Death record: Born 09. 12. 1896* Last residence before deportation: Prague VIII* Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague VIII, Na Báni 1/1541* Transport X, no. 195 (12. 02. 1942, Prag...
Testimony: Elsa Baumel was born in Leskau, Czechoslovakia to Paula. Prior to WWII she lived in Decin, Czechoslovakia.* Elsa was murdered in the Shoah.* This information is based on a Page of Testimony ...
Death record: Born 02. 03. 1901* Last residence before deportation: Prague XI* Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague XI, Jeseniova 104* Transport E, no. 528 (03. 11. 1941, Prague ->...
Marriage record: PLZEŇ (o. Plzeň-město) 1551 O 1874-1910 (i v letech 1908-1910 pro každý rok)(166/304)Death record: Born 29. 01. 1872* Last residence before deportation: Prague II* Address/place of r...
Marriage record: ŽATEC (o. Louny) 2462 O 1896-1949 (66/107)Death record: Born 13. 04. 1874* Last residence before deportation: Pilsen * Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Pilsen* Trans...
This project seeks to list representatives of all of the Jewish families from the village of Lestkov (Leskau) in Tachov District in the Plzeň Region, Bohemia, in the Czech Republic.
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