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Governors and Viceroys of Portuguese India - Governadores e vice-reis da Índia portuguesa

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This is an area for adding Geni profiles of people who served as Governors (also known as Governors General) or Viceroys of Portuguese India.

From Wikipedia: The government of Portuguese India (Portuguese: Índia Portuguesa) started on 12 September 1505, seven years after the Portuguese discovery of the sea route to India by Vasco da Gama, with the nomination of the first Viceroy Francisco de Almeida, then settled at Cochin (Kochi). Until 1752, the name "India" included all Portuguese possessions in the Indian Ocean, from Southern Africa to Southeast Asia, governed – either by a Viceroy or Governor – from its headquarters, established in Old Goa since 1510. In 1752 Portuguese Mozambique got its own government and in 1844 the Portuguese Government of India stopped administering the territory of Portuguese Macau, Solor and Portuguese Timor, seeing itself thus confined to a reduced territorial possessions along the Konkan, Canara and Malabar Coasts, which would further be reduced to the present-day state of Goa and the Union territory of Damaon. Portuguese control ceased in Dadra and Nagar Haveli in 1954, and finally ceased in Goa in 1961, when the area was occupied by the Republic of India (although Portugal only recognized the occupation after the Carnation Revolution in 1974, by a treaty signed on 31 December 1974). This ended four and a half centuries of Portuguese rule in parts—though tiny—of India.