- https://germanna.org/2013/09/10/list-of-original-germanna-settlers/
- https://germanna.org/about/history/
- https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:HDBbZNKy0_QJ:...
The 1717 list does not mention Maria Rosina Volk Maria Rosina Volck but her profile at the Germanna Foundation http://germannafamily.org/getperson.php?personID=I056721&tree=tree1 calls her a 1717 member, child and so I have tentatively added her here. She makes the total number of colonists 95/96
The Second Colony (1717)
The 1717 Colony from the Kraichgau of Baden and Württemberg, as well as some from the Rhineland Pfalz (Palatinate) settled first across the Rapidan River from Fort Germanna, then from 1725 to 1727 began to move to the Robinson River Valley in present day Madison County and patent land in their own names.
(* Names with the Asterisks are the sons and daughters of Anna Barbara Schöne from her previous marriages in Germany to Blankenbaker and Schlucter. These children may have lived in the household of Cyriachus Fleischmann upon arrival and escaped notice in the official records.)
- Amberger/Amburger/Ambergey, Hans Conrad, and wife Hans Conrad Amberger
- Barbara Barbara Amburgey
- Ballenger, Andreas/Andrew Andreas "Andrew" Ballenger, of Neuenbürg
- Parlur/Barler/Barlow, Christoph(er) Christopher Barlow, of Neuenbürg and wife
- Barbara Barbara Barler
- Blankenbühler/Blankenbaker, Hans Balthasar Hans Balthasar Blanckenbühler and wife
- Anna Margaretha Anna Margaret Blankenbaker
- Blanckenbühler/Blankenbaker, Matthias Hans Mathias Blankenbuhler, and wife
- Anna Maria Merckle Anna Maria Blankenbühler; son
- Hans Jerg/Georg Hans Jerg Blankenbaker
- Schlücter/Schlucter, Heinrich/Henry Heinrich Schluchter
- Thoma/Thomas/Tomas, Johannes/John Johannes Wendel Thoma, Sr. and wife
- Anna Maria Blanckenbühler/Blankenbaker Anna Maria Thoma Kafer; children:
- Hans Wendel Hans Wendel Thomas, Jr,
- Anna Magdalena Anna Maria Thoma Kafer
Neuenbürg, Ansbach region
- Blankenbühler/Blankenbaker, Hans Nicolaus/Nicholas Johann "Hans" Nickolaus Blanckenbühler, and wife
- Appollonia Käfer Maria Apollonia Blanckenbühler;
- son Zacharias Zacharias Blanckenbühler, Sr.
Dusslingen, Ötisheim
- Breyhel/breuel/Broyles/Briles/Bruhles, Johann/John John Conrad Broyles and wife
- Ursula Roup Ursula "Ulsey" Broyles; children:
- Hans Jacob Hans Jacob Conrad Broyles ,
- Conrad Conrad Broyles,
- Maria Elizabetha/Elizabeth Maria Elisabetha Broyles
- Klaar/Clore, Hans Michael Hans Michael Clore , and wife
- Anna Maria Barbara Anna Barbara Klaar; children:
- Agnes Margaretha Agnes Margaretha O'Neal,
- Andreas Claus Andreas Claus Klaar,
- Johann Georg(e) George Clore
- Schmidt/Smith, Hans Michael Hans Michael Schmidt, and wife
- Anna Margaretha Sauter Anna Margaretha Schmidt; sons:
- Hans Michael Jr. John Michael Schmidt, Jr,
- Christoph Christoph Schmidt, Infant (age < 2)
- Weber/Weaver, Phillip Joseph Philip Joseph Weber, and wife
- Susannah Klaar Susanna Yager; children:
- Hans Dietrich/Peter Hans Dieterich "Peter" Weber,
- Maria Sophia Maria Sophia Fleischmann,
- Waldburga Margaret Walburga Wilhoit
Hollenbach, Schwaigern
- Koch/Cook, Johann Michael Johann Michael Koch and wife
- Maria Barbara Reiner Maria Barbara Koch
Presumed from Baden-Wuerttemberg
- Kriegler/Crigler, Jacob Jacob Crigler
Klings, Neuenbürg
- Fleischmann/Fleshman, Cyriachus/Zacharias Cyriacus Fleischmann and wife
- Anna Barbara Schöne Anna Barbara Fleishmann; children:
- Maria Catharina Maria Catharina Broyles,
- Hans Peter Hans Peter Fleischmann
Bussnang Switzerland
- Heerensperger/Harnsberger, Hans/John Hans Heerensperger and wife
- Anna Barbara Anna Barbara Harnesberger;
- son Stephen Stephen Harnesberger
- Käfer/Kaifer, Wolff Michael Wolff Michael Käfer
- Kercher,/Kerker, Andreas Andreas Kercher and wife
- Anna Margaretha Margaret "Margaretha" Anna Kerker;
- daughter Anna Barbara Anna Barbara Zimmerman
- Lang/Long, George Georg Lang and wife
- Rebecca Rebecca Long
- Motz, Johann Johannes Motz and wife
- Maria Appollonia Maubars Maria Appollonia Motz
Gross Sachsenheim
- Majer/Moyer, George Hans Georg Mayer, and wife
- Anna Barbara Anna Barbara Majer; children:
- Christoph(er) Christopher Myers,
- John Melchior/Michael John Melchoir "Michael" Moyers,
- Maria Susanna Maria Susanna Majer,
- Barbara Catherina Catharina Barbara Majer
Ottmarsheim, Kirchheim
- Paulitsch/Paulitz, Johann Philip Johann Philip Paulitsch, and wife
- Rosina Margaretha Schneider Rosina Margaretha Paulitsch/Paulitz; daughters
- Margaretha Maria Margaretha Paulitsch,
- Maria Catharine Maria Catherine Paulitsch
Oberowisheim, Klein-Gartach
- Sheible/Sheibley, Johann Georg Johann Georg Scheible, and wife
- Maria Eleanora Ockert Maria Eleanora Scheible; daughters
- Anna Martha Anna Martha Scheible,
- Anna Elisabetha Anna Elisabetha Holt
Botenheim, Cleebronn
- Schneider/Snyder, Hans Heinrich/Henry Hans Heinrich Schneider and wife
- Anna Dorothea Schilling Anna Dorothea Schneider; daughter
- Anna Magdalena Anna Magdalena Oehler
Stetten am Heuchelberg
- Späth/Spade, Johannes/John John Spade, and wife
- Anna Maria Brückmann Anna Maria Holt and her son
- Hans Michael Holdt Hans Michael Hold)
- Utz/Woods, Johann Georg(e) Johann George Utz
Wagenbachhof, Hüffenhardt
- Anna Barbara Anna Barbara Utz) and children
- sons: Ferdinand Ferdinand Utz and
- Johannes Johannes Utz, Infant and daughters
- Volckh,Volck,Volck,Volk/Folg, Maria Sabina Charlotta Barbara Maria Sabina Charlotta Barbara Hofmann and
- [Anna?] Louisa Elisabetha Louisa Elisabetha Weber
- Willert/Wilhoit/Wilheit, Michael Johann Michael Willheit and wife
- Anna Maria Hengsteller Anna Maria Willheit; sons:
- Tobias Tobias Willheit,
- John Johannes Christian Willheit,
- Johann Christian Johann "John" Christian Willheit
Falkenstein Rhineland/Pfalz
- Jäger/Yager/Yeager, Nicolaus/Nicholos Nicholas Yager and wife
- Anna Maria Sieber Anna Maria Yager; children:
- Adam Adam Yager and
- Anna Maria/Mary Anna Maria Jäger
Sulzfeld, Bietigheim, Sulzfeld
- Zimmermann/Zimmerman, Johann Christoph(er) Johann Christoph Zimmerman, III, and wife
- Anna Elizabeth Albrecht Anna Elizabetha Zimmerman; sons:
- Johannes/John Johannes Nicholas Zimmerman ,
- Hans Martin Johann Martin Zimmerman, Infant,
- Andreas/Andrew Andrew Zimmerman