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Hrafna-Flóki Vilgerðarson Daughter of the Faroe Islands

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Daughter who wed at the Faroe Islands:

1.a. "Floki" sigldi þaðan til Færeyja ok gifti þar dóttur sína. Frá henni var Þrándr í Götu. Þaðan sigldi hann út í haf með hrafna þá þrjá, er hann hafði blótat í Nóregi.
1.b.Floki" sailed from there to the Faroe Islands and married his daughter there. From her was Thråndr i Gata. From there he sailed out to sea with the three ravens he had sworn in Norway.

"From her" = Born from her.

2. Þrándr í Götu - Tróndur í Gøtu (Icelandic: Þrándur í Götu, Old Norse Þrǫ́ndr í Gǫtu) (c. 945 – 1035) was a Viking era chieftain in the Faroe Islands. -

3. Parent(s) - Torbjørn Gøtuskegg and Guðrún

4. The Icelandic Færeyinga Saga that was written in 13th century says:

There is a man named Grímur Kamban. Grímur was the first person to settle the Faroe Islands. In the time of Haraldur hárfagri – Fairhair – a large number of people fled in the face of his tyranny. Some settled in the Faroe Islands and dwelt there, while some sought other unpopulated lands. Auður hin djúpauðga sailed out to Iceland and called in at the Faroes and there gave Þorsteinn the Red’s daughter, Ólöf, in marriage, and thence originated the greatest family line of the Faroe Islanders, which they call GataChaps, who lived on Austrey.
There was a man called Þorbjörn. He was known as Gata-Chap. He lived on Austrey in the Faroes. His wife was called Guðrún. They had two sons. The elder was called Þorlákur, and the younger Þrándur, [Tr%C3%B3ndur]. They were promising men. Þorlákur was both big and strong; Þrándur was also of the same build when he grew up, but there was a large difference in their ages. Þrándur had red hair and a freckled face, handsome to look at.

5. Conclusion: The daughter Floki left to wed on the Faroe Islands was Gudrun Flokidottir.