The name Glaser is prevalent in many Polish and Jewish towns. It appears to be related to the occupation of Glazier, working with glass or perhaps mirror making. This project attempts to collect Glaser family members who resided in the Wagrowiec area of Poland. Some were Jewish but many were not Jewish and the project does not concern itself with any distinctions.
Geni automatically makes a collection of everyone on Geni with a specific name. Current total Glaser profiles, and associated family names, is over 7800. Access this collection by clicking on the name Glaser in the Search People Box using the black carot to find the Search Surnames screen. Unfortunately this resulting list is not searchable. So you must put Glaser in the Search People box above to produce a searchable list of a number of interesting names according to your preference, sex, age, death, birth location, etc.
Glazier family papers, 1852-1957
Authors:Glazier family, Western Jewish History Center, Judah L. Magnes Museum, Bancroft Library, Online Archive of California
Summary:The collection consists of Glazier family genealogy; family history materials, including materials on the history of J. Barth and Co.; family documents, including naturalization papers, Isaac and Simon Glaziers' birth certificates from 1829 and 1831, and Simon Glazier's Masonic certificate from the Yuba Lodge; documents relating to the Glaziers' involvement in the San Francisco Jewish community, including a certificate from the First Hebrew Benevolent Society granting Simon Glazier lifetime membership (1877), seat deeds for Temple Emanu-El (1866 and 1878), receipts from The First Hebrew Benevolent Society (1877), Temple Emanu-El (1867), and the Pacific Hebrew Orphan Asylum (1871), and mortgage documents for the sale of land by Aaron Fleishhacker to The Pacific Hebrew Orphan Asylum (1879); general correspondence (1879-1910); correspondence with Adolph and Ida Frank (1919-1939), Rudolf Allner (1938-1950), Oscar Benesch (1939-1959), Ignaz and Regina Abeles (1930s), and Seymour and Rose Marcuse (1916-1930); family wills and estate and trust documents; correspondence and materials (mostly in German) on the Isaac and Bertha Glazier Stiffung (foundation); materials on the estate of M.A. Jacobi; business documents from Isaac Glazier & Co. and Glazier and Seligsberg (1855-1904); documents relating to the Glazier mining interests (1860s); deeds and real estate papers (1867-1885); property tax records (1875-1904); pages from a memorial book for Simon Glazier from Mount Zion Hospital (1908); and photographs, including family portraits, photographs of the family's Elmira Ranch in Solano, California, a photograph of Henry S. Glazier (with male friends) at Harvard University in 1889, a photograph of an Alaskan tour group on Muir Glacier (1897), a photograph of the Glazier home in Marysville, California (411 Fourth Street), and a photograph of the home of Lillie and Albert Seligman in Helena, Montana showing the Seligman's on horseback, Isaac Glazier on the porch, and Clara and Bella Glazier in a carriage (1890). The collection also includes a photograph album with family portraits (circa 1870-1890)
Archival Material, 1852