Hulme Hall, Cheshire, England
Hulme Hall with its moat and medieval bridge is Allostock’s oldest and most archeologically significant monument. The site is an English Heritage Scheduled Ancient Monument and the Hall and bridge are Grade 2* listed.
Danes settled at Hulme Hall in the 10th and 11th century and there are records than an Anglo-Norse squire (Hame) who lived here, perished in the Battle of Namptwiche in the Northern Rebellion of 1069. “Houlme” was an early version of the Norse word meaning “land above the water” or “island”.
The Shakerleys built the 15th century bridge which is one entrance to Hulme Hall across the moat which is 20 yards wide. The other entrance is reputed to be the site of the old drawbridge.
Omerod writing in 1819 observed, “Hulme Hall lies in an extremely flat and secluded situation, which at a distant period probably added to its strength by swamps and thickets. The water surrounding the moat, which is 20 yards wide, is crossed by a stone bridge of two arches”. Images from Thornber.netC
Current Plans
There are currently plans to convert the Hall into a private residence. Recent renovations have found evidence of medieval and earlier occupation, a record of which is with the Chester Records Office. The Parish Council also has a copy and copies of the archaeological reports kindly made available by the developers of Hulme Hall. The building remains “at risk” until renovations are complete