This is a temporary project to repair damage cause by merging two profile at [Leibish Teomim-Frankel R' Liebus Frankel-Teomim, A.B.D. Czortkow].
It seems (though I am not 100% sure) that a person and his grandfather (with the same name) were merged by accident.
Anyone with any input, please help out. Thanks.
Following 'The Unbroken Chain' it would seem that the problem may be that there arae two Isaac Meir Teomim Frankel. One died about 1701/2. He was the father of Abraham Teomim-Frankel and Aaron Frankel and a daughter who married Aryey Liebu of Opatow.
Abraham Teomim Frankel was the father of ANOTHER Isaac (Meir) Frankel. This second Isaac Meir Frankel was the father of Liebish Teomim-Frankel.
Another problem is that the first Isaac Meir, the great-grandfather of Leibish, was married twice.
May I suggest the following to begin. The Isaac Meir that is the father of Leibish, as far as I know, does not have a record of who his wife is. Can we begin by removing the mother of Leibish and connecting his father, Isaac Meir to HIS father Abraham and HIS father the first Isaac Meir. Are there any objections to this? {Leibish Nash}