François Bastiaanz SV/PROG
... the first 3 Generations in South Africa
Recent discussions between descendants of François Bastiaans prompted a thorough examination of the information available. This has resulted in the following interpretation of the information in the documents and references. The table follows the information as presented by Richard Ball very closely, and his interpretation has greatly influenced this report. We are also indebted to the information presented at eGGSA Record transcripts, the Inventories of the Orphan Chamber and The First Fifty Years Project
The purpose of this exercise is to establish the best baseline tree for this family, and to submit the arguments to to GISA for their consideration. Any comments and further information would be much appreciated.
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Contributors: Richard Ball, C June Barnes, Daan Botes, Jansi Syfert.
Bastiaans Family – the first 3 Generations
[Name var. Bastiaans, Bastiaansz, Bastiaanz. Bastiaans is used in this project].
François Bastiaans, [his name is also written as Francisch Bastiaansz or Bastiaanz], arrived at trhe Cape of Good Hope before 1671 when his name is found in the muster roll of 1671; [Francois Bastiaansz as Nederlandse dienaar to Jochum Marquart and Hendrik Barentsz farming in partnership, Richard Ball].
His date of birth is estimated to be around 1650/55 [based on him being in his manhood at the time of the 1671 Muster, and at the time of his marriage in 1686]. It is believed that he was from (not necessarily born in) Armentières, Nord-Pas de Calais, France. M. Boucher in his French Speakers at the Cape mentions him on Page 263;
"Another settler from this frontier region and linguistic border was François Bastiaanz of Armentières who preceded the main body of French-speaking settlers and in 1686 married Anna Maria de Leeuw. There is a Leyden connection between the Bastiaanz and Lanoy families. [The reference 111 Fischier, Waalse Kerken: [FWK] (De) Lanoy; DE VILLIERS and PAMA (eds), Genealogies, I, p. 27]
He is also described as being from Armentières in the Church Register - Cape Town Congregation, Cape Archives, VC 603, 604, 605 and 621 marriages, page 84, 1686
“den 19 Mei. Frans Bastiaans van Armentier, jonghman, en Anna Maria de Leew, jonge dogter”
and in his inventory MOOC 18 1/2 of 1708.
François Bastiaans married Gutter/Guddert Jansz van van Reijnsburg on 25 Aug 1709, from Keulen (Cologne) in Stellenbosch [1].
Stellenbosch Marriage Register – “1709 25e Augs. Gutter Jansz van Reijnsburg, met Anna Maria Pieterse Leeuw van Eck” Parish Register Entry
Guddert died before 18 July 1726 when Anna Maria describes herself as the widow of Guddert Janse van Keulen in his inventory MOOC8/4.94 of that date.
“Ik onderschreve Anna Maria Pieterse de Leeuw weduwe van Guddert Janse van Keulen,” [I the undersigned Anna Maria Pieterse de Leeuw widow of Guddert Janse van Keulen] Drakensteijn den 18 Julij a:o 1726; Inventories of the Orphan Chamber Cape Town Archives Repository, South Africa Reference no.: MOOC8/4.94 – the transcription by members of the TEPC team of transcribers.
François Bastiaans and Anna Maria Pietersz de Leeuw had 7 children, although there is discrepancy between our findings and the trees presented by J.A. Heese & R.T.J. Lombard, South African Genealogies 1986 [SAG] – Vol. 1 p. 165. (Also SAF Vol.2 Ba-Bei p. 383), and Genealogical Registers of Old Cape Families, de Villiers and Pama, where the following children are listed:
- b1. Christina Bapt. Cape Town 10.8.1687
- b2. Anthonie Bapt. 25.9.1689
- b3. Johannes
- b4. Elisabeth bapt. c. 1695
- b5. Francina bapt. 16.3.1699
- b6. Anna Elisabeth bapt. 9.4.1702
- b7. Magdalena bapt. 13.4.1704.
This list is not entirely supported by the record in the Weeskamer - Journaal der Caabse Wesen, extant for 1699, 1718, 1719 and 1727, Cape Archives, MOOC 18/2, page 8, January 1718
- Christina Bastiaens
- Anthonij Bastiaens
- Magdalena Bastiaens
- Francina Bastiaens
- Elisabeth Bastiaens
- Pieter Bastiaens
- each with f.50 in the Weeskamer accounts
Note: Jan Bastiaans (b3) was not included in this listing. See note under [1].
In the 1700 opgaaf returns the family is listed as man and wife, along with 2 sons [Anthonij and Jan/Johannes] and 3 daughters; in 1705 there are 3 sons [Anthonij, Jan/Johannes and Pieter] and 3 daughters. Christina was no longer with the family in 1704 as she had married by then.
Richard Ball on his webpage offers the following argument:
“Anna Lisebet is not listed there and was either no longer alive or, as I have assumed here, is probably the same person as Elisabeth. Jan Bastiaansz is not included in this list, and I have placed him in what seems the logical place”.
Neither SAG /SAF nor de Villiers and Pama mention Pieter Bastiaans at all, but his existence is supported by the Weeskamer account above, and is further confirmed in the vendu rol (list of items sold at the vendusie) of Aletta van der Merwe's goods after her death MOOC10/3.83 Testator: Aletta van der Merwe 16 November 1729 where he was listed as having purchased “2 koeijen en 2 kalveren Pieter Bastiaansz: 24:−−” and “2 koeijen en 2 kalveren Pieter Bastiaansz: 26:--"
Richard Ball: “I have made the assumption that the baptism of 13 April 1704 in the Drakenstein registers, where no name of the child is included, was that of Pieter Bastiaans”.
“There is a child baptised 13th April 1704 in Drakenstein, but the name of the child (originally written in as Jacobus) has been crossed out, no replacment name included. The crossing out looks to be genuinely of the period, since the next page contains a similar crossing out and rewriting in the same hand writing. De Villiers / Pama has assumed that this baptims is that of Magdalena Bastiaans. They do not provide their reasons for
this. I have assumed that this is the baptism of Pieter Bastiaansz (not included in De Villiers / Pama)”.
According to SAG Vol 1, p165 and The First Fifty Years Project, Magdalena was born about 1704, Cape Province, South Africa, and baptised 13 Apr 1704. Based on this date she would have been at least 14 years old when she married in 1718.
Stellenbosch Registers “1735 6 Nov’br 7. Mathiam Le Roux van Cabo de Goede Hoop J.M. en Francina Bastiaansz Wed’r Fritz”.
MOOC 18/2, page 8 (above), dated January 1718, has her listed as the 3rd child, suggesting that she was born before Francina who was baptised 15 Mar 1699 Drakenstein. Magdalena’s first child [of 3 children] was baptised on 30 Mar 1721.
Baptism Register, Palmkronieke I Baptisms, “Magdalena, d'Vader Jasper Raats, Moeder Magdalena Bastiaansz: 30e Maart 1721”.
The following were the children of François Bastiaans and Anna Maria Pietersz de Leeuw based on these arguments.
b1 Christina Bastiaans
- Born: probably 1687, Cape Town, Cape Province, South Africa, before 10 Aug 1687.
- Baptised 10 Aug 1687 Cape Town, Cape Province, South Africa.
Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.), 1665-1695: “ao' 1687 Den [10] Augusti is een kint gedoopt en genaamt Christina waar de vader was Francisch Bastiaansz en de moeder Anna Maria Pieterse de Leeuw de getuijgen waaren Jan van Brienen ende Catarina Kloeten”, transcribed by Richard Ball – eGGSA web pages.
- Died after 1 Apr 1731 and before 1752.
Christina Bastiaans died after 1 Apr 1731 when she was a witness at the baptism of Anna Catherine Robbers [1] and before 1752 when Eva Coetsee was engaged to care for Christina’s husband, Johann Heinrich Meintjes. In 1753 his son-in-law, Johann Hasse, took him into his care. Had Christina been alive it seems unlikely that someone would have been engaged to look after her husband, and her son-in-law would also have taken her in in 1753. [3]
- Christina first married [Mike Shaw Elliston, Cape Province, South Africa. when they were listed on the Cape Muster Rolls of Free Settlers 1660 - 1725, Cape Archives, VC 39, volume 1, and VC 49, page 30, probably Jan 1703. “Stellenbosch District, Hendrik Urselbe & Christina Bastiaansz”. Heinrich died before 14 Jan 1709 when Christina married Jan Henidrik Meintjes. The couple had 3 children.
- Heinrich and Christina had 3 children. Heinrich died before 14 Jan 1709 when Christina entered into a second marriage with Jan Hendrik Meintjes ([Hendrik Meijntjes van den Berg]. This marriage took place in Stellenbosch, Cape Province, South Africa.
According to SAG Vol. 5 L-M p. 513, he was born about 1675, Berg, Munsterland, Germany, and died 17 Oct 1762, Cape Town, Cape Province, South Africa). The couple had 8 children.
b2. Antonij Bastiaans
- Born probably 1689, Cape Province, South Africa, before 25 Sept. 1689.
- Baptised 25 Sept 1689 , Stellenbosch, Cape Province, South Africa.
Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Stellenbosch, de Caep de Goede Hoop: “Antonij zoon van Francoijs Bastiaan de Moeder Mari Piettersz js gedoopt den 25 Sebr 1689 als getuijgen Pietter Zijmons Martta Willems”
- Antonij died at the Cape, South Africa, between 1711 when he was witness at the baptism of Lijsbet Cnoetse
Baptism Register, Palmkronieke I Baptisms, “Lijsbet, d'vader Corneliùs Cnoetse, d Moeder dirkje Helms, get' … Antony Bastiaanse, en Magdalena Brits, 25 Maij. [1711]”
- and 1713 when he is listed in the Muster Rolls of free settlers for the year 1712, but not after that. In the muster roll of 1713 only his brother Jan is listed. Presumably he died in the smallpox epidemic of 1713. [Richard Ball]. No issue.
b3. Johannes or Jan Bastiaans
His name is written as either Jan or Johannes in various documents. In his Will - Bastiaansz, Jan and Geertruid du Toit -, dated 24th June 1745 and filed 7 October 1746, Cape Archives, MOOC 7/1/7, 17: “den landbouwer Jan Bastiaansz: van Cabo de Goede Hoop oud 33 en Geertruij du Toit laast wed. van Carel van der Merwe oud omtrent 35 jaaren…
In 1713 he was a witness at the baptism of his sister Christina’s child Francis, where his name was written as Johannes: Annale van Nederduits Gereformeerde Moedergemeente Stellenbosch No 1.., CD-ROM Lorna Newcomb & Ockert Malan, compilers, (Stellenbosch) (Die Genootskap vir die Kerkversameling, 2004 0-9584832-1-3), Baptism Register, “Francis, d'Vader Hendrick Mantie, d'Moeder Christina Bastiaans, getù Johannes Bastiaans, en Magdalena Bastiaansz 10 xbr 1713”.
- Born probably about 1692 , Cape Province, South Africa. This is supported in the extract from his will above - 24th June 1745 and filed 7 October 1746, Cape Archives, MOOC 7/1/7, 17: “den landbouwer Jan Bastiaansz: van Cabo de Goede Hoop oud 33
- Baptised 18 Feb 1693 , Cape Province, South Africa.
This baptism date is given in J.A. Heese & R.T.J. Lombard, South African Genealogies HSRC SA Genealogies (Pretoria: Institute for Historical Research, Division Genealogical Research, Pretoria, 1986, 1989), ISBN 0-620-23962-X, Volume 1 A-C, p. 165. No place is given and the entry has not been located in the registers available online.
- Died 10 June 1750 Cape Province, South Africa.
MOOC 8/7,16 1/2a Inventaris mitsgd:rs taxatie van alle soodanige goederen en effecten, als aan den op den 10:e Junij deeses jaars overleeden oudheemraad Jan Bastiaansz:…
Translated by Jansi Syfert - Inventory as well as taxation of all goods and effects, as was found to be in full and free ownership of the the former member of the consultative council, Jan Bastiaansz:, who has died on 10 June of this year, …
(See expanded extracts [3] from his Inventories) and MOOC8/7.16 for all 4 documents.
- His will dated 24th June 1745 was filed 7 Oct 1746.
- Jan/Johannes married Anna Maria van Dyk [a.k.a. Anna Cornelisse] on 18 Feb 1714 at Stellenbosch, Cape Province, South Africa. (She was a young girl in 1714 at the time of her marriage, suggesting that she was probably born before 1700. She died before 1723 when Jan/Johannes married his second wife, Gertruijd du Toit (see below).
Church Register - Stellenbosch Congregation, Cape Archives, Palmkroniek 1 and VC 639 marriages, page 8, 1714: “ditto (18 Feb) Johannes Bastiaanse van Cabo jongm', met Maria Pieterse van Dijk jonge dogter”
Children of Johannes or Jan Bastiaans and Anna Maria van Dykc1. Francois (Frans) Bastiaans
- Born probably about 1716, Cape Province, South Africa, before 16 Feb 1716.
- Baptised 16 Feb 1716 , Drakenstein, Cape Province, South Africa.
Church Register - Drakenstein Congregation, Cape Archives, VC 644, VC 654 baptisms, page 43, 1716; "Den 16de dito (Febr:) Francics, soon van Johannis Bastieaanse en Anna Maria Pieterse Van Dijk. Getuijgen Anna Maria Pieterse de Leeuw."
- Died 8 June 1748 , Cape Province, South Africa.
Inventories of the Orphan Chamber, Cape Town Archives Repository, South Africa MOOC8/6.135; Testator: Frans Bastieanse, 21 September 1746; "Invantaaris en taxatien van zoodaanige goederen naargelaten door de doot van Frans Bastieanse overledene man van Johanna Hugot, gedaan op Drakenstyn door ons ondergetekende op den 21 September 1746, Hendrik van der Merwe en David de Villiers"
- Married Johanna Hugot 2 Sep 1736 , Drakenstein, Cape Province, South Africa, (She was born about 1716 and married secondly Stephanus Grové25).
Drakenstein Heemkring, compilers, Drakenstein I Marriages., CD-ROM (Paarl) Drakenstein Heemkring, 2006 , Marriage Register, Personen in den Huwelyken Staat bevestigd door Predekant. Salomon van Echten. 2 September [1736]. Frans Bastiaansz van Cabo de Goede Hoope. "Burger aan Drakensteyn Jongman en Johanna Hugot van Cabo voornoemdt Jonge Dochter."
Children of Francois (Frans) Bastiaans and Johanna Hugot
- All baptism dates are as listed J.A. Heese & R.T.J. Lombard, South African Genealogies 1986 – Vol. 1 p. 165 unless otherwise stated. No place is given and these dates have not been verified.
- Dates of death - Only d3 Maria is mentioned in the Inventory of her Grandfather dated 5 Oct 1750 [4] ii, suggesting that the other 3 children and Johannes c2 died before that date, and that they did not have issue.
d1. Jan Bastiaans
- Born probably about 1738 Cape Province, South Africa, before 17 Aug 1738.
- Baptised 17 Aug 1738, Cape Province, South Africa.
- Died bef. 5 Oct 1750.
d2. Anna Bastiaans
- Born probably about 1740 Cape Province, South Africa, before 7 Aug 1740.
- Baptised 7 Aug 1740, Cape Province, South Africa.
- Died bef. 5 Oct 1750.
d3. Maria Bastiaans
- Born about 1742 [4]i, Cape Province, South Africa.
- Baptised 17 Jun 1742 , Cape Province, South Africa According to J.A. Heese & R.T.J. Lombard, South African Genealogies 14 –Va-Vir, GISA SA Genealogies (Stellenbosch, South Africa: Genealogical Institute of South Africa, 1999
- Died 8 Dec 1797, Cape Province, South Africa.
According to J.A. Heese & R.T.J. Lombard, South African Genealogies 14 –Va-Vir, GISA SA Genealogies (Stellenbosch, South Africa: Genealogical Institute of South Africa, 1999 Maria Married Maria married [Peggy Sue Pearline] dated 18 July 1800
d4. Frans Bastiaans
- Born probably about 1744, Cape Province, South Africa, before 10 May 1744.
- Baptised 10 May 1744, Cape Province, South Africa.
- Died bef. 5 Oct 1750.
c2. Johannes Bastiaans
- Born probably about 1718 Cape Province, South Africa, before 17 April 1718.
- Baptised 17 Apr 1718 , Drakenstein, Cape Province, South Africa.
Church Register - Drakenstein Congregation, Cape Archives, VC 644, VC 654 baptisms, page 50, 1718; "Den 17 April, Johannis, soon van Johannis Bastiaanse en Maria Pieterse. Getuijgen De Vader en Francina Bastiaanse."
- Died bef. 18 December 1750*22.
- Jan Bastiaans. Second marriage to Gertruijd du Toit between May 1723 and April 1724, Cape Province, South Africa. presumably in Drakenstein, Cape Province, South Africa.
Note from Richard Ball – Johannes/Jan married Gertruijd du Toit presumably in Drakenstein in the period after the death of his first wife (Juna Malherbe gives a date of 1723) and before mid 1725, a period during which the marriages entries are missing in the Drakenstein Church Register.
Gertruijd du Toit was born at the Cape ...
- Will - Russouw, Pieter and Geertruij du Toij - 1711, Dated 25 August 1711, Cape Archives, MOOC 7/1/2, 98 den eersame Pieter Russouw geboortig van Main en de eerbare Geertruij du Toij geboortig van deese Caab egterluijden
...about 1691 as her age is given as 35 in 1726 in her joint will with Jan Bastiaanz.
Will - Bastiaansz, Jan and Geertruid du Toit - 1726, dated 19 March 1726, Cape Archives, CJ 2603, 29: "den landbouwer Jan Bastiaansz: van Cabo de Goede Hoop oud 33 en Geertruij du Toit laast wed. van Carel van der Merwe oud omtrent 35 jaaren"
Gertruijd du Toit married Carel van der Merwe [5](1 son). 31 Dec 1719 Drakenstein, Cape Province, South Africa).
She died 19th Nov 1750 in Cape Town.Inventory - Bastiaanse, Jan & Geertruijd du Toit - 18 December 1750, In: Die Boedelinventarisse van Erflaters in die Distrik Stellenbosch 1679-1806, transcribed by Annemarie Krzesinski-De Windt, published by Stellenbosch Museum 2002, page 614, MOOC 8/7,16 1/2
... Jan Bastiaansz op den 8 Junij 1748 ende gesegde sijn huijsvrouw Geertruijd du Toit naar hem ... op den 19 November deeses Jaars is koomen te overlijden, soo is dit dat des eerstgemeldens naargelaatene minderjaarige dogter met naame Maria Bastiaansz., ende der laastgem. meerderjaarige soon Willem van der Merve Carelsz. thans bij behoorlijke erfdeeling koomen ... [4] ii
- In 1729 Jan Bastiaanz is listed as purchasing a slave on 17 November: “1 jonge gen:t Josep van Mallabaar [bought by] Jan Bastiaansz: [@] Rd:s 208:1” and “2 beesten Jan Bastiaansz: 31:4” in the vendu rol (list of items sold at the vendusie) of Aletta van der Merwe's goods after her death MOOC10/3.8352 Testator: Aletta van der Merwe 16 November 1729.
b4. Magdalena Bastiaans
- Born about 1698 (bef. 15 Mar 1699), Cape Province, South Africa.
Notes on the Birth date of Magdalena Bastiaans.
According to SAG Vol 1, p165 and The First Fifty Years Project, Magdalena was born about 1704, Cape Province, South Africa, and baptised 13 Apr 1704. Based on this date her she would have been at least 14 years old when she married in 1718 (see below).
MOOC 18/2, page 88, (see above) dated January 1718 has her listed as the 3rd child, suggesting that she was born before Francina (* c. 1699). Her first child [of 3 children] was baptised on 30 Mar 1721 .Baptism Register, Palmkronieke I Baptisms, Magdalena, d'Vader Jasper Raats, Moeder Magdalena Bastiaansz: 30e Maart 1721.
- In 1713 Magdalena witnessed the baptism of her sister’s child Francis.
Lorna Newcomb and Ockert Malan, compilers, Annale van Nederduits Gereformeerde Moedergemeente Stellenbosch No 1.., CD-ROM (Stellenbosch) Die Genootskap vir die Kerkversameling, 2004 0-9584832-1-3), Baptism Register, "Francis, d'Vader Hendrick Mantie, d'Moeder Christina Bastiaans, getù Johannes Bastiaans, en Magdalena Bastiaansz 10 xbr 1713."
- Married Raats on 27 Nov 1718, Drakenstein, Cape Province, South Africa,
Drakenstein Heemkring, compilers, Drakenstein I Marriages., CD-ROM (Paarl) Drakenstein Heemkring, 2006 , Marriage Register, Anno 1718; Den 27 Novb. Jasper Raats van Utrecht weduwe met Magdalena Bastiaanse van Cabo.
Jasper Raats died about 1729; MOOC8/5.6
- Magdalena died in 1774 Waveren, Cape Province, South Africa.
...Church Register - Tulbagh Congregation - Deaths, Het Boek der gestorvene persoonen In't land van Waveren, Cape Archives, VC 665 page 9, Anno 1774 (after August, before October) "Is overleden Magdalena Bastiaansz, wedw. Pieter Raats"
b5. Francina Bastiaans
- Born probably about 1699, Cape Province, South Africa.
- Baptised 15 Mar 1699 Drakenstein, Cape Province, South Africa.
NGK Drakenstein Baptism; Le 15 mars Lannee 1699 - francjna fille de francois bastians La mere marie Anne, pour temoins jan Eskeppein Et jaapis Wellems pour Marraine.
Translation from eGGSA - The 15 March in the year 1699. Francjna daughter of François Bastiaans, the mother Marie Anne, as witness Jan Eskeppein and Jaapis Wellems as godmother.
- Married Jost Heinrich Frisch van Munden before 27 Aug 1724 when ...
- Francina and Jost Heinrich Frisch witnessed the baptism of Antie Klopper at Stellenbosch on 27 Aug 1724.
Stellenbosch Registers “1735 6 Nov’br 7. Mathiam Le Roux van Cabo de Goede Hoop J.M. en Francina Bastiaansz Wed’r Fritz”
- Heinrich died before 6 Nov 1735 when Francina married her second husband Mathiam le Roux at Stellenbosch, Cape Province, South Africa.
Baptism Register, Palmkronieke I Baptisms, Antie, d'Vader Hendrick Klopper, d'Moeder Catrina Bota, getù Joost Frist, en Francina Bastiaans: 27e Aùgs 1724.
b6. Anna Lisebet/ Elisabeth Bastiaans
- Born probably about 1702, Cape Province, South Africa.
- Baptised 9 Apr 1702 , Stellenbosch, Cape Province, South Africa.
Church Register - Stellenbosch Congregation, Cape Archives, Palmkroniek 1 and VC 639 baptisms, page?, 1702; Anna Lisebet (gedoopt d' 9e April 1702) dogter van Francois Bastiaanz, d'Moeder Anna Maria Pieterz, getuygen Hendrik Gosselken en Christina Bastiaanz.
- Married Willem van der Vyver on 31 Jul 1719, Drakenstein, Cape, South Africa.
Church Register - Drakenstein Congregation, Cape Archives, VC 644, VC 654 marriages, page 4, 1719; "Den 31ste Julius, Willem Van den Vijver, jonghman van Haarlem met Elisabeth Bastiaanse jonge doghter van Cabo."
- Died before 8 Sep 1726 Cape Province, South Africa. [The date of her husband’s Second Marriage to Marija Vivier.
Church Register - Drakenstein Congregation, Cape Archives, VC 644, VC 654 marriages, page 7; "Den 8 September 1726, "Willem van de Vijver van Haarlem, Borger aan Drakenstijn weduwenaar, met marija Vivier van Kaap de Goede Hoop, Weduwe van wijlen Hendrik Olivier"
Willem van der Vijver was was born about 1691, Haarlem, Netherlands.
He married secondly Marija Vivier van Kaap (See above) and died before 9 Aug 1762.Inventory - van der Vijver, Willem - 1762, dated 9 August 1762, Cape Archives, courtesy TANAP, MOOC 8/10, 30a: "Inventaris mitsg:s taxatie van alle sodanige goederen, als ab intestato metter dood zijn ontruijmt ende naargelaten door den landbouwer Willem van den Vijver, ten voordeele van zijne naargebleevene wed:e Maria Vivié ter eenree, mitsg:rs sijne soo uijt eerder huwelijk met wijlen Elisabeth Bastiaansz:e gesprotene kindskind, met naame ... Elisabeth Russouw oud 15 jaaren"
b7. Pieter Bastiaans
- Born probably about 1703/4 - before 13 April 1704.
- Baptised 13 April 1704 [*See Note below] Drakenstein, Cape Province, South Africa.
- Died after 1733 , Cape Province, South Africa, when he was listed in the muster roll of 1733, VC 50, page 33, no wife, living in Drakenstein.
Notes regarding Pieter Bastiaans
'*From Richard Ball: “I have made the assumption that the baptism of 13 April 1704 in the Drakenstein registers, where no name of the child is included, was that of Pieter Bastiaans”.
- MOOC 18/2, page 8, January 17188 Listed 6th.
- Also - In 1700 the opgaaf returns list this family as man and wife, along with two sons and three daughters; by 1705 there were 3 sons and 3 daughters.
- His existence is further confirmed - in 1729 he was listed as having purchased “2 koeijen en 2 kalveren Pieter Bastiaansz: 24:−−” and “2 koeijen en 2 kalveren Pieter Bastiaansz: 26:--" in the vendu rol (list of items sold at the vendusie) of Aletta van der Merwe's goods after her death MOOC10/3.8352 Testator: Aletta van der Merwe 16 November 1729
- Richard Ball - http://www.ballfamilyrecords.co.uk/robberts/I041.html
- eGGSA Record transcript - http://www.eggsa.org/sarecords/index.php/
- Inventories of the Orphan Chamber - http://databases.tanap.net/mooc/
- The First Fifty Years Project - http://www.e-family.co.za/ffy/g6/p6673.htm
- J.A. Heese & R.T.J. Lombard, South African Genealogies
- Geslagsregisters Van Die Ou Kaapse Families [Genealogical Registers of Old Cape Families] C. C. De Villiers; C. Pama
SV/PROG – Stamvader/Proginator
Citations and References
Please note that the documents cited have largely been copied verbatim from the web sites mentioned and only a few have been examined independently. The accuracy of the transcriptions cannot therefore be guaranteed.
- [1] Inventories of the Orphan Chamber Cape Town Archives Repository, South Africa Reference no.: MOOC8/4.94
Ik onderschreve Anna Maria Pieterse de Leeuw weduwe van Guddert Janse van Keulen, geve met alle schuldige eerbiedighijd te kenne hoe waar is dat mijn schoon soon, Willem van de Vijver, altijdt, en tot nog toe voor knegt gedient heeft, eerst bij mij, en nu bij een ander soo dat mij wel bewust is dat hij niets en heeft als een stuck of twingtig beeste groot en klijn, die de voorn: mij schoon soon, van zijn jaarelijkse gagie door suijnig leven en wel oppasse, overgegaart heeft, derhalve ik met het moederlijk bewijs [1a] van drie hondert guldens aan zijn kintje, mijn klijndogterte doen wel te vrede en ten volle vergenoegt ben, biddende zeer nederig dat dit voorn: bewijs van drie hondert guldens aan het kintje, de E:E: Heere Weesmeesteren mede mag welgevallen Present bij dese ondertekening was: H:nus Bosman en Mathijs Strijdom, Anna Marja enz: Drakensteijn den 18 Julij a:o 1726
[1] Translation by Jansi Syfert: I the undersigned Anna Maria Pieterse de Leeuw widow of Guddert Janse van Keulen declares with all due respect that it is true that my son-in-law, Willem van de Vijver, always and up to now has worked as a ‘hand (eg farm hand) or workman, first with me and now at another so that I well know that he has nothing except about twenty head of cattle big and small, that my previously mentioned son-in-law has, from his annual wages through frugal living and good tending, has gathered. Therefore, I am well satisfied and quite content with the gaurentee of maternal inheritance [3a] of three hundred guldens for his child, my granddaughter. I humbly beg your Honourable ‘Heere Weestmeesteren’ to be likewise satisfied with the before mentioned ‘bewijs’ of three hundred gulden to the child. Present at this signature was: H:nus Bosman en Mathijs Strijdom, Anna Marja enz: Drakensteijn the 18th of July anno 1726.
[1a] Note by Richard Ball - ‘moederlik bewijs’ means guarantee of maternal inheritance. (If an estate was not immediately liquidated, the surviving spouse could hang on the money, but signed a declaration with guarantors, known as a kinderbewijs van erflating, that the child's inheritance would become available at its majority or when the other parent died - I am not clear whether the amount in question was held by the Weeskamer but from various indications I don't believe so.
- [2] Drakenstein Heemkring, compilers, Drakenstein I Baptisms., CD-ROM (Paarl) Drakenstein Heemkring, 2006 , Baptism Register, Ao 1731; Den 1ste April; Anna Catharine:/ de Vaeder Johannis Robbers. Moeder, Anna Sop[hia] Horsel. Getùygen Henrik Mijnthies van den Bergh, en Christina Bastianse.
- [3] Dr. J Hoge, Personalia of Germans at the Cape: JOHANN HEINRICH, according to the will of his daughter Anna Elisabeth (Test. O.C. 8: 103) Heinrich Meintjes van den Berg in Münsterland. ~ 14.1.1709 Christina Bastiaansz, d. of Francois Bastiaansz of Armentières and Anna Maria de Leeuw. 8 children (G.R. nr. 601), one daughter, Anna Dorothea, not mentioned in G.R. under Meintjes, but under Jacobus van den Berg. She was bapt. 5.7.1711 ~ (1) Matthias Lotter (q.v.), (2) Johann Hasse (q.v.). In 1749 M. was granted “de gewoone kleeding als zynde oud en afgeleefd en buyten staat iets in 't minste te kunnen winnen”; in 1752 a certain Eva Coetsee was engaged to look after Johann Heinrich for the sum of 4 rds. per month, which was increased to 8 rds. in the same year, “aangesien sy met dien grysaard veel moeyten dagelyks heeft, zoo met hem voor alle ongedierte suywer te houden als andersints”. In 1753 his son-in-law, Johann Hasse, took M. under his care. (Res. of the Cape Church Council of 5.5.1749, 7.8.1752, 6.11.1752, 4.6.1753.) Cf. Heinrich Goszelke.
- [4] i Inventory - Bastiaansz, Jan – 5 October 1750, MOOC 8/7, 16
Inventaris mitsgd:s taxatie der goederen de welke door den oudheemraad Jan Bastiaansz: aan sijn soon Frans Bastiaansz: bij seekere acte sub dato 24:e Junij 1745 voor den doenmaaliger secretaris van Stellenbosch en Drakenstijn,
s:r Arnold Schephauten en seekere getuijgen gepasseert, in vollen eijgendom nogtans onder seekere daarbij gestelde voorwaardens sijn overgegeeven, en dewelke voor soveel als thans nog in weesen sijn, als nu vermits ’t overlijden ab intestato van bovengem: Jan Bastiaansz: ende ter saake voorsegde Frans Bastiaansz: voor sijn gemelde vader op den 8 Junij 1746 ab intestato reets is overleeden, ten behoeve van den burger Stephanus Grové als in huwelijk hebbende Johanna Hugot voormaals wed:w van voorm: Frans Bastiaansz: ter eenre, en Maria Bastiaansz: thans oud 8 jaaren, eenig naargelaaten kind bij eevengem: Johanna Hugot in huwelijk geprocreeert (only surviving child procreated with the before mentioned Johanna Hugo)
Translation by Jansi Syfert: Inventory as well as taxation the goods and effects of the former member of the consultative council, Jan Bastiaansz: to his son Frans Bastiaanz: … 24 June 1745 Inventory as well as taxation of the goods that were given to his son Frans Bastiaansz: by the former member of the consultative council, Jan Bastiaansz: by virtue of a certain deed dated 24 June 1745 before the, at that time, ‘secretaris’ of Stellenbosch and Drakenstein, s:r Arnold Schephauten and certain witnesses, in full ownership, however with certain conditions attached thereto and of which still remain, since the decease of the above mentioned Jan Bastiaansz: ab intestato and the before mentioned Frans Bastiaansz: who had already died before his mentioned father ab intestato on the 8th of June 1746, for the benefit of
the burger Stephanus Grove who has Johanna Hugot previously the widow of before mentioned Frans Bastiaansz: in marriage on the one hand and
Maria Bastiaansz: now 8 years old, only surviving child procreated with the before mentioned Johanna Hugo in marriage on the other hand ...
- [4] ii Inventory - Bastiaansz, Jan 18 December 1750, MOOC 8/7,16 1/2a
Inventaris mitsgd:rs taxatie van alle soodanige goederen en effecten, als aan den op den 10:e Junij deeses jaars overleeden oudheemraad Jan Bastiaansz: bevonden sijn in vollen en vrijen eygendom te behooren, ende ten opsigte van alle welke hij Jan Bastiaansz: bij sijn met sijn huijsvrouw Geertruijd du Toit sub dato 24:e Junij 1745 voor den doenmaalige Secretaris van Stellenbosch en Drakenstijn s:r Arnold Schephausen en seekere getuijgen gepasseerd acte van boedelschijding expresselijk gewilt ende bevoolen heeft, dat deselve bij sijn vooroverlijden in twee gelijke deelens souden werden verdeelt, ende dat de eene helfte daarvan souden koomen te vervallen op sijn bovengem: huijsvrouw, mitsgd:rs de weederhelfte op sijn soon Frans Bastiaansz: devolveeren dan nademaal eevengem: sijn soon Frans Bastiaansz: voor hem Jan Bastiaansz: op den 8 Junij 1748, ende gesegde sijn huijsvrouw Geertruijd du Toit naar hem Jan Bastiaansz: op den 19 November deeses jaars is koomen te overlijden, soo is ’t dat des eerstgemeldens naargelaatene minderjaarige dogter met naamen Maria Bastiaansz:, ende der laatstgem: meerderjaarige soon Willem van der Merve Carelsz: thans bij respective representatien ter behoorlijke erfdeelinge koomen, sijnde voorm: bij hem Jan Bastiaansz: in voegen als voorsegt naargelaatene goederen bij d’ onderget:e gecommitt:e Weesmeesteren bevonden en getaxeert, soo als hieronder vermelt staat, naamtl: … (Also see MOOC8/7.16 1/2b and MOOC8/7.16 1/2c for confirmation of 1750 DOD)
[4] ii Translation by Jansi Syfert: Inventory as well as taxation of all goods and effects, as was found to be in full and free ownership of thethe former member of the consultative council, Jan Bastiaansz: who has died on 10 June of this year, in respect of all of which he, Jan Bastiaansz: with the concurrence of his wife Geertruijd du Toit, on the 24th of June 1745 before the at that time, ‘Secretaris’ of Stellenbosch and Drakenstein, s:r Arnold Scephausen and certain witnesses, effected a Deed of Separation of the Estate (acte van boedelscheiding). He expressly willed and instructed that the estate, upon his pre-decease, should be divided into two equal parts and that the one half should fall due to his above mentioned wife. The other half should then devolve upon his son Frans Bastiaansz. However, the aforementioned son Frans died before him, Jan Bastiaansz;, on the 8th of June 1748 (1746[4a]) and his mentioned wife Geertruijd du Toit after him, Jan Bastiaansz: on the 19th of November of this year. So it is that the surviving minor daughter of the first mentioned, by the name of Maria Bastiaansz: and the last mentioned major son Willem van der Merwe Carelsz: now by respective representation comes to the proper division of their inheritance (erfdeelinge) in that the before mentioned by him, Jan Bastiaansz; was included as bequeathed goods and found by the undersigned commissioned ‘Weesmeesteren’ and taxed, as is mentioned here under, namely ...
[4a] Note - This date should be 1746 and is a transcription error - Richard Ball has checked the first printed version of the transcript (In Die Boedelinvetarisse van Erflaters in ... Stellenbosch, by Annemarie Krzesinski-De Widt) where it is transcribed as 8 Junij 1746.
- [5] MOOC8/7.16 1/2c Testator: Jan Bastiaansz: 24 Junij 1750 Aan mejuffrouw: mejuff: de wed: Bastiaens tot der Paarel Goede vriendin juffrouw Bastiaaens: Ik heb uijt uwe brief vertaan als dat ue man mons:r Jan Bastianse overleden is het gene ons alle van herten leet is. U E heef mij ook geschreven van weegens de rekeningh wat hier nog te goet is. 1746 den 23 Junij heb ik met mons:r Bastiaens: te saamen gerekent en heeft de rekeningh mee naa buijten genoomenen doe bij mij in bewaaringh gelaaten rd:s1144:1 sch: 5 st:vr.s. Blijf hier nog in bewaringh volgens reken: …
Translation by Jansi Syfert: To the mejuffrouw: mejuff: de wed: Bastiaens at the Paarel Good friend juffrouw Bastiaens: I have understood from your letter that your husband mons:r Jan Bastianse has died which is to all of us of great sadness. You have also written to me regarding an account which is in credit ... Your dutiful servant and good friend Cape, the 24th of June 1750