Lost and found in Croatia
This project is designed to re-unite families to lost individuals on the tree.
- How many of us had that "Uncle" or "Best Mate of Dads" that did not seem to have any family?
- How many times in your research do you find someone, who, is a mystery, you want to add him to the tree, but, have no idea where he/she belongs.
- Can also be used for families with the same surnames as your family who live in the same town as your ancestors.
This is a way to honour that person, and, a place where others can search to find their lost relative. If you have known them, a chance to share those times with those who did not have the chance.
How to add an individual.
- To add an individual, you can simply add another child to your father, and, then, delete the relationship. This will cause that individual to be isolated from your family, and, then you can fill in their details on the profile.
- Once you have all the details filled in, add the individual to this project. See here how to add a profile to a project.
At times we will leave a "spare" individual profile in the project that may be edited by you to add a new person. They will be called "Lost In Croatia 1" and so on.
The persons added to the project MUST be deceased, and the profile MUST be set to public.
What to do when you find someone here.
- If you find someone here who belongs to your tree, then contact the profile manager, who, hopefully will know this person, and can assist verification.
- Once you are sure that person belongs to your family, merge them to your tree, and contact us to remove them from the project.
The past is the past, and a time for healing is now. Thank you in advance for your contributions to this worthy project.
Lost and found in Split, Croatia
- Overview L&F Split, HR (Main profile) - Here you can see Descendants Report - a overview list of Descendants of Overview L&F Split, HR, created by Tomáš Kitlar
from Military records: subprofiles
- Lost and found in Split, Croatia, #1,
- Lost and found in Split, Croatia, #2,
- Lost and found in Split, Croatia, #3,
- Lost and found in Split, Croatia, #4,
Useful Links
Izgubljeni i pronađeni u Hrvatskoj
Ovaj je projekt osmišljen kako bi se obitelji spojile s izgubljenim osobama na stablu.
- Koliko je nas imalo taj "Ujak" ili "Najbolji Mate od Dada" koji izgleda kao da nemaju obitelj?
- Koliko puta u vašem istraživanju nalazite nekoga tko je tajna, želite ga dodati na stablo, ali nemate pojma gdje pripada.
- Može se koristiti i za obitelji s istim prezimena kao i vaša obitelj koja živi u istom gradu kao i vaši preci.
To je način da počastite tu osobu, i mjesto gdje drugi mogu tražiti da pronađu svoje izgubljene rođake. Ako ih poznajete, imamo priliku podijeliti ta vremena s onima koji nisu imali šansu.
Kako dodati pojedinca.
- Da biste dodali pojedinca, jednostavno možete dodati još jedno dijete ocu, a zatim izbrisati vezu. To će uzrokovati da se pojedinac izolira iz vaše obitelji, a zatim ih možete ispuniti na profilu.
- .Kada ispunite sve pojedinosti, dodajte pojedinca na ovaj projekt. Pogledajte ovdje kako dodati profil u projekt.
Ponekad ćemo ostaviti "rezervni" pojedinačni profil u projektu koji se može uređivati da biste dodali novu osobu. Nazvat ćemo ih sa "Lost In Croatia 1" i tako dalje.
Osobe koje su dodane u projekt MORAJU' biti podešene na pokojne (preminule), a niihov profil MORA biti podešen na javno.
Što učiniti kad nađete nekoga ovdje.
- Ako nađete nekoga ovdje koji pripada vašem stablu, obratite se upravitelju profila koji, nadamo se, znat će tu osobu i može vam pomoći u potvrđivanju.
- Kada budete sigurni da ta osoba pripada vašoj obitelji, spojite ih na svoje stablo i kontaktirajte nas kako bismo ih uklonili iz projekta.
Prošlost je prošlost i vrijeme je za ozdravljenje. Hvala unaprijed za vaš doprinos ovom vrijednom projektu.
Izgubljeni i pronađeni u Splitu, Hrvatska
- Overview L&F Split, HR (Glavni profil) - Here you can see Descendants Report - a overview list of Descendants of Overview L&F Split, HR, created by Tomáš Kitlar
from Military records: subprofiles
- Lost and found in Split, Croatia, #1,
- Lost and found in Split, Croatia, #2,
- Lost and found in Split, Croatia, #3,
- Lost and found in Split, Croatia, #4,