The Benelux is a customs union in Europe comprising three neighbouring countries, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg, but is now used in a more generic way to refer to the cultural, economic, and geographic grouping of these three countries.
- The Jewish French Connection
- Jewish Scholars of Magical Provence, France
- Tzarfati, Kalonymos, Treves, Luria and Spira Families
- The Jewish Diaspora Project Index
- French German Nexus Alsace and Lorraine
- Jewish Belgium
- Mokum Wondrous Jewish Amsterdam
- Researching Jewish Relatives Who Passed Through Belgium
- The Jewish Community of Antwerp, Belgium
- French Jewish Genealogy
Joodse Genealogieen
- Dutch Jewish Online Databases
- Netherlands Society for Jewish Genealogy
- Dutch Jewish Genealogy Links
- nljewgen
- Joodse Genealogie
- maxvandam Nederlands Joodse families
- Akavoth-Dutch Jewish Genealogy
- Afstammelingen van Roelof Raphael Jacob Limoeneman Citroen ,
- Limoeneman Citroen Family Tree
- 350 jaar geschiedenis van het geslacht Ephraim 1646-1996
- Synagoge 1886 - Prins Bernhardstraat 8 , Prins Bernhardstraat Synagogue