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Kolkata Metropolitan Development Authority (KMDA), is the statutory planning and development authority for the Kolkata Metropolitan Area (KMA) under provisions of the West Bengal Town and Country (Planning & Development) Act, 1979. It is today the prime agency for planning, promoting and developing the KMA. Besides the planning and implementation of selected schemes, KMDA is also engaged in preparation of existing land Use Maps and Registers (lUMR), Outline Development Plans (ODP) and land Use Development Control Plans (lUDCP). KMDA's role is mu!ti disciplinary -it is the agency of city planning, it sculpts new areas and townships, it develops physical infrastructure as well as provide basic services like water, drainage, and waste management. Besides these, KMDA is also the Technical Secretariat to Kolkata Metropolitan Planning Committee (KMPC), being the first of its kind in India, constituted under the West Bengal Metropolitan Planning Committee Act, 1994. So far KMDA has created infrastructure costing more than Rs.20,000 million, the beneficial impacts of which have not only been far and wide but also inclusive so as to reach the benefits to all sections of people in KMA. In course of preparation of LUDCPs, KMDA has also formulated Land Use Prescriptions and framed Development Control Regulations for delineated Development Control Zones.

All development proposals within 500 metres on either side of Highways / Expressways shall need the permission from KMDA. The Agency is playing a key role in the planning and development of urban infrastructure within Kolkata Metropolitan Area (KMA). Given that the KMA covers an area of 1,785 sq. km. and a population of around 14 million, implementation of plans has been a massive task. Moreover, Kolkata's long history as a colonial city, and its unplanned growth over the centuries, had resulted in the KMDA inheriting a chaotic civic entity with deteriorating urban environment. The Agency has recently prepared the draft perspective plan titled "VISION- 2025". The plan visualises the future urban structure and also lists out the development strategies to be adopted for the purpose. KMDA has also been engaged in upgrades to the existing infrastructure and to provision of newer urban infrastructure and services. The infrastructure projects undertaken by the KMDA are mainly in the field of Water Supply, Sewerage, Drainage and Sanitation, Traffic & Transportation, New Area Development, Commercial Development and Real Estate.

Recently, under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM), the KMDA has become the nodal agency for infrastructure projects on Urban Renewal in the State comprising of two components: viz. Urban Infrastructure and Governance; and Basic Services to the Urban Poor. Projects worth some Rs 70000 million have been lined up by the State Government for implementation over the next 5 years.