This will include the extended family tree from the following ancestry roots:
Palmeri, Pascarella, Ragusa, Avallone, Premuto, Nero, Paterno & Lunapiena.
After many years as a part time Genealogy researcher (thank you to I believe either cousin Adriana Keizer and or Joseph Ragusa)...I now have a bit more time to work on this wonderful project. As you will see under many profile names (under Timeline & media), I have added many documents & photos I either had or found on line. Younger relatives need to be filled in as some of you have trees started but minors show up as private ( I understand not open to the general public) but I would love to add them. Some of you that are older (LOL like me) may have more information that you may want to share as well. If everyone contributes; generations to come will have quite a history lesson in one place!
To date I have 861 people in my tree! Of those, 389 are blood relatives, 63 ancestors and 14 descendants.
I would love to increase that to 1000 AND, more importantly, add more documents, pictures etc to make the research tree more complete and useful. Just reading those VERY detailed census records from 1900-1940 have given me some very valuable information. After that they are very generic at best.
I am going to try to invite any relative I know whose email I have. If you, they can help...that would be great! If not, feel free to at least browse through your lineage and correct any errors or marvel in some of the great information I have found!
Thank you in advance and hope to see your comments and additions!
Maria Elena Palmeri Premuto