The Murtal District formed in Steiermark (Styria), January 1, 2012, through a merger of the former districts of Judenburg and Knittelfeld.
About 200 vital records for the Jews of the Murtal district are among those of the Jewish Community of Graz, Austria.
Victims of Nazi Persecution
- Adler, Frida (? Germany - ); wife of Heinrich Adler; resident of Judenburg
- Adler, Heinrich (? Germany - ); resident of Judenburg
- Berkowitz, Heinrich (1913 Judenburg ); resided at Salzburg, Kaserngasse 3; Dachau Prisoner 22535; Emigration Application 1938 Fragenbogen (birth record not yet found)
- Bloch (Posamentier), Gisella (1878 Judenburg - 1942 Maly Trosinets)
- Eisler (Schlemel), Maria (1880 Judenburg - 1927 Graz); lived in Graz and died before the war; reported as deported to Terezin. Reported to Yadvashem and Dokumentationsarchiv des Österreichischen Widerstandes as a mistake.
- Fischbach, Josef (1914 Judenburg - ); resided in Villach from 1914 until 1930, then in Vienna; Emigration Application Vienna 1938 Fragenbogen 43263/17793/5368
- Fischer, Hugo (1896 Judenburg - ); resided 1896-1903 in Judenburg, 1903-1924 in Czechoslovakia, then 1924-1938 in Vienna; Emigration Application 1938 Fragenbogen 6618
- Gottlieb, Leopold (1883 Judenburg - 1970); resided at Graz, Bockmanngasse 11; Dachau Prisoner 22693; Emigration Application 1938 Fragenbogen
- Gottlieb, Rudolf (1888 Judenburg - 1944 Auschwitz); Emigration Application 1938 Fragenbogen
- Gruber, Heinrich (1896 Judenburg - ); resided at Judenburg, Feldgasse; Emigration Application Judenburg/Graz 1939 Fragenbogen 15239/11843
- Gruber, Helmut (1928 Judenburg - ); resided at Judenburg, Feldgasse; Emigration Application Judenburg/Graz 1939 Fragenbogen 15239/11843
- Gruber, Oskar (1907 Judenburg - ); resided at Judenburg, Kaserngasse 17; Emigration Application Judenburg 1938 Fragenbogen 15240
- Gruber, Trude (1921 Wien - ); resided at Judenburg, Feldgasse; Emigration Application Judenburg/Graz 1939 Fragenbogen 15239/11843
- Gruber (Herb), Marie (1900 Wien - ); resided at Judenburg, Feldgasse; Emigration Application Judenburg/Graz 1939 Fragenbogen 15239/11843
- Grün (Posamentier), Paula (1886 Judenburg - Holocaust); resident of Prague
- Hayek (Morawetz), Bertha (1875 Judenburg - Holocaust); resided at Wien 7, Kandlgasse 16/11; deported to Riga 1941 (Haaek?)
- Hochberger (Kiesel), Rehla (1903 Przemysl - ); resided in Judenberg; Illegal Emigration to Palestine 1939
- Jaul, Alfons (1929 Judenburg - 1942 Maly Trostinets); resided at Wien 2, Franz-Hochedlinger-Gasse 23/11
- Jaul, Hugo (1895 Stadtschlaining - 1939? Nisko); deported to Nisko 1939
- Jaul, Julius (1933 Judenburg - 1942 Maly Trostinets); resided at Wien 2, Franz-Hochedlinger-Gasse 23/11
- Jaul (Fellner), Katharine (1903 Pinnye - 1942 Maly Trostinets); resided at Wien 2, Franz-Hochedlinger-Gasse 23/11
- Kiesel, Arnold (1909 Judenburg - ); resided in Judenburg; Emigration Application 1938 Fragenbogen 15241; Illegal Emigration to Palestine 1939
- Kiesel, Fritz (1911 Judenburg - ); resided in Judenburg; Emigration Application 1938 Fragenbogen 15241; Emigrated? (nothing found after Fragenbogen)
- Kiesel, Samson (1876 Mosciska - ); resided at Judenburg, Kaserngasse 33; Emigration Application 1938 Fragenbogen 15241; Illegal Emigration to Palestine 1939
- Kiesel, Klara (1884 Radymna - ); resided at Judenburg, Kaserngasse 33; Emigration Application 1938 Fragenbogen 15241
- Kohn, Hugo (1910 Judenburg - ); resided at Leoben. Kärntner Strasse 15; Dachau Prisoner 23523; Emigration Application Leoben 1938 Fragenbogen 28711/19391
- Kohn (Váradi), Erika (1912 Leoben - ); resided at Leoben. Kärntner Strasse 15; Emigration Application 1938 Fragenbogen
- Kurtz (Kiesel), Taube (1906 Przemysl - ); resided in Judenberg; Illegal Emigration to Palestine 1939
- Löwy (Bauer), Rosa (1872 Judenburg - 1944 Theresienstadt); resided in Szeged until 1912 and then in Vienna; resided at Wien 12. Korbergasse 2 I./9 then Wien 2, Ybbstrasse 10/5; Emigration Application Vienna 1938 Fragenbogen 15864
- Löwy (Bloch), Lydia (1904 Judenburg - 1970 Portland, Oregon); resided at Salzburg, Franz Josefstrasse 12/II; Emigration Application Salzburg 1938 Fragenbogen 28158
- Löwy (Rosenberg), Olga (1896 Judenburg - Holocaust); resided at Wien 1, Sterngasse 11; deported to Riga
- Metzger, Hermann (1911 Judenburg - ); Emigration Application 1938 Fragenbogen 10145/10603
- Metzger, Osias (1903 Judenburg - ); Emigration Application 1938 Fragenbogen 10145/10603
- Metzger, Salo (1902 Judenburg - ); Emigration Application 1938 Fragenbogen 10145/10603
- Metzger, Samuel (1868 Sambor - ); Emigration Application 1938 Fragenbogen 10145/10603
- Metzger (Brotfeld), Fanny (1870 Boryslaw - ); Emigration Application 1938 Fragenbogen 10145/10603
- Morawetz, Julius (1877 Judenburg - 1951 Queens, New York); resided in Vienna since 1888; Emigration Application 1939 Fragenbogen 54754
- Morawetz, Leopold (1880 Judenburg - 1962 New York); resided in Vienna since 1888; Emigration Application Vienna 1939 Fragenbogen 54753
- Morawetz, Rudolf (1879 Judenburg - 1941 New York); resided in Judenburg 1879-1887 then in Vienna; Emigration Application Vienna 1938 Fragenbogen 20308/23715/2739 (33 pages)
- Müller (Posamentier), Johanna (1888 Judenburg - 1942)
- Pfeifer, Rafael (1901 Judenburg - 1943 Auschwitz) (Birth in Catholic register) ITS Tracing and documentation case no. 757.204; his family appears to have been Catholic, but he and his parents perished at Auschwitz
- Pollak (Gottlieb), Olga (1885 Judenburg - 1983 London); resided in Wien
- Posamentier, Adolf Otto (1920 Judenburg - ); Emigration Application 1938 Fragenbogen
- Posamentier, Liselotte (1933 Judenburg - 1941 Poland); Emigration Application 1938 Fragenbogen
- Posamentier, Max (1886 Judenburg - 1963 Australia); resided at Judenburg, Erich-Fegicestr 20; Dachau Prisoner 17124/22906; Emigration Application 1938 Fragenbogen
- Posamentier (Insel), Elsa (1898 Knittelfeld - 1941); Emigration Application 1938 Fragenbogen
- Resler (Rössler), Adolf Isidor (1921 Judenburg - 1945 Mauthausen); resident of Belgium, where he was a student prior to deportation to Auschwitz
- Schlemel, Gustav (1876 Zeltweg - c. 1942 Lodz?)
- Schlemel, Walter (1908 Judenburg - 1938 Wien); converted to Catholicism in 1935; committed suicide in Vienna 14 March 1938
- Spies (Posamentier), Blanka (1907 Judenburg - United States); resided at Riga, Kronvalda bulvāris 10; emigrated to the United States
- Steiner, Helene (1895 Bruck an der Mur - Holocaust); resided at Judenburg, Oberweggasse 12; deported from Wien to Opatow 1941
- Zucker, Walter (1912 Judenburg - ); resided at Wien XII, Malfattig. 5; Dachau Prisoner 16773
- Bibring, Heinrich (1893 Klagenfurt - ); resided at Knittelfeld, Bahnstrasse 43; Dachau Prisoner 23642; Emigration Application 1938; Illegal immigration to British Mandate for Palestine
- Bibring, Max (1895 Klagenfurt - ); resided at Knittelfeld, Bahnstrasse 43; Dachau Prisoner 23641 (name mispelled as Bibing); Emigration Application 1938
- Biro (Gottlieb), Sofie (1873 Knittelfeld - 1943 Theresienstadt); resided at Wien 9, Seegasse 9
- Brown (Braun), Herbert (1900 Knittelfeld - 2005 Philadelphia); resided at Hermagor 148; Dachau Prisoner; one-time holder of Guiness World Record for longest marriage
- Geisner (?), Yvette (1923 Knittelfeld - ); AJDC Munich DP Emigration Card; emigrated to USA 1947; no birth record found
- Glueck (Politzer), Henriette Alberta (1912 Knittelfeld - ); deported from Nitra to Rejowiec 1942/04/16
- Glueck (Politzer), Lona (1908 Knittelfeld - ); deported from Nitra to Rejowiec 1942/04/16
- Gruber (Thalenberg), Sidonie (1913 Knittelfeld - ); resided at Judenburg, Kaserngasse 17; Emigration Application Judenburg 1938 Fragenbogen 15240
- Gutmann (Hacker), Martha (1900 St. Polten - Holocaust); wife of Max Gutmann; resident of Austria
- Gutmann, Max (1892 Kowel, Poland - 1939 Buchenwald) shop assistant living in Knittelfeld
- Huppert, Walter Erich (1907 Knittelfeld - Auschwitz); resident of Paris; deported to Auschwitz 1942/11/11
- Kessler, Oskar (1899 Knittelfeld - Holocaust); deported from France to unknown camp
- Klein, Alfred (1902 Knittelfeld - ); resided at Knittelfeld, Herrengasse 8; Dachau Prisoner 25001
- Korn, Adolf (1892 Krakow - ); resided at Knittelfeld, Bahnstrasse 17; deported from Wien to Opatow 1941
- Konstandt (Braun), Olga (1899 Knittelfeld - Holocaust) resident of Vienna; transported 1941/10/15 to Lodz
- Pollitzer Glueck (Klein), Katharina (1874 Stadtschlaining - Holocaust); deported from Nitra to Rejowiec 1942/04/16
- Posamentier (Insel), Elsa (1898 Judenburg - 1941 Poland)
- Rechnitzer, Lona (1909 Knittelfeld,- Holocaust); transported Nitra to Rejowiec 1942/04/16
Prisoners in the Murtal District
- Copervich, Israel (1915 Bedzin - 1944 Judenburg); furrier who was a resident of Olkusz, Poland
- Horvath, Gyorgy (1922 Szeged - ); auto mechanic who lived in Kistelek, Hungary; survived Judenburg camp and returned to Kistelec after the war
- Copervich, Israel (1915 Będzin, Poland - 1944 Judenburg) resident of Olkusz, Poland murdered in Judenburg
- Luria, Leopold (1887 ); issue with Page of Testimony transcription reported to Yad Vashem
- Luria, Mordekhai (c. 1940 Kaisersdorf - 1945); in Knittelfeld during the war
- Luria, NN (c. 1939 Kaisersdorf - 1942); in Knittelfeld during the war
- Malek, Jozsef (1921 - Judenburg); resident of Bartfalva amd possibly Maramrossziget
- Markus, Denes (1904 Ujpest - ); mechanic who resided at Budapest, Bajza utca 47.; survived Judenburg camp and returned to Budapest
- Neumann, Bela (1922 Hajduboszormeny - 1945 Judenburg)
- Petlizki, Mina (? Kowno - ); resided in Paris; she survived Judenburg camp
- Schlesinger, Elias (1894 Agard - 1944 Flossenbürg); was at Poels Ob Judenburg Nr. 98 during the war; deported from Hungary to Flossenbürg 1944