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Kutztown University of Pennsylvania

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  • Amanda Balionis
    Amanda Jacqueline Balionis (born June 20, 1985) is an American sports journalist. She is a CBS Sports reporter for golf, college football, and the National Football League. She also served as a repor...

Kutztown University of Pennsylvania (Kutztown University or KU) is a public university in Kutztown, Pennsylvania. It is part of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) and is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.

Founded in 1866, Kutztown University began as the Keystone Normal School based out of the presently-named Old Main Building and specializing in teacher education; in 1928, its name was changed to Kutztown State Teachers College. The school eventually expanded its programs outside education to be christened Kutztown State College in 1960 and finally, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania in 1983.

Between four undergraduate colleges and graduate studies, Kutztown University now offers programs in the liberal arts and sciences, the visual and performing arts, business, education, and certain graduate studies. Eight intercollegiate men's sports and thirteen women's sports compete within the NCAA Division II and the Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference (PSAC).