País de origem, ascendencia, nacionalidade: Portugal.
This is a project to compile notable, great, famous, prominent, globally contributing Portuguese people of varied, diverse ethnicities.
Portuguese people, citizens are all across the world/continents, e-specially after the age of discovery. Portuguese people are of varied colors, ethnicities, appearances and in the 21st century of various faiths and beliefs. Portuguese people speak continental Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, creole Portuguese and other variants.
Apart from mainland, continental Portugal, Portuguese descendants can be found in present and past autonomous regions, overseas provinces, territories such as Madeira, Acores, Macau, Timor, Angola, Mocambique, Goa, Brazil, Damao, Diu, Korlai, Malacca, etc.... Portuguese people have also migrated to United States of America, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, United Kingdom, various EU countries, etc... In short this project will appreciate all Portuguese people who were/are proud to be PORTUGUESE. People who were greats, prominent of the Portuguese Kingdom and its Empire. People who were and are citizens of the Portuguese Republic and were/are proud of the same.
Heróis do mar, nobre povo, Nação valente, imortal, Levantai hoje de novo O esplendor de Portugal!