Talvik Locality Project
Genealogy project for Talvik, Norway
Talvik village projects
No village projects yet.
Regional Locality Projects
Alta I
Berlevåg I Båtsfjord I Gamvik I Hammerfest I Hasvik I Karasjok I Kautokeino I Kvalsund I Lebesby I Loppa I Måsøy I Nesseby I Nordkapp I Nord-Varanger I Polmak I Porsanger I Sør-Varanger I Sørøysund I Talvik I Tana I Vadsø I Vardø Kola Peninsula: Alakurtti I Apatity I Gadzhiyevo I Kandalaksha I Kildinstroy I Kirovsk I Kola I Kovdor I Lovozero I Mezhdurechye I Molochny I Monchegorsk I Murmansk I Murmashi I Notozero I Olenegorsk I Ostrovnoy I Polyarny I Polyarnye Zori I Pushnoy I Severomorsk I Snezhnogorsk I Teriberka I Tumanny I Tuloma I Umba I Ura-Guba I Varzuga I Vidyayevo I Verkhnetulomsky I Zaozyorsk I Zarechensk I Zelenoborsky Lapland: Alatornio I Enontekiö I Inari I Karunki I Kemi I Kemijärvi I Kemi rural municipality I Kittilä I Kolari I Muonio I Pelkosenniemi I Pello I Posio I Ranua I Rovaniemi I Salla I Savukoski I Simo I Sodankylä I Tervola I Tornio I Turtola I Utsjoki I Ylitornio I Norrbotten: Arjeplog I Arvidsjaur I Boden I Edefors I Gällivare I Haparanda I Hietaniemi I Hortlax I Jokkmokk I Jukkasjärvi I Junosuando I Karesuando I Karl Gustav-Karungi I Kiruna I Korpilombolo I Luleå town I Nederkalix I Nederluleå I Nedertorneå I Norrfjärden I Pajala I Piteå town I Piteå rural municipality I Råneå I Tärendö I Töre I Älvsbyn I Överkalix I Överluleå I Övertorneå I Pechenga: Korzunovo I Nikel I Pechenga I Songelsk I Zapolyarny Troms: Andørja I Astafjord I Balsfjord I Bardu I Berg I Bjarkøy I Dyrøy I Gratangen I Harstad I Helgøy I Hillesøy I Ibestad I Karlsøy I Kvæfjord I Kvænangen I Kåfjord I Lavangen I Lenvik I Lyngen I Malangen I Målselv I Nordreisa I Salangen I Sandtorg I Skjervøy I Skånland I Storfjord I Sørreisa I Torsken I Tranøy I Tromsø I Tromsøysund I Trondenes I Ullsfjorden I Øverbygd
Finland and Karelia
Introduction to Talvik
Alta-Talvik (or the historic: Alten-Talvig) is a former municipality in Finnmark county, Norway. The 3,849-square-kilometre (1,486 sq mi) municipality existed from 1838 until its dissolution in 1863. It was located along the Altafjorden and the river Altaelva with the same borders as the present-day Alta Municipality. The administrative centre was the village of Alta (in 2000, the village was declared a town). The European route E6 highway runs through the area today.
The parish of Alten-Talvig was established as a municipality on 1 January 1838 (see formannskapsdistrikt). According to the 1835 census, the area had a population of 3,085.[3] In 1863, the municipality of Alten-Talvig was dissolved and its area was split to create two new municipalities: Alten (population: 2,442) in the south and Talvig (population: 1,938) in the north. The two municipalities lasted for 101 years independently. During the 1960s, there were many municipal mergers across Norway due to the work of the Schei Committee. On 1 January 1964, Talvik and Alta were merged back together to form the present-day Alta Municipality.
Talviks lokalitetsprosjekt
Slektsforskningsprosjekt for Talvik.
Talviks landsbyprosjekter
Ingen byprosjekt ennå.
Regionale lokalitetsprosjekter
Alta I
Berlevåg I
Båtsfjord I
Gamvik I
Hammerfest I
Hasvik I
Karasjok I
Kautokeino I
Kvalsund I
Lebesby I
Loppa I
Måsøy I
Nesseby I
Nordkapp I
Nord-Varanger I
Polmak I
Porsanger I
Sør-Varanger I
Sørøysund I
Talvik I
Tana I
Vadsø I
Alakurtti I
Apatity I
Gadzjijevo I
Kandalaksja I
Kildinstroi I
Kirovsk I
Kola I
Kovdor I
Lovozero I
Mezjduretsje I
Molotsjnyi I
Montsjegorsk I
Murmansk I
Murmasji I
Notozero I
Olenegorsk I
Ostrovnoj I
Poljarnyj I
Poljarnye Zori I
Pusjnoj I
Severomorsk I
Snezjnogorsk I
Teriberka I
Tumannyj I
Tuloma I
Umba I
Ura-Guba I
Varzuga I
Vidjajevo I
Verhnetulomskij I
Zaoziorsk I
Zaretsjensk I
Alatornio I
Enontekiö I
Inari I
Karunki I
Kemi I
Kemijärvi I
Kemi landkommune I
Kittilä I
Kolari I
Muonio I
Pelkosenniemi I
Pello I
Posio I
Ranua I
Rovaniemi I
Salla I
Savukoski I
Simo I
Sodankylä I
Tervola I
Tornio I
Turtola I
Utsjoki I
Ylitornio I
Arjeplog I
Arvidsjaur I
Boden I
Edefors I
Gällivare I
Haparanda I
Hietaniemi I
Hortlax I
Jokkmokk I
Jukkasjärvi I
Junosuando I
Karesuando I
Karl Gustav-Karungi I
Kiruna I
Korpilombolo I
Luleå stad I
Nederkalix I
Nederluleå I
Nedertorneå I
Norrfjärden I
Pajala I
Piteå stad I
Piteå landkommune I
Råneå I
Tärendö I
Töre I
Älvsbyn I
Överkalix I
Överluleå I
Övertorneå I
Korzunovo I
Nikel I
Songelsk I
Andørja I
Astafjord I
Balsfjord I
Bardu I
Berg I
Bjarkøy I
Dyrøy I
Gratangen I
Harstad I
Helgøy I
Hillesøy I
Ibestad I
Karlsøy I
Kvæfjord I
Kvænangen I
Kåfjord I
Lavangen I
Lenvik I
Lyngen I
Malangen I
Målselv I
Nordreisa I
Salangen I
Sandtorg I
Skjervøy I
Skånland I
Storfjord I
Sørreisa I
Torsken I
Tranøy I
Tromsø I
Tromsøysund I
Trondenes I
Ullsfjorden I
Finland og Karelen
Introduksjon til Talvik
Alta-Talvik (or the historic: Alten-Talvig) is a former municipality in Finnmark county, Norway. The 3,849-square-kilometre (1,486 sq mi) municipality existed from 1838 until its dissolution in 1863. It was located along the Altafjorden and the river Altaelva with the same borders as the present-day Alta Municipality. The administrative centre was the village of Alta (in 2000, the village was declared a town). The European route E6 highway runs through the area today.
The parish of Alten-Talvig was established as a municipality on 1 January 1838 (see formannskapsdistrikt). According to the 1835 census, the area had a population of 3,085.[3] In 1863, the municipality of Alten-Talvig was dissolved and its area was split to create two new municipalities: Alten (population: 2,442) in the south and Talvig (population: 1,938) in the north. The two municipalities lasted for 101 years independently. During the 1960s, there were many municipal mergers across Norway due to the work of the Schei Committee. On 1 January 1964, Talvik and Alta were merged back together to form the present-day Alta Municipality.
Talmulahden paikkakuntaprojekti
Talmulahden sukututkimusprojekti.
Rekisteröidy paikkakuntaprojektin lisäksi suurempaan kokonaisuuteen, koko Suomen ja Karjalan sukupuuta rakentavaan Suomi ja Karjala -projektiin, sekä soveltuviin kyläprojekteihin (lista alla). Projekteihin liittyminen: kullakin projektisivulla klikkaa Toiminnot > Liity projektiin.
Talmulahden kyläprojekteja
Ei vielä kyläprojekteja.
Alueen paikkakuntaprojekteja
Alattio I
Etelä-Varanki I
Gamvik I
Hammerfest I
Hasviika I
Kaarasjoki I
Kappa I
Koutokeino I
Lappea I
Lebespyy I
Moseija I
Paattivuono I
Pohjois-Varanki I
Porsanki I
Pulmanki I
Päärlyvooki I
Sørøysund I
Talmulahti I
Teno I
Uuniemi I
Valasnuora I
Vesisaari I
Kuolan niemimaa:
Alakurtti I
Apatiitti I
Gadžijevo I
Hiipinä I
Kantalahti I
Kildinstroi I
Koutero I
Kuola I
Luujärvi I
Mežduretšje I
Molotšnyi I
Montšegorsk I
Murmansk I
Murmaši I
Nuorttijärvi I
Olenegorsk I
Ostrovnoi I
Poljarnyi I
Poljarnyje Zori I
Pušnoi I
Severomorsk I
Snežnogorsk I
Tumannyi I
Turjanperä I
Tuuloma I
Umpi I
Uura I
Varzuga I
Vidjajevo I
Ylä-Tuuloma I
Zaozjorsk I
Zaretšensk I
Alatornio I
Enontekiö I
Inari I
Karunki I
Kemi I
Kemijärvi I
Kemin maaseurakunta I
Kittilä I
Kolari I
Muonio I
Pelkosenniemi I
Pello I
Posio I
Ranua I
Rovaniemi I
Salla I
Savukoski I
Simo I
Sodankylä I
Tervola I
Tornio I
Turtola I
Utsjoki I
Ylitornio I
Alakainuu I
Alaluulaja I
Alatornio I
Arjeplog I
Arvidsjaur I
Boden I
Edefors I
Haaparanta I
Hietaniemi I
Hurttalahti I
Jokimukka I
Jukkasjärvi I
Junosuvanto I
Jällivaara I
Kaaresuvanto I
Karl Gustav-Karunki I
Kiiruna I
Korpilompolo I
Luulajan kaupunki I
Norrfjärden I
Pajala I
Piitimen kaupunki I
Piitimen maalaiskunta I
Rauna I
Täräntö I
Töre I
Ylikainuu I
Yliluulaja I
Ylitornio I
Älvsbyn I
Korzunovo I
Nikkeli I
Petsamo I
Suonikylä I
Andørja I
Astafjord I
Berg I
Bjarkøy I
Dyrøy I
Gratangen I
Harstad I
Helgøy I
Hillesøy I
Ibestad I
Kaivuono I
Kalsa I
Kierua I
Kvæfjord I
Lavangen I
Lenvik I
Malankivuono I
Moskivuono I
Målselv I
Naavuono I
Omasvuono I
Paatsivuono I
Perttula I
Raisi I
Raisivuono I
Salangen I
Sandtorg I
Skånland I
Torsken I
Tranøy I
Tromssa I
Tromsøysund I
Trondenes I
Yykeä I
Suuremmat kokonaisuudet
Johdanto Talmulahteen
Alta-Talvik (or the historic: Alten-Talvig) is a former municipality in Finnmark county, Norway. The 3,849-square-kilometre (1,486 sq mi) municipality existed from 1838 until its dissolution in 1863. It was located along the Altafjorden and the river Altaelva with the same borders as the present-day Alta Municipality. The administrative centre was the village of Alta (in 2000, the village was declared a town). The European route E6 highway runs through the area today.
The parish of Alten-Talvig was established as a municipality on 1 January 1838 (see formannskapsdistrikt). According to the 1835 census, the area had a population of 3,085.[3] In 1863, the municipality of Alten-Talvig was dissolved and its area was split to create two new municipalities: Alten (population: 2,442) in the south and Talvig (population: 1,938) in the north. The two municipalities lasted for 101 years independently. During the 1960s, there were many municipal mergers across Norway due to the work of the Schei Committee. On 1 January 1964, Talvik and Alta were merged back together to form the present-day Alta Municipality.