Birth record HBMa 1181 image 56/102 p53 #184Gustav Löwy* Born 11. 02. 1868* last residence before deportation: Řevnice* address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague VII, Poupětova 1332* Tr...
1921 Žatec census:
SL1921 Žatec Jahr der Volkszählung: 1921 Ort: Žatec Hausnummern: 826-895 (25/312)
Ludwig Löwi's house in Saaz/Žatec at Prager Straße 830 (today Pražská) was aryanized in 1938.
Birth record: 1182 MAŠŤOV (o. Chomutov) N 1883-1895 (10/17)
Death record:
Born 28. 02. 1889
Last residence before deportation: Kaznějov
Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Pil...
Marriage record: PRAHA 2709 O 1913 (i) (44/66)
Born 18. 01. 1878
Last residence before deportation: Prague I
Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague I, Salvatorská 2
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Mašťov (Maschau) in Bohemia, Czech Republic.
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