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Family Almoslino Novi Sad and Belgrade, Serbia

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  • Abraham Almoslino (1792 - 1872)
    UjvidekBács-Bodrog201 ALMOZLINER Abraham 56- UjvidekHUNGARY 719823 ALMOZLINER Eva 54wife UjvidekHUNGARY 719823 ALMOZLINER Izrael 23son -- 719823 ALMOZLINER Ignacz 20son -- 719823 ALMOZLINER Mimi...

The family Almoslino in present Novi Sad, serbia, former Ujvidel, Hungary, with the ancestor Abraham 1792-1879, and mother Eva 1793-1870. In one of Pavle Sosberger´s book he claims that this family is of sephardic origin and that they earlier came from Belgrade. I have documented this family forward in time but I am primarly egaged in searching for the ancestors of Abraham in Novi Sad and Belgrade.

My background is that my grandmother´s father were Ignatz Almoslino 1829-1915, son of Abraham and Eva. He emmigrated to Stockholm, Sweden in about 1850 where hem later married my granmother Anna, borned Santesson. Ignatz´s established himself as a lacemaker in Stockholm.