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Evergreen Cemetery, Murfreesboro, Tennessee

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The land for Evergreen Cemetery was donated to the town of Murfreesboro by Dr James Maney of Oaklands Plantation in May 1872; but a portion was a slave cemetery for the plantation in the mid 1800s. When it opened, local residents purchased family lots and often moved their deceased family members to the new cemetery, so according to some researchers there are older memorials including Revolutionary soldiers and soldiers from the War of 1812 there.
One of the most prominent features of the cemetery is the Confederate Circle, the burial place for their boys in Gray. During the Civil War soldiers were often buried where they fell. Following the war, an effort was made to find all the dead.. Union soldiers were buried at Stones River National Cemetery, also in the area, but for the most part Confederate Soldiers were first buried in a dedicated area in town and then moved to Evergreen. 1300 remains were moved, and of that only 144 were known.

The cemetery is located on 519 Greenland Drive, Murfreesboro, Rutherford County, Tennessee.

Find a Grave

Evergreen Cemetery is a 90-acre cemetery located in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. The cemetery began as a slave cemetery until its owner Dr. James Maney (the owner of Oaklands Plantation), deeded a 20-acre portion of his land to the city of Murfreesboro in 1872 to replace the "Old City Cemetery" which is located near downtown Murfreesboro. The cemetery is the final burial place for many notable people from Tennessee and the grounds are home to centuries old maple, oak and magnolia trees. Some of the trees pre-date the cemetery and a number of the headstones are more than 140 years old.

Evergreen Cemetery is governed by a 34-member board of directors and its current chair is John Rucker Jr. who has served on the board for over 24 years.

It is located at 519 Greenland Drive. Tours of the cemetery, presented by Oaklands Mansion, are also held each year.

The Confederate Circle, a mass gravesite, was established in 1890. In 1891, remains of Confederate soldiers were gathered from burial locations across the area, including the "Old Confederate Cemetery" located about 1.5 miles south of Murfreesboro, and reinterred here. Some 2,000 – about 90% unnamed – soldiers, are buried in the Circle. The perimeter of the Circle is marked by stone posts bearing the names of each of the Confederate States. Individual burial markers for some of the known dead are located near the corresponding state posts.

The Circle is the site of several observances and memorials throughout the year for local Sons of Confederate Veterans Camps, including Camps #33 and #1355.,_Tennessee)