Jamestowne Society is an organization founded in 1936 by George Craghead Gregory for descendants of stockholders in the Virginia Company of London and the descendants of those who owned land or who had domiciles in Jamestown or on Jamestown Island prior to the year 1700. Their website: http://www.jamestowne.org
Please add Geni profiles of qualifying ancestors to this project. You may wish, additionally, to tag profiles to this document.
From Wikipedia
In May 1607, Jamestown was established as the first permanent English settlement in what is now the United States, following several earlier failed attempts. It was founded by the London branch of the Virginia Company, which was competing with the Plymouth branch to settle the Colony of Virginia.
Jamestown was the capital of the Colony for 83 years, from 1616 until 1698. At that time, the capital was relocated to Middle Plantation, about 8 miles (13 km) distant. (That small community, which had also become home to the new College of William and Mary in 1693, was renamed Williamsburg in 1699).
The Society
The society was formed to bring together as many of the descendants of stockholders in the Virginia Company of London and the descendants of those who owned land or who had domiciles in Jamestown or on Jamestown Island prior to the year 1700 as possible.
Seventeenth Century Qualifying Ancestors
The following criteria are used to determine whether an early settler may be included as a qualifying ancestor for purposes of membership in the Jamestowne Society. The individual:
(1) was a stockholder in the London Company or the Virginia Company, or a member of one of the guilds which invested in the above, during the active investment period;
(2) owned land on Jamestown Island or lived on the Island prior to 1700 (owning land in a neighboring area or neighboring county does NOT of itself qualify an individual);
(3) was a resident in Virginia at the time of the 1624/25 Muster or earlier;
(4) served as Governor, Secretary of State, Treasurer, Attorney General, Clerk of the General Court, Member of the Council or House of Burgesses prior to 1700; these persons shall be conclusively presumed to have had their domiciles on Jamestown Island during their terms of office;
(5) was an Anglican Church (Church of England) minister in Virginia prior to 1700; or
(6) served as an official Indian Interpreter in Virginia prior to 1700.
Qualifying Ancestors
See http://www.jamestowne.org/qualifying-ancestors.html
Please check “Added and Dropped Ancestors” for the most up to date listing]
(Partial listing from Wikipedia)
- Abbot, Samuel
- Abrahall, Richard
- Abrell, Robert
- Adams, Thomas
- Addams, Robert
- Allen, Arthur
- Allen, William
- Allerton, Willoughby
- Allerton/Alerton, Isaac
- Allomby, Thomas
- Alsop, James
- Anderson, John
- Anderson, William
- Andrews, Joakin
- Andrews, William
- Andros, Sir Edmund
- Appleton, John
- Applewhaite, Henry
- Archer, Gabriel
- Argall, Sir Samuel
- Armistead, Anthony
- Armistead, John
- Armistead, William Jr
- Arunell, John
- Ashton, Peter
- Aston, Walter
- Atkins, John
- Awborne, Richard
- Awbrey, Henry
- Bacon, Nathaniel Jr
- Bacon, Nathaniel Sr
- Bagnall, James
- Bagwell, Henry
- Bagwell, Thomas
- Baker, Henry
- Baker, Lawrence
- Baldridge, Thomas
- Baldry, Robert
- Baldwin, John
- Baley, Temperance
- Ball, Henry
- Ball, Joseph
- Ball, William
- Ballard, Thomas
- Ballard, Thomas Jr
- Balthropp, Christopher
- Banister, William
- Barbar, William
- Barber, Francis
- Barber, John
- Barber. Thomas
- Barham, Anthony
- Barker, William
- Batte, Henry
- Beheathland, Robert
- Branch, Christopher
- Burnham, Rowland
- Burroughs, Benoni
- Burroughs, Christopher
- Burrowes, Charles
- Burwell, Edward
- Burwell, Lewis
- Bush, John
- Bushopp, John
- Bushrod, Thomas
- Butler, William
- Bye, Thomas
- Byrd, William I
- Calthrope, Christopher
- Calvert, George
- Canfield, Robert
- Cant, David
- Cant, John
- Carsley, Henry
- Carter, Edward
- Carter, John
- Carter, Robert (King)
- Carter, William
- Carver, William
- Cary, Miles
- Cary, William
- Castle, Robert
- Catchmaid, George
- Catchmaie, George
- Catlett, John
- Caufield, William
- Caufleld, Robert
- Caulthropp, Christopher
- Causey, Thomas
- Cawsey, Nathaniel
- Ceely, Thomas
- Ceney, Henry
- Challis, Edward
- Chamberlain, Thomas
- Chamberlaine, Francis
- Champion, William
- Chandler, John
- Chaplaine, Isaack
- Chapman, William
- Charlton, Stephen
- Cheesman, Edmund
- Cheesman, John
- Cheesman, Thomas
- Chew, John
- Chicheley, Sir Henry
- Claiborne, William
- Clay, John Thomas
- Cox(e), William
- Coxe, Richard
- Crashaw, Rawleigh
- Craven, Richard
- Edloe, Matthew
- Edmundson, Thomas
- Edwards, William ward
- Elay, Lancelot
- Elliott, Anthony
- Elliott, David
- Ellis, David
- Ellyson, Robert
- Emerson, Ellis
- Emerson, William
- English, John
- English, William
- Eppes, Francis I
- Essington, William
- Evans, Robert
- Evelyn, Robert
- Eyre, Robert
- Fairfax, William
- Fantlaroy, Moore
- Fareley/Farley, Thomas
- Farlowe, Thomas
- Farmer, Thomas
- Farrar, John
- Farrar, William
- Fauntleroy, Moore
- Fawcett, Thomas
- Fawdone, George
- Feild, Peter
- Felgate, Robert
- Fenwick, Jane
- Ferrar, William
- Filmer, Henry
- Finch, Henry
- Fisher, John
- Fitchett, John
- Fitzhugh, William
- Fleet, Elizabeth
- Fleete, Henry
- Fleete, William
- Fletcher, George
- Flint, Richard
- Flint, Thomas
- Flood/Fludd, John
- Flowerdew, Temperance
- Flynt, Thomas
- Foliott, Edward
- Follis, Thomas
- Ford, Richard
- Fossett, Thomas
- Gascoigne (Gaskins),Thomas
- George, John
- Harris, Thomas
- Hayney, Richard
- Hayrick, Thomas
- Hayward/Heyward/Howard, John
- Hayward, Samuel
- Heale, George
- Henley, Reynold
- Heyrick, Thomas
- Heyricke, Henry
- Hicks, Robert
- Higginson, Humphrey
- Hill, Edward
- Hill, Edward II
- Hill, Edward Jr
- Hill, Edward Sr
- Hill, Edward I
- Hill, John
- Hill, Nicholas
- Hill, Richard
- Hill, Thomas
- Hinton, Thomas
- Hobbes, Francis
- Hobson, John
- Hockaday, William
- Hoddin, John
- Hodges, Thomas
- Hoe/Hooe, Rice
- Holden, John Southey
- Holder, Richard
- Holiday, Anthony
- Holland, Gabriel
- Holland, John
- Holliday, Anthony
- Holmewood, John
- Holt, Randall
- Holt, Robert
- Holt, Thomas
- Hone, Theophilus
- Hooke, Francis
- Hooker, William
- Hopkins, Stephen
- Horsey, Stephen
- Horsmanden, Warham
- Hoskins, Bartholomew
- Horton, Thomas
- Horwood, William
- Hoskins, Anthony
- Hough, Francis
- Howe, John
- Hubbard, Robert
- Huberd, Robert
- Huft, Nathaniel
- Iverson, Abraham
- Knott, James
- Knowles, John
- Lovelace, William
- Lygon (Ligon), Thomas
- Madison, Isaac
- Mainsfield, David
- Mallett, James
- Major, Edward
- Mansell, David
- Mansill, Daniel
- Marble, George
- Marlott, Thomas
- Marshall, Robert
- Marshall, William
- Martiau, Nicholas
- Martin, John
- Mathews, Samuel
- Matthews, Frances Greville
- Mills, Henry
- Milner, Francis
- Milner, Thomas
- Minge, James
- Mole, Samuel
- Montague, Peter
- Moone, John
- More, Sir George
- Moseley, Arthur
- Moseley, William
- Mottrom, John
- Meriwether, Nicholas
- Nicholson, Col. Francis
- Nicholson, Sir Francis
- Norsworthy, Tristram
- Pace, Richard
- Page, Francis
- Page, John
- Page, Matthew
- Parke, Daniel
- Parker, William
- Parry, William
- Passmore, Thomas
- Parke, Daniel II
- Pate, John
- Pate, Richard
- Pate, Thomas
- Paule, Thomas
- Piercy, Abraham
- Pitt, Robert
- Pitt, Thomas
- Pocahontas/Matoake/Mrs. John Rolfe
- Powell, Capt. Nathaniel
- Poythres, Francis
- Prescott, Edward
- Presley, Peter
- Presley, William
- Price, Arthur
- Price, John
- Price, Walter
- Prince, Edward
- Reynolds, Christopher
- Rolfe, John
- Thompson, John
- Walthall, Richard
- Warren, Thomas
- Whitaker, Richard
- Whitaker, Walter
- Whitaker, William
- Woodson, John
Dropped ancestors
From http://www.jamestowne.org/added-and-dropped-ancestors.html
The following individuals have been dropped from the list of Qualifying Ancestors. Usually the reason is that it is now believed that they have no living descendants.
- Thomas Goodwyn, Jr.
- John White - A8708; died 1676, James City Co.: 1642 (Burgess); Jamestowne Island: 1642 (Landowner). Has been found to have no issue. - Mar 2017.
- John Browning [d. by 1646; Elizabeth City Co.: 1629, Harrop: 1630 (Burgess).] Has been found to have no descendants. - June 2016.
- William White was dropped because his issue is unknown - May 2016.
- John Harris was dropped - April 2016.
- Francis West was dropped because primary records do not exist as far as we know for his children.
- Thomas Farmer dropped
- Four Ancestors Removed - Jeremy / Jeremie / Jeremiah Clement / Clements has been removed from the qualifying ancestor list because he has no known descendants;
- Cornelius Lloyd / Loyd (b. 1608, d. 1654 Lower Norfolk) has no known issue;
- Samuel Jordan (1619 Burgess, d. by Apr 1623 Charles City) has no proven surviving issue;
- Anthony Jones (d. ca 1649 Isle of Wight; 1640, 1643 Burgess) had no issue.
- Three ancestors removed - George Jordan was removed since he had no surviving issue;
- Francis Yarly died without issue;
- John Slaughter has no proven descendants and no known records establish any connection of a Richard, Francis or William Slaughter who lived in Nansemond.
- Qualifying Ancestor removed: John Rogers who was a Burgess has no proven descendants. The John Rogers who died in Surry County has not been proven to the same who served as a Burgess from James City.