Louisiana Isleños - Canary Islands Immigrants (1778)
The Canary Islanders Heritage Society of Louisiana is a cultural, historical, and genealogical society dedicated to the promotion of the history and heritage of Canary Islanders. Further information on the group can be obtained at www.canaryislanders.org.
According to the society, the first seven ships departed the islands bound for Louisiana on July 10, 1778. Progenitors of many families whose descendants remain in the area were aboard. Names included: Aguilard, Albarado, Alberes, Acosta, Alleman, Carbo, Cavalier, Diez, Domingue, Falcon, Gomez, Gonzales, Hernandez, Hidalgo, Medine, Morales, Nunez, Rivere, Perera, Paisance, Ruiz, Sanchez, Serpas, Solar, Suarez, Torres, and Truxillo.
Estopinal suggested four books for further exploration on the topic: History of the Discovery and Conquest of Canary Islanders by Juan de Abreu Galindo; Guanches Survivors and Their Descendants by Jose Luis Concepcion; Guanches, Legend and Reality by J.P. Comacho; and Spain, Forgotten Ally of the American Revolution by Buchanan Parker Thomson.