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Enon Baptist Church Cemetery,Enon, Escambia County, Florida, USA

Enon Baptist Church Cemetery,Enon, Escambia County, Florida, USA :

The Enon Community is situated in Township 3 North, Range 33 West, in Escambia County, Florida. The first church in Enon was built facing west, in the south east corner of N.E. 1/4 of N.E. 1/4 of Section 15 and cemetery was situated in Section 14 adjacent to the church. The highway lay west of the church and it ran in a southerly direction across Section 15. In the early days when a church was constructed in the country, it was customary to locate the cemetery adjacent to the church. Edward Keevan, son of William Keevan, one of the settlers, was killed February 6, 1888 by a tree limb falling on him, while his father was engaged in clearing the land. Since there was no cemetery, in Enon, at the time of death, the body of the Keevan child was carried across Perdido River into Baldwin County, Alabama for burial. When a cemetery was located in Enon the body of the child was returned to Enon for reburial. John W. Grimsley, son of one of the settlers died on October 15, 1888 and the body was buried in the Enon Community. Based on the dates of deaths and burials of the two persons it is obvious the church was built sometime between February 6 and October 15, 1888. On November 2, 1939, the Escambia County School Board discontinued the old Enon school and deeded all of its land, approximately 4 1/2 acres to the Deacons of the Enon Missionary Baptist Church.