 1392-7. (Roll of Arms). 5) (or Elys (Kiddall Hall, co. York; Sir John Elys, of Kiddall Hall, and his brother. Sir William Elys, of Everingham, temp. Edward III. Elys, of Kiddall Hall, terminated in an heiress, who m. Rev. Randall Borroughes, at the end of the 18th century, and Elys, of Everingham, ended in an heiress in the 15th century, Constable Maxwell now quartering the arms). (Shinfield, co. Berks, and Swallowfield, co. Wilts, temp. James I.). As Ellis, of Kiddall and Stoneacre (Monumental Inscription, Shinfield Church). (Orford, co. Suffolk, and their descendants, viz., Welbore Ellis, Esq., of the Albany, London, Charles Ellis, Esq., of Maidenhead, Capt. T. R. Ellis, &c.). (Edward Shipley Ellis, Esq., eldest son of the late John Ellis, Esq., M.P. for Leicester; descended from Ellis, of Dinnington, co. York). (Redcliffe Parade, Bristol; descended from Ellis, of Escrick, co. York). Or, on a cross sa. five crescents ar. Crest—A woman naked, her hair dishevelled or (borne temp. Edward III., as depicted on a helmet on a stained glass window in the chapel of the house of Mr. Vavasour, at Hazelwood. Visit. York, 1585, Har. MSS., 1394). 6) (West Haningfield, co. Essex. Visit. Essex, 1612). Az. a mermaid or. 7) (Cornwall). Same as Ellis, of Kiddall. Crest—A mermaid with mirror and comb (Monumental Inscription, Sennen Church). 8) (Anthony Ellis, D.D., Bishop of St. David’s, 1752-61). Ar. three eels in pale barways naiant sa. 9) (Norfolk; borne by Rev. Joseph Ellis, of Norwich, ob. 1712, the late Sir Samuel Bordon Ellis, Ellis-Jervoise, and others of Norfolk origin). Ar. three eels naiant in pale sa. 10) (borne by the late Thomas Flower Ellis, Esq., Richard Ellis, of Camberwell Green, Rev. Edward Chauncy Ellis, &c., descended from Richard Ellis, of Edington, co. Wilts, buried there, 1703). Ar. three cels naiant in pale sa. Crest—A dolphin crowned. 11) (Bradsay, co. York. Visit. York, 1585. Har. MSS. 1394). Or, on a cross sa. five crescents or. 12) (Thomas Ellis, Esq., of Sandwich, M.P. temp. Edward III.; arms in Ash Church, near Sandwich). Az. on a fess ar. betw. six cross crosslets fitchee of the second three pellets. 13) (Swineshead, co. Lincoln. Visit. Lincoln, 1565). Gu. on a fess ar. betw. three crescents or, as many escallops az. Crest—A garb vert bezantee. 14) (Wyham, co. Lincoln, bart., extinct 1742). Same Arms. Crest—A crescent gu. surmounted by an escallop or (Har. MSS., 1550, p. 35). The arms, Ar. on a fess betw. three crescents or, as many escallops gu., are in the Church of Kingston-on-Soar, co. Notts. 15) (Thomas Ellis, Mayor of Norwich, 1460-74). Sa. on a chev. betw. three women's heads erased ar. crined or, as many roses gu., quartering Ar. on a chev. sa. betw. three crescents az. as many leopards' faces of the field (Weever’s Funeral Monuments, p. 801). 16) (Bourn Castle, now Bourn Hall, co. Cambridge; possessed by Nicholas Ellis, temp. Henry VII., Inq. p. m. Charles Ellis, Esq., of Meldreth, and John Ingle Ellis, Esq., of Shepreth, are descended from this family). Barry of six gu. and erm., as depicted in stained glass in Bourn Church. 17) (Northope, co. Flint, Plas-Ucha and Tybbin Bychen, in the township of Cairvalblough). Ar. on a bend vert three wolves’ heads erased of the field. 18) (Bodvel and Rhyllech, co. Canarvon, Chudleigh, co. Devon, and Llanfairfechan, co. Carnarvon). Sa. three fleurs-de-lis ar. and a label of four points of the second, quartering, quarterly, 1st and 4th, gu.; 2nd and 3rd, vair over all a bend or, for Constable. Crest—A fleur-de-lis ar. 19) (or Elys) (Chiselhurst, co. Kent. Visit. Kent, 1574). Same as Elys, of Kiddall. Crist—A goat’s head couped or, charged with a pale sa. thereon three crescents ar. (Pedigree in Har. MSS., 1141, p. 7, tigncd “Wm. Ryley, Norroy King of Arms”). 20) (St Albans' co. Herts; descended from Ellis, of Chiselhurst; granted to John Ellis, Esq., of St. Paul's Churchyard, Sheriff of Herts, 1668). Az. on a fess betw. six cross crosslets fitchee ar. three torteaux. Creit—A demi lion ramp. ar. collared gu. bearing three cross crosslets fitchee ar. 21) (Prestwich, co. Lancaster). Gu. a mermaid with mirror and comb ar. 22) (Glasfryn, co. Merioneth). Ar. a mermaid gu. crined or, holding a mirror in her right hand and a comb in her left gold. Crest—A mermaid, as in the arms. Motto—Wrth ein ffrwythan yn hadnabyddir. 23) (granted to the family of Sir Henry Walton Ellis, K.C.B., killed at Waterloo, son of Major-Gen. John Joyner Ellis, of Kempsey, co. Worcester). Gu. on a fess or, betw. two crescents in chief and in base an urn ar. three escallops of the field, pendent from the chief point by a ribbon and clasp, a representation of the gold cross and clasp presented by command of the Prince Regent to Sir Henry W. Ellis, for services in the Peninsula; on a chief embattled of the second, pendent by a ribbon gu. fimbriated az. a representation of the Waterloo medal, beneath it the word "Waterloo," betw. a branch of palm and another of cypress ppr. Crest—Out of a mural crown or, a cubit arm in bend vested gu. cuffed az. the hand grasping a sword ppr. pommel and hilt gold, the blade broken and encircled by a wreath of cypress, pendent by a ribbon from the wrist, a representation of the Waterloo medal, as in the arms. Mottoes—Decorum pro patria mori; over the crest: Bella dextra. 24) (granted to William Ellis, Comm. R.N., son of John Abigail Ellis, of Great Yarmouth). Ar. a cross parted and fretty sa. four crescents in cross az. Crest—Three escallops az. in front of a mermaid wreathed across the shoulder with red coral ppr. Motto—Primus. 25) (Wyddial Hall, co. Herts). Erm. a lion pass. guard. gu. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, a lion's head gu. crowned of the first. Motto—Forte et fidele. 26) (Overleigh, co. Chester, 1574). Erm. a lion ramp. az. Crest—A female affrontee ppr. couped at the waist habited gu. crined or. 27) (Glasfryn, co. Carnarvon). Sa. a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis ar. Crests—1st: A mermaid gu.; 2nd: An arm embowed in armour, holding a broken spear-head ppr. Motto—Gweithred a ddengys. 28) Gu. a lion ramp. ar. tail forked, armed or, oppressed with a bend (another, a fess) az. 29) Ar. a lion ramp. sa. charged on the shoulder with a dolphin of the field. 30) (Trevoar; quartered by Carew, of Bickley, co. Devon. Visit. 1620). Ar. three eels coiled vert. 31) Ar. on a cross sa. five escallops or, in the first quarter a spear-head az. 32) Gu. six plates, three, two, and one. 33) Ar. a saltire gu. 34) (Ireland; granted to John Ellis, descended from an ancient family of that name in England, who served as captain of a company of foot, under Sir Arthur Chichester, Lord Deputy of Ireland). Ar. a cross sa. betw. four escallops gu. Crest—A swan, wings expanded, murally gorged all ppr. Motto—Mors mihi vita fide. 35) (Elliestoun, co. Roxburgh). Az. three eels naiant fessways in pale ar. Crest—A lily close in the flower ppr. Motto—Sub sole patebit. 36) (Southside, Scotland). Or, three helmets, the beavers open ppr. Crest—A gauntleted hand grasping an adder ppr. Motto—Sperno. 37) (Saughton Mills, Scotland). Gu. a sword in bend ar. betw. two helmets or. Crest—A gauntlet surmounted of a dove holding an olive branch in her beak ppr. Motto—Pax finis belli. Home Feedback Ellis

Select Ellis Surname Genealogy

Elis (from the Greek Elias and the biblical Elijah) was a popular medieval name, having been adopted by some early saints. It became in Old English Elys or Elis and then Ellis. In Wales this surname seems to have absorbed forms derived from the Welsh personal name Elisedd, meaning one who is kindly and benevolent.

Ellis developed from an early time as a surname in North Wales and in the West Ridings of Yorkshire. Select Ellis Resources on The Internet Quakers of Leicester. Quaker Ellis history in Leicester. Calwalader Ellis and Descendants. Ellis from Merionethshire in Wales. The Ellis Family Ellis landowners in Cambridgeshire. Ellis Family History. Descendants of Edward Ellis of Virginia. The Ellis Car Company. Ellises from Amesbury, Massachusetts. Ellis DNA Project Ellis DNA. Select Ellis Ancestry

Wales. The Welsh patronymical style, such as Ellis ap Griffith, first applied. Ellis as a surname dates from about 1600 at Ystumllyn near Criccieth in Carnarvon.

The name later was to be found more in Merioneth (present day Gwynedd). This rural part of Wales became a hotbed first of nonconformity and then of nascent nationalism. The farmer Rowland Ellis, a convert to Quakerism, left Dolgellau for Pennsylvania with a hundred like-minded enthusiasts in 1686. They settled in Bryn Mawr, named after his farmhouse in Dolgellau and now a famous women's college. Other Quaker Ellises left for Pennsylvania in 1690 and 1707.

Land evictions were a problem in the 19th century. Tom Ellis, the son of an evicted Bala tenant, was elected MP in 1886 on a nationalist program at the tender age of 27. Sadly he died young before his promise could ever be fulfilled.

England. The Yorkshire Ellises were equally as numerous.

Yorkshire Sir John Ellis built Kiddal Hall near Barwick in the late 14th century and it stayed with the family for nearly four hundred years. There were clusters of Ellises in Halifax and elsewhere in the West Ridings. Ellis was a common name around Ossett. Joshua Ellis from Ossett bought into the Savile woollen mill in Dewsbury in the 1820's. The mill of Joshua Ellis and Company, one of the oldest in Yorkshire, lasted into the 21st century but was closed down recently.

A Quaker Ellis community established itself in Rotherham and later, further south and in a more substantial way, in Leicester. Starting as farmers, branches of this family in Leicester moved into a variety of merchant and banking businesses. John Ellis began the Leicester and Swimmington railway in the 1840's and became an MP and mayor of the borough.

Less monetary-minded were a Quaker couple from Bradford, James and Mary Ellis, who moved to the west coast of Ireland at the time of the potato famine and embarked on a Quaker relief program for the people of Letterfrack.

Elsewhere There was as well an early Quaker Ellis community in Cornwall near St. Just. The Ellis name was to be found from the 1620's in Penzance and Redruth and in the Scilly Isles. And the Ellis name also cropped in Dartmoor villages such as Modbury, Chagford and Belstone in Devon.

An Ellis family in Cambridgeshire has been traced back to Bourn where they held a manor around the year 1500. They were prominent landowners at Meldreth in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Ireland. Ellis appeared as Elys in Dublin in 1283 and has recurred frequently in Irish records in subsequent centuries in Dublin, Cork, and in various parts of Ulster.

Patrick Henry Ellis from Dublin was one of the first English settlers in South Africa, arriving there with British troops when they occupied the Cape in 1795. An earlier rover was Henry Ellis, from an English family in Monaghan County, who became a slave trader and was appointed governor of the British American colony of Georgia in 1757.

Canada. Ellises from Ireland were early immigrants into Newfoundland, from the 1790's. The town of Elliston is named after the Rev. William Ellis, a Methodist missionary from county Down. William Ellis ran a construction business in St. John's and helped rebuild the town after a devastating fire in 1892. He was appointed mayor of St. John's in 1910.

Edward and Mary Ellis were early settlers in Puslinch township southwest of Toronto. Edward donated the land for the Ellis Methodist chapel that was built there in 1861.

There were a number of Ellises who headed west as the 19th century proceeded; such as Robert and Eliza Ellis who homesteaded near Fort Walsh in Saskatchewan in 1885; and Thomas and Sarah Ellis who moved to Calgary in 1886 and then onto Nanaimo in British Columbia in 1894.

America. Ellis Island in New York Harbor was the arrival point for immigrants to America in the late nineteenth century. The name was nothing special. A New York tradesman, Samuel Ellis, had bought the uninhabited island in the 1770's and gave it his name. But he resold the island thirty years later.

There were Ellis arrivals there or elsewhere on the East Coast from England, Wales, and Ireland: the descendants of John Ellis were to be found in Sandwich, Massachusetts for many generations. A branch ended up in Maine. Edward Ellis arrived in Virginia in 1636. Later Ellises settled in Tennessee and North Carolina. Daniel Ellis of Tennessee spun his Civil War stories into a popular book, The Thrilling Adventures of Daniel Ellis, that was published in 1867. and Archibald Ellis was one of the pioneer farmers of Butler county, Kansas in the 1860's. Texas Other Ellises moved onto Texas. In fact, by the 20th century, the state of Texas had the largest number of Ellises in the United States: Richard Ellis had left Virginia for Texas in 1834 while it was still part of Mexico. He set up his cotton plantation in Bowie County, attended the Texas convention in 1836, and was the one who signed the Texas Declaration of Indeprendence. William Ellis ran his sugar plantation in what is now Sugar Land before the Civil War on slave labor and after the war on convict labor. while later arrivals included MG Ellis, who started a cattle business in north Fort Worth, and James Ellis, who was a property developer in south Dallas at the turn of the century. Other Ellises. Ellis is sometimes in America a Jewish surname, probably originating from Lithuania. Abraham Ellis and his family were recorded as arriving in New York from Lithuania in 1888.

The name could also be Mediterranean. Toufic Kmeid was an immigrant in the 1920's from Lebanon who changed his name to Ellis (after his grandfather Elias). He started out as a travelling peddler and, after making some money, was able to buy his own store in a small town in upstate New York. In Kisses from a Distance, Raff Ellis chronicled this family history, his parents' marriage and migration to America and their struggle to raise a family and make ends meet during the Great Depression.

Caribbean. John Ellis was an early settler in Jamaica, having arrived there from Wrexham in the 1670's. The Ellises became one of Jamaica's leading planter families until the 19th century when their estates were saddled with debts.

The Ellis name has lived on in Jamaica - with Alton Ellis, the godfather of Rocksteady, and Hortense Ellis, who is acclaimed as Jamaica's First Lady of Songs.

South Africa. Patrick Henry Ellis arrived in the Western Cape with British troops in 1795 and married a local Afrikaans woman. They have many descendants in South Africa.

Australia. Elias and Rebecca Ellis were early Jewish migrants to Australia. They arrived from England in the 1820's and made their home on Pitt Street in Sydney. Louis Ellis became sheriff of Victoria and his daughter Constance one of the first woman doctors in Australia.

Select Ellis Miscellany If you would like to read more, click on the miscellany page for further stories and accounts: Ellis Miscellany

Select Ellis Names

Sir John Ellis was the forebear of the Yotkshire Ellises in Kiddal Hall. Rowland Ellis led the Welsh Quaker migration to Pennsylvania in the 1680's. Samuel Ellis (or Dutch Sam) is the boxer credited with having developed around 1800 the uppercut punch. Richard Ellis was the signer of the Texas Declaration of Independence in 1836. John Ellis was a prominent Quaker businessman in Leicester. William Webb Ellis was the Victorian clergyman often credited with the invention of the game of rugby football while a schoolboy at Rugby School. Dowel Ellis was the mayor of Johannesburg after whom Ellis Park, South Africa's national rugby stadium, is named.

Select Ellises Today 85,000 in the UK (most numerous in Essex) 70,000 in America (most numerous in Texas). 44,000 elsewhere (most numerous in Canada)

PS. You might want to check out the surnames page on this website. It covers surname genealogy in this and companion websites for more than 800 surnames.


Memoirs and services of ... sir S.B. Ellis, ed. by lady Ellis sir Samuel Burdon Ellis - January 1, 1866,_Samuel_Burdon_(DNB00)