This project has two aims:
- get the trees of non-Geni genealogists onto Geni (and link them to the Big Tree if possible)
- convince the aforementioned genealogists to join Geni and participate
For those of you who wish to add non-Geni genealogists to this project, I recommend that you add ones to which at least one of the collaborators is related - I expect that relation to be the primary lure to get them to sign up and participate.
- James Dow Allen III (database: Jamie Allen's Family Tree & Ancient Genealogical Allegations)
- Debra Thompson Broomfield (database: Debra Thompson Broomfield's Family Tree)
- George Myron Favell
- distant relative and former co-worker of John Albert Rigali
- nephew and namesake of the George Myron Favell listed at http://www.howgs.org/cemeteriesburied.php?cemeteryname=Mound
- Georgia Virginia Fleming (database)
- Jacob Holdt (database: my family roots)
- Michelle Enright Hornery (database: The Ancestors of Michelle Enright)
- apparent ancestors: Edward Desmond Enright and _ Toovey
- apparent ancestors: Edward Desmond Enright and _ Toovey
- Will Johnson
- Kenneth David Kalloch (database: Kalloch/Killough Family Genealogy)
- Helene Knight (database: Helene's Genes)
- her father's record in her own database (she, her siblings and their extended families are mentioned in the notes)
- Charlemagne and Beyond (she's #88 on the list)
- John Mark Lewis
- Ingeborg Brigitte Gastel Lloyd (database: the WorldRoots Genealogy Archive (offline but archived at Internet Archive))
- Robert Edwin Lord
- David E. Pane-Joyce, AKA David E. Joyce (database: Pane-Joyce Genealogy)
- ancestry chart of his paternal great grandfather Harold Edward Joyce
- ancestry chart of his paternal great grandmother Wilhelmina Cornelia Hamelink
- ancestry chart of his paternal great grandfather Erwin Norton Race
- ancestry chart of his paternal great grandmother Donna June Harden
- ancestry chart of his maternal great grandfather Albert Edward Nash
- ancestry chart of his maternal great grandmother Jennie Frances Temple
- Peter John Reiter (his other web site http://www2.thereiterfamily.com:81/ appears to be offline)
- Edgar Daniel Rivera Serrano (database: The Rivera & Serrano Families of Puerto Rico Ancestors)
- Christopher Robert Stefanovich (database offline but archived at Internet Archive)
- David Douglas Strain
- Peter Tonacci (database: The Tonacci's Italy)
- Leonardus Franciscus Maria ("Leo") van de Pas
- Linda C. Walker (database offline but partly archived at Internet Archive)
- Gordon Lee Weaver
- Richard Williams
- supposed ancestor: John Foulis of Woodhall
- supposed ancestor: James Carnegie of Finavon/Finhaven (father-in-law of John Foulis above)
- Timothy Dowling (databases: Dowling Family Genealogy, The Family Tree of Tim & Cassie Dowling and the Family Tree of Tim Dowling)
- his record in his Dowling Family Genealogy database
- Timothy Dowling - A Blemish on Genealogy (James Dow Allen III's criticism of him)