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Jewish families from Drmoul (Dürrmaul), Bohemia, Czech Republic

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  • Regina Horowitz (deceased)
    Marriage record: 352 DRMOUL (o. Cheb) N 1839-1873 O 1840-1872 Z 1840-1873 NOZ 1874-1934, 1936 (33/302)
  • Richard Horowitz (1875 - d.)
    Birth record: 352 DRMOUL (o. Cheb) N 1839-1873 O 1840-1872 Z 1840-1873 NOZ 1874-1934, 1936 (58/302)
  • Kamilla Löbl (1873 - 1942)
    Birth record: 352 DRMOUL (o. Cheb) N 1839-1873 O 1840-1872 Z 1840-1873 NOZ 1874-1934, 1936 (23/302) Born 20. 06. 1873 Last residence before deportation: Prague XIII Address/place of registratio...
  • Dr. Max Horowitz (1869 - 1936)
    Birth record: 352 DRMOUL (o. Cheb) N 1839-1873 O 1840-1872 Z 1840-1873 NOZ 1874-1934, 1936 (23/302)
  • Emil Horowitz (1867 - 1923)
    Birth record: 352 DRMOUL (o. Cheb) N 1839-1873 O 1840-1872 Z 1840-1873 NOZ 1874-1934, 1936 (22/302) Marriage record: 599 Chomutov, o. Chomutov O 1896-1949 (14/45)

This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Drmoul (Dürrmaul) in Bohemia, Czech Republic.

Record books: []

  • 350 N 1842-1867
  • 351 Z 1842-1867
  • 352 N 1839-1873 O 1840-1872 Z 1840-1873 NOZ 1874-1934, 1936

Volunteer website and electronic database of Czech and Moravian Jewish cemeteries